

Houdininus · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs

The Fleeting Vistor

Sora's heart skipped a beat as he heard his father's voice through the phone. It had been a week since their last conversation, and the sound of his father's voice filled him with a sense of dread. His father only called him Cloud when something was wrong, or Sora had done something to upset him.

Nervously, Sora asked, "What is it, Dad?"

"We need to talk. Something important. Go find your brother, Nico, right now. There's no time to waste," his father replied in a serious tone.

"I don't have time to explain everything, Sora," his father replied urgently. "But you need to find your brother and get out of the city. There's no time to waste."

"Get out of the city? Why? What's going on?" Sora asked, feeling a sense of dread settling in the pit of his stomach.

"There's no time to explain. Just trust me, Sora. Find your brother and ask the man on the porch for a ride. He'll know what to do. The fate of the world rests on this."

And with that, his father hung up, leaving Sora with a sinking feeling in his gut.

Sora's heart raced as he realized that something terrible was happening. He rushed outside, heart pounding, and quickly made his way to the house. But quickly remembered his brother is at the park playing with friends. As he ran, the words from his dream were echoing through his mind: doomsday scenario, meteors falling from the sky. He knew what he had seen was real. The future he had seen in his dream was slowly coming together.

As Sora reached the park, he spotted Nico playing with his friends at the field. Quickly, he ran up to him, panting for breath. "Nico, we need to go now," he said, his voice shaking with fear.

Nico looked at him confused, "What happened, Sora?"

"We don't have much time, Dad said the world is ending, and we need to leave now," Sora urged him, pulling him away.

Nico, thinking this was some type of game, went along with it and followed after Sora quickly.

Sora's heart was pounding as he made his way to his house. He tried to move as fast as possible, hoping that he hadn't missed the man his father had mentioned. The man he had only meant a little while ago. When he finally reached his porch, he realized the man was gone. Panic set in as he tried to think of where he might have gone.

Sora replied, "I don't know, but we need to get out of here fast. We have to find a way to leave the city, and Dad told us to ask the man on the porch for a ride."

Nico's eyes widened, "The strange guy on our porch?"

Sora nodded, "Yes. But he's gone now, and I don't know where to find him. Do you have any ideas?"

Nico rubbed his eyes and thought for a moment, "Maybe we can drive out of the city on our own. Didn't dad teach you to drive last summer."

Sora was relieved, and that was a good idea.

They quickly got ready and went to the garage to see if Dad's car was there. As they searched, Sora spotted a note in the by the porch, It read, "Come to the gas station nearby your school. I'll give you guys a ride to where your parents are. From, Your Fleeting Vistor."

Sora's heart leaped with relief as he read the note. At least they had a lead on where to go. He quickly showed it to Nico, who read it over his shoulder while jiggling his dad's keys in hand.

"Looks like we're headed to the gas station," Nico said, excited to be part of what he thought was an adventure.

Sora nodded, still feeling uneasy about the situation. As they got into the car and started driving towards the gas station, he couldn't help but think about the dream he had had. What if it was all true? What if there was no hope for the world? The thoughts swirled around in his head, and he couldn't shake them off.

Nico's voice broke through his thoughts, "Sora, do you think we'll be okay?"

Sora tried to put on a brave face, "Of course, we'll be okay. We just have to keep moving forward."

Nico looked at him with a mix of uncertainty and trust, "Okay, I trust you, Sora."

Sora felt a pang of guilt. He had always tried to be there for Nico, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that he wasn't ready for what was to come. He couldn't protect his little brother from the unknown future.

As they arrived, Sora scanned the area, but there was no sign of anyone waiting for them. His heart sank as he realized that they were alone. He looked at Nico, who was staring at the empty parking lot with confusion.

"What's going on?" Nico asked, looking up at Sora.

Sora shook his head, "I don't know. The note said that someone would be here to give us a ride."

Nico looked around, "Maybe they went inside to get something to eat."

Sora heart skipped a beat at the thought that they might have missed their ride. "We have to find them," he said, grabbing Nico's hand.

They made their way to the door of the gas station, and as they pushed it open, a bell rang, announcing their arrival. The inside of the gas station was empty except for a cashier, who was busy restocking shelves.

"Excuse me," Sora said, approaching the cashier. "Did you happen to see anyone waiting for us outside?"

The cashier looked up and shook his head, "No, sorry. I've been here all day, and I haven't seen anyone waiting for a ride."

Sora's heart sank as he realized that they had been stood up. The note was a cruel joke, and they were left stranded at the gas station with no idea where to go or what to do next. He looked over at Nico, who was staring at the snacks on the shelves.

"Sora, can I get a candy bar?" Nico asked, tugging at his sleeve.

Sora forced a smile and nodded, "Sure, pick one out."

As Nico picked out a candy bar, Sora's mind raced with thoughts of the future he had seen. He knew that time was running out, and they needed to find a way out of the city before it was too late. But how?