
Anthophile: She who loves flowers.

Ever since Angelo woke up from his long rest, he started seeing a woman in his dreams that he later on, decided to search for. Who is this woman and why was she appearing in his dreams? Angelo, on his journey to find the answers to these questions, created an unbreakable bond with the girl in his dreams. Will he be able to find her?

Athxna · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Back On Track

Ensnared in an unknown room, the walls surrounding me were as white as the mists in the sky during a cloudy day, while the floor was covered with jumbled petals of enticing yellow roses. There she was, a lady whose identity is yet to be known, sitting before me with her innocent-looking hazel optics directed towards me. She had a fair skin, her hair was wavy and earthy-colored that goes right down her waist. For reasons, I had the feeling that I have just met this woman before - likely, somebody I see from the university, or maybe, somebody I met through social affairs and whatsoever...looking at her right now felt somehow stifling, or baffling... like I want to move towards her and speak with her. It's an inclination I couldn't generally clarify within myself.

"Who are you?" Finally, a question I was able to bravely ask.

There was no reaction, be that as it may... Other than a couple of blinks and a shrug of shoulders, a sign probably that she has no clue about what to say. Why doesn't she have a clue of what her identity was? That is weird. A couple of seconds on, I at last stepped forward, closer to the stranger and plunked down her level. A rose was then given to me in the wake of doing such, along these lines another inquiry was posed. "What is this for?" And this time, luckily, I had the chance to make her speak.

"For keeping me company." These words were said with a smile on her face and a voice as soft as a lullaby.

It's not like I have a choice... I have no one else to talk to other than her, actually.

"Ah..." I said, nodding my head slowly as a response. Truthfully, this is not the first time I've been in this place, or that I have seen this person. I am completely aware that...

this place,

this person before my eyes,

the flowers,

everything around me at this moment...

everything is just a dream.

"It's almost time for you to wake up."

'Wake up, dummy! wake up, dummy! Wake up, dummy! wake up, dummy!'

It was the loud, annoying noise of my alarm clock that finally woke me up and brought me back to the reality. I was facing the ceiling of my room and my back, resting against this fluffy bed of mine. What startled me that morning is a piece of yellow petal of rose in my hand, which suddenly, and weirdly, vanished as soon as I heard a knock on the door.

Much the same as anybody of you, I find it really hard to leave my bed in the morning. If it weren't for Mr.Chen knocking on the entryway of my room, I wouldn't have gotten up. "Sir, let me know as to whether you're prepared to leave. School begins at 8AM" He softly said behind the door. I have been gone for quite a long time--in a deep sleep for 14 months to be exact. Luckily, I survived the accident that nearly ended my life longer than a year prior. The second I opened my eyes, I saw my mother crying while she held my hand firmly. I can unmistakably perceive how stressed she may have been. So, from that point forward, I was determined to keep myself away from danger, and away from doing things that might cause her worry...but I just couldn't remain at home and sit idle. Every second, my impatience just grows. It's just so not me. Thus, seven days after the different treatments, I chose to return to class and compensate for the year that has been lost.

Car rides with Mr.Chen were generally loaded with significant talks, him giving me life advices, getting some information about my life, and getting me in the track again through his profound and meaningful words. Be that as it may, as of late, it has gotten dull. There was nothing to discuss since I haven't gone anyplace but my room, the clinic, and back to my room...But that morning, he praised me for at long last returning to class. "Well done, Jello, for your recovery." Nothing else followed this phrase other than my short reaction; "Thanks." said with a tedious tone. I didn't have the foggiest idea what was up, however, there was something between us. Like, he's frantic for some reason...or possibly, he was worried over me as well? I couldn't really tell. A couple of moments have passed, Mr. Chen at long last dropped me off at the university. I stood there, before the entryway with a hand placed on my chest as I took full breaths while the other students stroll past me. One can tell I am truly apprehensive. I actually am, and this is a result of these reasons: (1) I am repeating a year. (2) I know just a couple of people from the lower batch. furthermore, (3) I'm... very shy, despite being quite popular, to coexist with just anybody...

Basing on how their eyes stare, like they're judging my entire being, they seem to know a lot about me--while the case goes the opposite on my end. "Angelo!" A familiar voice called from afar. Upon turning to the direction to where the voice came from, to my surprise, I was then confronted with a group of people...not just some group of people, but these people are my former teammates, my friends, my only friends. "You, guys!" I almost tore up as I rushed towards them and gave them a big and quick hug. Seeing them gave me mixed feelings of excitement, joy and also sadness because I won't be able to be with them from this point on. They're all graduates now with different paths to take ahead of them. I am both proud and sad about it.

Basing on how their eyes gaze, like they're passing judgment on my entire being, they seem to know a ton about me-- while the case goes the inverse on my end. "Angelo!" A familiar voice called from a far distance. After turning to the heading to where the voice originated from, incredibly, I was then confronted with a group of people...not simply some group of individuals, yet these individuals are my previous teammates, my friends, my lone friends. "You, guys!" I nearly cried as I surged towards them and gave them a major and brisk embrace. Seeing them gave me blended sentiments of energy, happiness and furthermore sadness since I won't be able to be with them from this point on. They're all graduates now with various of paths to take ahead of them. I am just both glad and sad about the thought of going through the whole year without spending my free time with them.

"We can't just go on with our lives without seeing you off."

"You did well with recovering, you'll do well without us too!"

"Stop acting like a big baby and be friends with everyone, stupid."

"Do us a favor and find a girlfriend, dummy."

Finding a girlfriend... oddly enough, an image of a lady hit my psyche so abrupt like a wild truck, permitting the accompanying words get away from my mouth; "oh, do you happen to... know somebody whose hair is up to here- - " stopping quickly, bringing my hand down to my abdomen to demonstrate somebody's hair length. "- - and her eyes are round and earthy colored, spots on her cheeks- - ah! she has fair skin as well and she's about this short..." I halted upon the realization that I have been going on and on, and that they're now looking exceptionally dubious of me.

"Have you been seeing somebody?" One of them asked. It was an odd question since I have been asleep for quite a while and it's been only weeks since I recovered.

"Have I been seeing WHO? I was literally dead for 14 months, idiot."

At that point, it hit me.

I have been, without a doubt, seeing a bizarre lady in my dreams as of late. What's much more unusual about it is that everything appeared to be so real, and that I can obviously recall each and every detail that occurred in my past dreams. I kept on telling myself that it is probably just one of the side effects of my medications, but I cannot be convinced.

There is truly, something weird about it.

Leave a comment! let me know what you think about the first chapter! :)

NOTE: English is not my first language.

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