

Houdininus · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs

A World That's Ending

Sora woke up from his nap groggy and disoriented. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, looking around his aunt's guest room with a heavy heart. For the past few days, he had been living in a weird dream state where he relived the same day over and over again. But he wasn't actually living it - he was experiencing it in his dreams.

It had started when he had a particularly vivid dream about his school day. In the dream, he hit the game winner in his basketball game, had fun with his friends, and even had a heart-to-heart with his crush. When he woke up, however, he was back at the beginning of the same day, and he had to go through it all over again.

He had thought it was a one-off occurrence at first, but it kept happening, day after day. Each night, he would dream of the next day, and when he woke up, he was back at the start of the current day. It was like living in a time loop.

As he got ready for school, Sora felt a twinge of sadness and frustration. This was not how he wanted to spend his days, trapped in a never-ending cycle of monotony. He couldn't imagine living like this for much longer.

At school, he went through the motions, knowing full well what was going to happen. He tried his best to change things up, to do things differently, but nothing seemed to make a difference. It was like the universe was determined to keep him in this purgatory.

When game time came, Sora felt an odd sense of detached calmness. He already knew how they played, thanks to his "dreams", and he breezed through the game with ease. But it didn't bring him any satisfaction or joy - just a sense of numbness.

As the day wore on, Sora found himself dreading the moment when he would fall asleep and be trapped in his dream again. He couldn't enjoy anything or anyone, knowing that it was all going to happen again tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that.

He longed for something to break him out of this cycle and free him from this nightmare. But until then, this was his reality - living the same day over and over again, trapped in his own mind.

He woke up again from his dream already knowing what's happen today as usual. His aunt had told him to hurry up and eat breakfast so he could catch the bus to school on time. Sora remembered her saying the same thing yesterday, but this time a lot more clearly. He thought it was a weird coincidence and never thought of it and then as he started to remember what happens today something hits his mind faster than light. He remembered that he had a test today day in his dream. He remembers the test being difficult and wordy. As he tried to recall the harder questions, something strange happened: he began to see the entire test in his mind's eye, as if he were flipping through the pages himself. It was more than photographic memory - it was as if he had some kind of omniscient knowledge of the subject matter.

Without hesitation, Sora started to search for the answers to the test online, writing them down in his mind and storing them for later. He noticed that he had been taking a while, yet no one had come to yell at him or hurry him along. When he checked the time, he saw that it had been the same since his aunt first called him downstairs for breakfast.

Curious, Sora looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was ticking much slower than usual, as if time were moving at a glacial pace. This was something that had never happened before, and he felt a flutter of unease deep in his gut.

Sora couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension that had settled upon him, as if he were on the cusp of discovering something monumental - something that would change his life forever.