
Ao Ashi: Prodigy

Arata Van Lierde, a child who has been distant his whole life. Drowning in his self-imposed responsibilities, he noticed how empty he's been through all these years. Craving for connection and meaningful relationship with anybody, he got introduced to Football. Arata, mesmerized by the beauty of Football, decided that he's going to try his hardest to shine on the football pitch bright enough for all to notice. It's the story of a Football Prodigy.

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3 Chs

One Step Closer

My career as a football player has only been going for a year. That doesn't appear to be a lot of time at first. Several players are still figuring out how to contribute on the field at this point, adjusting to this complex world of the greatest sport ever made.

On the other hand, I had already developed an identity before making my official debut. It nearly felt as though the ball belonged to me as it touched down at my feet. The world around me became dark as this one, singular, uncomplicated item filled my entire field of vision.

Everything felt natural to me; the ball seemed to be directing me, and my body followed without question. A coach of my school's team complimented my physique without any formal training, saying that the combination of my long legs and short upper body assisted with my core strength, body control, and center of gravity.

As I felt like I belonged somewhere and that something belonged to me for the first time in my life, I got obsessed, possessed by the desire to realize my full potential. The day began with football and concluded with it, so this addicting feeling permeated my entire being.

I advanced quickly, not halting at any barriers — physical or mental — and advancing through the ranks of my school's players. It didn't take me long to make my Starting XI debut; in fact, I was given the starting nod in only my second career game.

My free time has been occupied by the matches of the past. When I wasn't honing my practical abilities, I was honing my theoretical understanding and tactical awareness. The player dynamics, formations, philosophies, psychology, fluidity... My brain had access to every information imaginable; all it had to do was take it in and make it my own.

Skills advanced quickly, and the Goals became inevitable. Goals came racing in, and so did recognition. Even though at first all of my teammates were wary of me because I was a new player who had either taken their desired spot in the starting lineup or reduced their playing time on the field. But I persisted in demonstrating, through wins, that the coach's faith in me was well-placed.

As the season progressed, I became more and more confident on the field. We started to form a close bond both on and off the field as my teammates started to view me as a valuable asset rather than a threat. Every goal that I scored caused my teammates scream in pleasure and come sprinting towards me to hug and congratulate me.

I have never really experienced this kind of closure, and as I continued to improve as well as set up more goals for myself and team, our bond grew stronger. It didn't take long for me to realize the correlation: once you're good at something the others are interested in and dedicated to, you earn recognition.

The leaders of our football team—Takahashi, the team captain and the mental link between us all, and Fuse, the vice captain of the squad and the one in charge of the team's upbeat attitude—were a key factor in the development of my friendship in the group. They were both third-year students like me, and I was here to support them in realizing their aim of leading Sakaguchi(Our School) to the Prefecture Finals.

So, this fated day came breathing down my neck. The Kanagawa prefecture semi-final - a must win game in order to advance to the final, beating all of these smug Junior's "Youth" teams despite us being just a regular school. A true Cinderella story and I was the protagonist of it, shining my talent throughout the whole tournament.

Could you blame me if I had trouble sleeping the night before the game? how much effort and how much sweat, blood, and tears went into realizing our dream. If we succeed today, it will all be worthwhile. The only thing I can be certain of is that I'll give it my all on the field and leave nothing to chance.

As my anxiety and excitement melted away, so did my consciousness, and I embraced the serene world of Morpheus, dozing off.


"Honey! Wake up, Arata, you'll be late for warm-ups!"

The following morning, on a Saturday, I was awakened by my mother saying one of the worst things a person could ever hear. It was challenging to stay asleep because of the sun's glare coming in the window. I jumped out of bed and headed to the bathroom to take care of my regular hygiene.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror after cleaning my teeth. Same-old green eyes, white skin, and blonde hair. Even though his hair was still undone, I was staring at the face of someone who, this year, for the first time in his life, had made me proud.

Determined eyes that burn with an unquenchable enthusiasm for their teammates and this sport. I was prepared to rule the field once more this year.

I quickly threw some random clothing on before stuffing the boots and gear into the bag. The messages from Fuse are making my phone vibrate all over the dining room table. When I was getting ready to leave, I sensed a powerful homicidal intent approaching from behind.

"Oi, brat. What about the breakfast?"

The crimson-faced demon questioned me concerning my life and death. I might get seriously hurt before the game has started depending on the response.

"U-uh, mom I'm really running late, can I please skip out on eating this time? Pretty please?"

As I watched Mom's response, the sweat ran down my face. She unexpectedly gave way very fast this time, and I managed to escape with just a sigh and a glance down.

"Haa, be it your way. Anyway, good luck with the game, baby. I'll be a little late and won't be there before your match starts but I want you to know, that I'm very happy to see you enjoy your time with the Club guys. I believe in you all, go show them your football."

'Man, she really knows when to say the right things, doesn't she'

"Yes, mom. I love you very much."

As we briefly hugged, I hurried outside with my bike, where Fuse was waiting for me.

"Take care, Arata! I'll see you on the pitch."

"Alright, see you there, mom."

I stepped outside the walls of my house after our customary hand waving and met my vice captain, who had been bothering me all morning.

"Oooh, finally here. What the hell took you so long, Lierde?"

With a clearly annoyed look and tone, my close friend and teammate Tsuji Fuse greeted me.

"Oh, come on, chan-Tsu. You know I did everything as rapidly as I possibly could."

"Yeah, yeah, you say the same crap every time you oversleep, I know you well enough to notice this."

I had nothing more left to do other than chuckle and scratch my head awkwardly.

"So, you ready to show your worth again today, 'King'?"

"Ah, how many times should I tell you to stop calling me that cringy ass nickname, chan-Tsu?"

Response caused both of us to laugh while we continued leisurely strolling through the familiar streets of Yokohama.

"Haha, I really like it, though plus it suits your playstyle."

"Yeah, whatever. Just focus on the upcoming game. After all, today's opponent is not the one to scoff at."

"What did Coach Kichirou say yesterday? They conceded in total 2 goals throughout the tournament, and even then one of those goals was a penalty. Their star player is a scary dude as well."

Before we even got to the stadium, Fuse lit a competitive fire in my soul with his smirk and side-eye, making it clear that he understood what he was doing.

The next thing I said caused the cheerful and positive atmosphere to become tense.

"He will be another one to get crushed by me, don't worry."

my update schedule won't be the best, since I'm trying to prioritize the quality over quantity. Coupled up with studies and lack of free time, it's hard to have a schedule. Hope you guys will bear with me

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