
AOT:Naruto Reborn

What if Naruto lost to Kaguya and failed to save his world but got reborn into Eren in Attack On Titan but with Kurama. What will happen to the story we all know, how will the future change? Find out next time in Dragon ba-*cough*cough* sorry, wrong story. ——————————————————————————- So I don't own anything you know that and hope you enjoy!

Bored_Anime_Lover · Komik
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9 Chs

The Truth

(Week Later)

It's been a week since I heard Annie's conversation with Reiner and Berthodlt and I've tried to act as normal as possible while trying to find a way to confront her but I think she's catching on that I've been acting different around her. Right now I'm with Armin and Mikasa training.

[Hey Eren. I remember you saying that people had affinity's with different elements, do you know a way to tell us ours to implement it with rasengan or something since we already able to do the rasengan and big ball one but we can't make a rasenshuriken like you.]He said after we finished training which made me remember that we don't know their affinity's and I pondered it for a while thinking of a way to find out without Chakra paper and came to an idea.

[Alright. Take these leaves and try to cut them, wrinkle, turn to ash, soggy, or turn to dust.]I said after collecting leaves and giving it to them.

[What?]Armin asked confused.

[Oh yeah I didn't really explain. You see, to train your affinity to an element you first need to be able to affect a leaf with that element, for example, for my wind element I would cut the leaf in two. For lighting I wrinkle it up, for fire ash, water is soggy, and earth dust. To find out your element you need to time how long it takes to apply the nature you are training to the leaf. It would be easy if we had Chakra paper but sadly we don't so this is how it will be.]I said to them and they nod in understanding and start trying to apply an element to the leaf but Armin says something.

[Wait Eren, do you know any elemental jutsu you can teach us?]He asked.

[Well I can show you all the hand signs used to use certain elementals but I didn't really use any jutsu except basic ones so I don't remember any so all I would be able to do is tell you the hand signs but you will have to develop your own but I can tell you jutsu I remember being used so you can use it as a base. But that will come when you when you figure out your element so good luck.]I said with a smile and disappeared in a little tornado.'Now to talk to Annie, this should be fun.'I thought to myself sarcastically and appeared a little far from camp and walk in and ask around for Annie and find out she's where we would usually spar, when we spar and train with Annie it's closer to camp than where only me, Armin and Mikasa is which is a couple kilometers out. I then walk to where Annie is and see her sitting against a tree and go and sit down next to her.

[Hey.]I said a bit awkwardly since I'm kinda nervous about asking her about what she was talking about which she catches on to I guess but she ignores it.

[Hey.]She plainly replied back.

[So. Mind telling me whats Marley?]I asked her with a smile since there's no point in beating around the bush and notice her eyes widen a little but goes back to normal.

[I don't know what that is.]She replied back after calming down.

[I don't care if you come from whatever Marley is since I trust you but I need to know if it will get people hurt or the reason why wall Maria fell.]I said to her with a serious expression and notice her emotions are getting a bit out of hand but she kept her calm demeanor.

[*sigh*I should've known you would find out sooner or later from how smart you are, but how?]She asked me after sighing and throwing her head back.

[Last week when you met with Reiner and Berthodlt I heard everything.]I said replying to her.

[It was fun while it lasted, I'm sorry.]She said which confused me since I can feel her sadness but notice she's about to bite her hand like how I transform and swiftly put her lying on the floor with her hands behind her back and put a stasis seal on her quickly and let her go.

[Sorry but I'm not letting you transform into a titan.]I said and this time she shows her surprise completely wondering how I could know that and from how she can't move her body.

[What did you do to me? and how did you know thats how I transform?]She asked me with some anger.

[I'm not going to hurt you or turn you into the authority's but I want answers, you answer my questions I answer your's.]I said to her calmly.

[And how do I know I can trust you?]She asked me.

[Because I trust you still, and I'll prove it.]I said and then removed her stasis seal, I know it's dumb putting blind faith in her but I have to believe she won't do anything. She then gets back up and sits down again and sit beside her.

{A/N:Spoiler warning but it's also important to read for the future of the story since every so often I'll make references to what's told here.}

[Marley is-]She then went on to explain the worlds past and her life, where we are a race called subjects of Ymir who were once under Marleys rule but then we ruled over Marley and the world after the first titan, Ymir, made a contract with a devil apparently and gained the power of the titans where she used her power to rise above Marley and used their power to wipe out most races and ruled over all but then she died after 13 years of being a titan saving the king and forced their kids(Ymir was wife of the king)to eat her to preserve the titans powers but it was spread to 9 different powers and over time the different villages that possessed the titans went to war against the founding Titan driving them to Paradis. Marley became the new world power while the subjects of Ymir or now called devils retreated to island of Paradis with the last of Ymir royal blood but Marley recently discovered that there are resources under island of Paradis so they sent what they called warriors with powers of the titans to infiltrate Paradis where Reiner, Berthodlt, and Annie comes in but it was discovered over time that all titan shifters are to die after 13 years of gaining their powers like Ymir which was later called the Curse of Ymir. She also told me what she knows about the titans and that the three came to Paradis to infiltrate it and get the power of the "Original Titan" or the "Coordinate" where it gives the power to control "Pure titans".

[Wow. That's, a lot. To think I'll die in around 10-11 years.]I said to myself and she looked shocked at me.

[You're a shifter to?... Well doesn't matter, I'm sorry Eren but I have to return to Marley, to my dad.]She said and got up but I grabbed her hand.

[No, stay. You said that if you go back empty handed you would probably be executed.]I said to her.

[Yeah, so? Why do you care? I'm the reason so many people have died, so why do you still care about me?]She asked me.

[Because you're my friend, I don't give up on my friends, and you still haven't given me any questions.]I said the last part with a smile.

[*sigh*Fine then, tell me about you, whats your story?]She sighed in exasperation and asked me and sat down again.

[Well first of all I'm like you, a titan shifter, which you already figure out, but that's not really the important part about me. Do you believe in reincarnation?]I asked her and then proceeded to tell her about my past life, everything I told my parents, Armin, and Mikasa. It may seem dumb but we both have dirt on each other so if she says something I can too and nobody would probably believe us anyway since it may seem like a joke from how we accuse each other with seeming ridiculous things.

[That's a lot. To think a world like that exists somewhere.]She said and I chuckled in response.

[Well I'm sorry but I need to go now.]She said but I stopped her from getting up this time by grabbing her shoulder.

[Eren, I already said I'm going to go, even if it is before I die I will see my father again.]She said and tried to loosen my grip on her but I just held onto her tighter.

[Why do you need to go now? When the times come I can get your father out of Marley and back here but I need you to stay and trust me.]I said to her with a smile but also with a seriousness on my face.

[*sigh*Fine, I'll trust you, but you have to promise me you can get my dad out of Marley when the time comes, promise?]She asked me.

[Yeah, promise!]I exclaimed and she slightly smiled at me.

[Alright, so what now? I expect Reiner and Berthodlt to leave if they find out I'm no longer with them.]She said.

[So then don't let them find out, stay as to spy on them since you already said to them to stop meeting each other and it'll be fine since you've never spoken to them unless necessary before. So they would only contact you if it's to break the wall again so when they do tell you they will we can be ready.]I said to her.

[Alright, but what happens if the people in authority find out that I used to be with them as an accomplice?]She asked.

[Then I'll just be there and have your back, no harm will come to you with me in the way.]I said with a smile.

[Are you sure you won't just play it by ear?]She asked me which made me a bit flustered since I was actually going to.

[No. But even if I was it helps me to prepare as a Scout since they always have to make quick judgement calls in the field.]I said and then got up.

[Come on, let's go back to camp, it's getting late.]I said and handed her my hand since I noticed that the sun was going to set soon and she grabs my hand and I help her up and we head back to camp.