
Aoi Ashito: World's greatest.

A professional football player has his career crumble just as it began. He eventually gets into an accident and dies. he later finds himself in a different world and with a new name. Follow Aizaki Kawada on his journey as he takes over the footballing world and earns the title:world's Greatest.

The_dark_ronin · Komik
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12 Chs

Clash of sights.

Back on the pitch the situation was still the same with both teams scoring back and forth. Aizaki was still being followed by his guards and was growing frustrated. Although they couldn't stop him fully, they did limit his influence on the pitch to passes and a couple of crosses.

"What the hell is wrong with these guys. This isn't football anymore, it's straight up harassment!" Aizaki silently though to himself.

He was still try and shake if the defenders on him, when he suddenly felt a strange sensation wash over him. It was similar to his Interhigh match, yet different. He turned back and looked towards ball, there he saw a defender struggling to keep hold of the ball, but that wasn't what caught his attention.

"What the hell is he doing there?"

Aizaki muttered as he watched Aoi run all the way from the opponents half back to the defenders position. He called for the ball to which the defender happily obliged.

Now he was boxed in surrounded by defenders as he tried to keep possession of the ball.

"That idiot." Aizaki sighed to himself. He was about to make a run towards his own goal to open up for a pass, when it happened again.

The world turned grayscale and time slowed down as he turned light headed. He felt like information was being forcefully fed into his head, and eventually everything clicked.

"So everybody on the pitch is currently moving according to his wish. The opponents strikers are focused on winning the ball high up the pitch. The Midfielders are right behind the attack putting pressure on the nearby players preventing a pass. Half of the defense is focused on me, pulling all attention away from Kaneda. Aoi is just waiting for me to pull the defense towards our half a little bit, so that he can send a through pass to Kaneda narrowly avoiding the offside line."

Aizaki knew if he moved along they would definitely score, but once again he felt a strange feeling of arrogance rising from within him. He was truly pissed, like he had just witnessed an unforgivable crime take place right in front of his eyes.

"You want to move me around like some chess piece, heh, will see who uses who."

He immediately made a run towards the center of the pitch, pulling the defenders with him. As he approached Otomo who was standing some distance away from the center circle, he slowed down.

"1 minute left! The game will end after a minute!!" The voice of a coach on a megaphone travelled across the pitch, but Aizaki paid no heed to it.

"I have to time it right." He said to himself, his eyes trained on Aoi's figure.

Suddenly, Aoi turned and ran towards his own goal post, passing right in front of the keeper. While the attackers went after him drawing their hole team deeper in his half.

Just as Aoi raised his leg to release the pass, Aizaki ran around Otomo. Using his teammate as a screen, he turned around and bolted towards the opponents goal leaving the defenders behind.

Simultaneously, Aoi released a long raking pass directed towards Kaneda who had just beaten the offside trap, and was currently bearing down the opponents goal.

Just as Kaneda was about to trap the ball, a figure leaped into the air with a leg outstretched, and took control of the ball. ( Just like the bundesliga logo).

Aizaki who had intercepted the pass from his teammate, took of towards the goal, leaving his teammate baffled and in confusion.

Aizaki soon entered the penalty box and was one on one with the keeper. The keeper came out to meet him but he deftly chiped the ball over the keeper scoring a super goal for the white team. He didn't bother celebrating as he looked straight into Aoi eye's and grinned as if saying

"I'm in charge, not you."


A few minutes earlier.

Standing by the sidelines some distance away from Coach Fukuda, three coaches where huddled up, seriously assessing the players on the pitch.

"This years selection is full of potential. Tachibana Souichirou, as expected from Yokoyama Mushachino's ace striker, his presence is really overwhelming. He was the red teams key player, and was able to show his full potential by expertly taking control of the game."

Aoi Ashito, even though he came all the way from ehime for this exam, that child really is no good. I wonder was Fukuda saw in him to invite him all the here.

As for the white bibs, Kaneda Akinori was a stand out figure. However, his relationship with his teammates was far from ideal. Frustrated that things weren't working out well for his team, he stared to get impatient.

And last but certainly not the least Aizaki Kawada. I'm really impressed with his performance today. Great spacial awareness and top notch technical and dribbling skills. He was definitely the dark horse of this exams. A pity his physical skills are only average, but either way his gonna be a great addition to the team."


The game kicked off just as Fukuda expected with the red team dominating the game. They scored 3 goals while their opponents hadn't even had a single shot in goal. He had set the teams this way with the best players on one side, and the rest in the other purposely to test Two players Aoi and Aizaki.

Both players reminded him of his time as a professional football player. While Ashito reminded him of himself, Aizaki reminded him of a certain someone who usually competed with.

The match began with Aoi loosing possession leading to his team conceding a goal. Following that he lost the ball a dozen times which lead to a little argument on the pitch.

After the argument, Aizaki, Otomo, and Kaneda decided to play together leaving the remaining players who became burdens behind. Each player showed their potential with Kaneda showing his physical strength and power, Otomo showing his passing prowess, and Aizaki, his quick feet. And although all three players performed brilliantly, Fukuda couldn't help but feel bored.

Just when he thought nothing special would happen, Aoi who had left his striking position and had ran back to his defense released a perfectly lobbed through pass towards Kaneda after pulling the strings silently.

Fukuda felt his blood boil as he watched the ball travel through the air towards Kaneda, when out of no where, Aizaki who was at the other end of the pitch controlled the ball beautifully as if he had predicted the pass beforehand. He then proceeded to score a simple goal before staring back at Aoi as if issuing a challenge.

Fukuda felt a smile tug at his lips when he saw Aoi running back to his defense. He felt his grin widen when the pass was released, but his eyes widen in surprise when he saw Aizaki intercept the pass and score.

"Hehehe" he let out a chuckle which soon developed into a full fleged mad-scientist type laugh, his body trembling with excitement as he replayed the goal in his head.

"Aizaki saw Aoi's intensions of using him as a piece and got upset, so he decided to do flip the script on him, and use him instead. Hehehe I guess I should expect nothing less from an emperor.