

Antique Treasure Shop chapter 3

In contrast to Dirk and Tia's excitement, Maria was underwhelmed by this turn of events.

Not because of the amount, but due to her disinterest with the situation at hand.

"When will it be auctioned?" Dirk was the one to ask this time.

"The next auction that would be able to use this item will be happening in two weeks," Maria replies, still disappointed. "Until that time, my shop will hold the item for you."

"Oh... ok..." Dirk was reluctant to leave the scrolls behind. But in their hands the scrolls may be stolen more easily. The GMA took the safety of Treasure Shops very seriously, under normal circumstances there would be a guard stationed here.

But since Dirk couldn't see any guards he was concerned. As Dirk was about to raise this point, the door opened then closed abruptly.

Tia was clearly impatient and had already left. Giving the lady a final glance, Dirk hurried after his partner.

As soon as the two were out of sight Maria let out a sigh. She missed her husband, this kind of situation reminded her of their experiences owning the shop together back on Earth.


(Host has completed their first transaction! Starter Gift Pack awarded!) The System went off in her head. A small box appeared on the desk in front of her.

Although she had no real interest, Maria reaches for the box, but froze as the System went off again.


(Host has no personal goal, and thus no incentive, System searching for goal...)


(If Host can upgrade System to level 5 System can bring Host's former spouse to current world)

While the voice of the System was monotone and robotic, hearing that she could possibly bring her husband back to life...

"How do I upgrade the System?!"

(System can be upgraded through money earned from shop transactions only, outside income such as auctions cannot be used)

(System level 1)

(30/100 coppers to upgrade)

Upon seeing that she only required 70 more copper pyks or 7 Truts Maria was delighted, but realized that the Skill book wouldn't be counted as it was going to be auctioned.

But now she was fully determined to cultivate and run her business. Maria grabbed the Starter Pack and opened the top.


(Host has received the following...)

(Wheel of Fortunes Mini-game)

Just beyond Maria's desk there was a sudden flash of light, and a platform with a spinning wheel appeared.

"So customers pay money to spin the wheel in hopes of the arrow landing on a section of the wheel with the item they desire?"

To her, this seemed unfair to the shop.


(Host is slightly incorrect, in order to spin the wheel customers must pay 15 pyks. Some sections do contain contain items, some give nothing, while others give coupons for the shop.)

"I see..." Maria thought out loud,