
AOT : The Ymir's Saga

In an alternate reality, Titans weren't confined to a single planet; they were integral to a sprawling interplanetary network that linked diverse worlds across the galaxy. Tasked with safeguarding planets and their inhabitants from external threats, Titans had become the linchpin of the interstellar defense force. However, this newfound importance didn't guarantee universal acceptance. Some planets viewed Titans as encroachments on their autonomy, leading to simmering tensions and occasional conflicts. Yet, for Ymir, a Titan born into a world entrenched in warfare, this interplanetary structure symbolized hope—a chance to transcend personal battles and contribute to a cosmic cause. As the narrative unfolds, it traverses from Earth-centric conflicts to a grand interplanetary stage, eventually intertwining with an intergalactic storyline. Politics and intrigue serve as the backdrop, enriching the tale with unexpected twists and ethical quandaries. Readers can support the author's creative journey and gain access to exclusive content by joining their Patreon campaign at P@.treon/DarkLord001, fostering a vibrant community around the evolving narrative. This project promises an enthralling exploration of cosmic politics, personal growth, and epic conflicts across the vast expanse of the universe.

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36 Chs

Desolair: Tleilaxu's

A dimly lit chamber housed the clandestine meeting, veiled in an air of intrigue and uncertainty. Tleilaxu, a figure shrouded in mystery and whispered tales, gazed at Remy with an enigmatic smile playing upon her lips.

The rumours of her demise, once whispered through the corridors of power, now stood debunked as she stood before them, a living testament to the elusiveness of truth in a world governed by deceit and political machinations.

"It appears, dear Remy, that even in a realm where knowledge is said to be omnipresent, the boundaries of what we truly comprehend remain ever distant," Tleilaxu remarked.

Her voice carried a subtle hint of amusement. "The intricacies of this world, woven within the tapestry of deception and politics, unveil a vivid reality that eludes our grasp."

Her words lingered in the air, resonating with an air of both caution and intrigue. The news of the supposed suicides of the kingdom's most reviled individuals had been peddled to the masses, embraced only by the naive and the easily swayed.

Tleilaxu's sly smile betrayed her scepticism, for she saw through the charade orchestrated by the kingdom's authorities. The notion that they had met their own demise was but a web spun to pacify the fools and the complacent sheep who clung to the illusions fed to them.

"I must admit, Remy, that I find the kingdom's careful curation of your existence rather fascinating," Tleilaxu mused, her eyes gleaming with an enigmatic glint. "To think that they have tended to you so diligently, protecting their prized asset amidst the mire of political intrigue."

A smirk danced across Tleilaxu's face, a subtle display of satisfaction. Her words hung in the air, punctuated by the weight of her knowledge and the underlying power she held. She revelled in the knowledge that her presence unsettled the kingdom's foundations, exposing the cracks within their carefully constructed façade.

Remy, undeterred by Tleilaxu's veiled jabs, met her gaze with cool confidence. "If you were seeking a spectacle, perhaps your people possess an inherent flair for theatrics," he retorted, his voice tinged with a hint of defiance.

"I don't even understand why you Nobel speak like that", Remy held his hands high and said, "It feels like I'm sitting in a theatre and watching some well-scripted drama. Although you a bunch of blood-obsessed demons are nothing more than theatrics."

"Fucking! disgraceful creatures", shouted one shoulder and ran towards Nefud.

Tleilaxu stared towards him which was a clear direction to not lose his place.

"I have always held a certain admiration for you outcasts," she declared, her tone laced with a mix of respect and intrigue. "The audacity with which you navigate the shadows, the finesse with which you manipulate the intricate web of power. Your pride stems from your defiance, just as mine is rooted in my noble lineage."

Nefud chuckled, "Oh so nice of you can I ask your hand from your father, we'll have nice babies capable of everything", then winked.

Tleilaxu, a towering figure among the Andromedus, possessed an ethereal beauty that bewitched all who beheld her. Her long, golden tresses cascaded like a river of molten sunlight, reaching down to her waist. Her eyes, a striking shade of crimson, held the mark of nobility, an unmistakable sign of an undiluted bloodline, a birthright reserved for the chosen few.

Nefud made a sarcastic remark but he knew what he just said a single statement like this and he'll have his head on a platter served to her, but he had his equal share of deaths. He put a wide smile on his face.

All three of them were standing there in hollow silence, staring at each other.

Both of them knew they are here for the bargain, a bargain for them or they are the bargain and with history like theirs, it's more likely to be the latter one.

Finally, Tleilaxu spoke. "So, Gentlemen," she said, her voice smooth and cultured. "It's the time that you make yourself useful."

Remy did not reply. He just continued to stare at her.

"I see that you are still as defiant as ever," Tleilaxu said. "But I am here to offer you a deal."

Remy still did not reply.

"If you cooperate with me," Tleilaxu said, "I can make sure that your suffering ends. But if you refuse, I will make sure that you suffer even more."

Remy finally spoke. "I will never cooperate with you," he said.

Tleilaxu smiled. "Very well," she said. "Then I will make sure that you suffer for your disobedience."

She turned towards Nefud, and he smiled.

"You know how much I love you, from the bottom of my heart to the top of it. If I have to choose between freedom and you. I'll choose to be imprisoned in your arms, my liege." and a big smile stretched on his face.

She turned to the guards. "Take them away," she said.

The guards grabbed them and dragged him out of the chamber. Tleilaxu watched him go, a satisfied smile on her face.

She knew that Remy would never break. He was too strong, too defiant. But she also knew that she could break him. She would break him, and then she would make him pay for everything he had done.

The chamber was silent again, save for the drip of water from the ceiling. Tleilaxu stood there for a moment, savouring her victory. Then she turned and walked out of the chamber, her guards following her.

The door to the chamber closed behind them, and the only sound was the echo of their footsteps as they walked away.




As soon as they reach their chamber, a video module was lying on their beds, and as soon as they pressed the play button. The sound of chaos and destruction started seeping through their ears. It was Nefud's moon Aetheria, it had a substantial Orionite population and was a stronghold for the defectors.

Lock hissed open and they were in the hallway, it was just a game for her. But they will kill her no matter what but the hall was empty, they ran towards the office and behind them the doors were shutting down.

She may have been enjoying it, this is what they are, and that's why the needs to be annihilated.

And then the path to the office was blocked by huge metal walls and the hall doors were opened in a way, that only one way to go.

Both of them started walking in the same direction.

Then there was a prison or one can say a supposed prison, the prison was not what one would expect. The walls were painted a pristine eggshell white, and the floors were covered in thick layers of expensive carpets. The air was filled with the scent of roses and ivy, which grew along the walkways and guardrails. The cell doors were open, revealing a variety of unique spaces within.

One cell was filled from floor to ceiling with a vast collection of books and datacubes. Another housed an assortment of exquisite wine bottles. Yet another cell boasted an array of elegant camisoles and robes, while the next contained a refrigerator, a portable generator, and a stove. A separate cell housed a flourishing garden, where tomatoes, garlic, and carrots grew in harmony. In another, hulking iron dumbbells and tension bands awaited rigorous workouts.

The communal floor was a sprawling lounge, reminiscent of a dreamscape. Emerald-hued hookahs stood as guardians amidst a sea of plush pillows and cosy blankets. Two collared prisoners, their skin a striking shade of grey and black, reclined there, bearing the marks of bruises across their bodies. Tables were scattered with empty bottles and remnants of revelry.

Amidst this vibrant scene, a commanding figure sat in a chair, his back turned to us. W His skin, a captivating shade of grey, contrasted with his long, coiled golden hair that cascaded down his broad back. Enveloped in his own world of introspection, he remained unaware of our presence as we entered.

They both moved inside.

And the man stopped, reading and turned and as soon as they saw him, the feeling of angst overtook Remy. His fist clenched ready to attack him any moment, the man standing in front of them was the fleet-Commander of the Pirate army. He was the one who wreaks havoc in almost three planets of Novarian Drifters, killing almost five hundred thousand individuals and annihilating his own fleet.

He turned around and saw, Nefud and Remy and stared towards them, with a smile said.

"Remy! Remy! Remy!, my boy it has been a very long time since I saw you. How are you ?"

"What's with this face, Is it about drifters, you know the business we are in, we have to do what it takes. "

Remy stared blankly towards him, his hand clenched.

And a smile appeared on Commander's face and with that smile, Remy made his leap.

His hands wrapped around Commander's head, tilting it back and forth, exploring his contours with his finger. Commander's hand tightened on Remy's arm.

Remy's fingers clenched with an unforgiving force, digging into the soft flesh of his own eye sockets. The pressure intensified, his thumb pressing deeper, as if seeking release from some hidden torment. A chilling sound pierced the air—an anguished scream erupted from Commander's throat, its echoes reverberating through the cold, unforgiving prison walls.

As Remy's self-inflicted torment continued, a crimson river emerged, trickling down his face, tracing the contours of his features. The once pristine complexion now marred by the macabre display of his own life force. His vision blurred, distorted by the warm cascade of his own blood, obscuring the world around him.

And then, with an explosive burst of unimaginable violence, the barrier between mind and matter was shattered. Commander's skull, once a vessel of thoughts and memories, ruptured under immense pressure. A ghastly eruption ensued, an eruption that defied all sanity and reason. His brain, a delicate tapestry of consciousness, was unceremoniously spilled upon the unforgiving floor—an abhorrent display of shattered intellect and extinguished life.

The scene before Remy unfolded like a twisted tableau, the grotesque aftermath of his self-imposed violence. The air grew heavy with the metallic scent of blood and the sickening aroma of exposed flesh, a haunting testament to the depths of human depravity.

"So that's why they call you dangerous, the person capable of inflicting violence when there's a demand", said Nefud.





"I told you he still have it," Tleilaxu's uttered to a man standing beside her, almost one foot taller than her and almost double in shoulder size.




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