
Another World Survival: The Blessing Was Meant for a Different Cause!

It was something out of a fantasy video game or light novel. I was sent to another world where I am alone. Egil, a man in his 30's found himself inside the forest of another world with nothing but clothes that he does not recognize. A forest teeming with monsters and challenges not every modern man will face in their life. Fortunately for him, he retained all his memories from watching survival videos to his time being in the military. Time to test his world's knowledge in this otherworldly situation he's in!

Super_Dots · Fantasi
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35 Chs

XVII - Gale Gelecek and Solnir

My name is Egil.

I had lost everything, including my life, on that island. However, I was granted a second chance by Neso's grace.

Currently, we find ourselves aboard a fishing boat owned by Captain Gale Gelecek of the Hover Kingdom.

His words took Ness and me aback. "Is he an enemy?" I wondered.

"Answer me, Egil. Is it revenge you seek?" he pressed further, his tone insistent.

"And what if I do? What are you going to do about it?" I retorted, my voice laced with defiance.

"Then that must be why our paths have crossed!" Gale exclaimed, letting out a hearty laugh.

We were still uncertain about his intentions, but he continued speaking, undeterred.

He shared that the Apton Empire had always been aggressive towards Hover's borders. Small skirmishes would break out, but Hover's soldiers could hold their ground. However, everything changed with the emergence of Apton's hero, Olvir.

Gale recounted how he had been stationed at the border with his son when the Apton Empire launched a full-scale attack. It was on that fateful battlefield that he encountered the infamous hero.

"I fought him with every ounce of my being, utilizing my blessing of Foresight to its fullest extent," he said, his voice tinged with remorse. "But even though I could predict his attacks, my body couldn't react swiftly enough, and I lost my left arm."

He revealed that he had already accepted his impending death at Olvir's hands, but as the hero prepared to deliver the final blow, Gale's son attempted a daring rescue, aided by a contingent of soldiers. They managed to carry him to safety, but at the grave cost of the soldiers' lives and that of his valiant son, who sacrificed himself to buy them time.

After that devastating battle, their kingdom had lost a significant portion of their territory, and the enemy, led by the indomitable Olvir, was inching ever closer to the capital. Unexpectedly, however, they halted their advance and retreated, leaving behind a few of their soldiers to hold the conquered territories.

"Although we were relieved by this sudden turn of events, it was unfortunate that the Eastonian Kingdom fell in our stead," Gale added solemnly.

We were perplexed by Gale's story. Why would a mere fisherman be stationed at the border with his son, capable of engaging the formidable Olvir in combat and surviving the encounter?

"Ah, forgive me," Gale exclaimed, realizing his omission. "I neglected to mention that I was formerly a general in our kingdom's army."

He solemnly revealed that the anguish he endured upon losing his son was far more excruciating than the physical pain of losing his arm. Overwhelmed by his grief, he had relinquished his post as the kingdom's general and retreated to a small fishing village on the outskirts, seeking a new beginning.

This revelation came as a surprise, but it suddenly cast Gale's tale in a new light, and the pieces began to fall into place.

"Allow me to assist you," Gale offered.

Although uncertain about the nature of his proposed aid, we agreed to continue this discussion once we had arrived at the Hover Kingdom.

A few days passed before we finally reached our destination. While I harbor no ill feelings toward the sea, there's an undeniable relief in setting foot on solid land once more.

We made our way to a tavern, where we continued our discussion with Gale while Ness busied herself devouring the food he had ordered for us. She definitely possessed quite an appetite for a former goddess.

Gale expressed his desire to play a role in Olvir's downfall and, if possible, the eventual collapse of the Apton Empire itself. He revealed that he had been seeking an opportunity to avenge his son's death but had found no viable options until crossing paths with us.

"Being able to survive an encounter with Olvir, I'm certain you're no ordinary individuals," he remarked.

Back on the ship, Ness had intentionally omitted the fact that I had been resurrected, concealing her former status as a goddess.

After weighing our options, Gale's offer seemed to be the most advantageous route for us to take. As an otherworlder and a former goddess, we lacked a common understanding of how this world functioned. Having Gale by our side would undoubtedly supplement that deficiency.

"Gale, are you truly certain you wish to partake in this?" I inquired, testing the depth of his commitment. "Once we begin this journey, there will be no turning back, and we may very well lose our lives in the process."

"Egil, look at me," he responded resolutely. "I'm an old man with nothing left to lose."

His unwavering determination was evident, and so I agreed to have him join our cause.

I posed the question to Gale, "Do you have any idea how we might confront Olvir without inciting a war between nations?"

"We could join an adventurer's guild," he suggested.

The idea seemed promising. The adventurer's guild is an independent and neutral institution with branches spanning the world. This would allow us to freely traverse borders without much restriction.

Additionally, it presented an opportunity to earn some income along the way, which would be necessary to provide for Ness and myself.

"Won't they recognize you, Gale?" Ness inquired, her tone laced with concern.

"Hahaha! Don't worry, I have a plan," he responded with confident assurance.

While his nonchalance left me slightly apprehensive, I decided to place my trust in Gale's judgment.

We remained in the village for a few days, making the necessary preparations for our journey to Solnir, where the nearest adventurer's guild was located.

After a week-long journey, traveling by carriage during the day and camping beneath the stars at night, we finally arrived at our destination.

Solnir, the capital of the Hover Kingdom, stood before us, its walls well-fortified and soldiers on high alert atop the ramparts and at the gates.

Thanks to Gale's assistance, the guards willingly admitted us entry without the need to wait in line.

Within the city walls, the residents went about their daily routines, yet an undercurrent of unease was palpable upon their faces. We made our way toward the adventurer's guild, intending to apply as adventurers.

"Are you truly certain you won't be recognized, Gale?" I whispered as we approached the guild's receptionist, eyeing his peculiar attire with suspicion. "You already look rather conspicuous in that getup."

"Hahaha! Trust me, they won't take notice," Gale chuckled, clad in full knight's armor that clanked with every step, the incessant noise growing increasingly grating.

"Are you here to register as adventurers?" inquired the receptionist.

"Yes, we've just arrived today from the Eastern coast and wish to become registered adventurers," Gale replied.

He then retrieved something from his pouch and handed it to the receptionist. It appeared to be a letter.

"This letter states that the three of you have been recommended for adventurer status by General Gale himself. This is most promising!" The receptionist exclaimed, clearly excited by the revelation.

She proceeded to ask us to fill out the necessary forms and directed us to the room on the left for our evaluation.

The sly old man, he had neglected to inform us that he had prepared a recommendation letter in advance.

Thanks to my role as Hecate's emissary, I could easily understand and complete the form. I glanced over to check on the others' progress and, unsurprisingly, Ness seemed lost.

I assisted her in filling out her form. The only issue arose when we reached the section inquiring about the applicant's skills or specialties.

"Ness, do you have any particular talents or abilities?" I asked in a hushed tone.

"Since losing my divinity, I no longer possess any skills or abilities. It's rather embarrassing," she whispered back.

This was an expected predicament.

I suggested that Ness step outside with me for a moment. We found a secluded alley, ensuring we were out of earshot.

"Why have you brought me here, Egil?" Ness questioned.

Utilizing the goddess Eris' blessing of "Transfer," I bestowed one of my own blessings upon Ness.

In addition to allowing me to copy others' blessings, "Transfer" also granted me the ability to permanently transfer blessings to other individuals.

"I have given you Eogan's blessing. You can serve as our luggage carrier."

"How could you!" Ness exclaimed, clearly affronted.

"Can you fight?" I challenged.

"...No..." she admitted reluctantly.

"Then carry our belongings."

Though disappointed, she recognized the practicality of the arrangement.

We returned inside, completed the forms, and proceeded to the next room, which appeared to be a training hall, likely for the purpose of evaluating our abilities.

After a brief wait, the examiner finally arrived.

At first glance, the examiner appeared to be an ordinary office worker, save for the distinct attire he wore. He seemed only slightly older than myself, with neatly trimmed brown hair and a notable scar adorning his right eye.

"Greetings, adventurer applicants. My name is Valin, and I will be your examiner for today's evaluation," he announced.

Valin's gaze swept over us as he added, "I understand you were recommended for this position by none other than the great General Gale himself."

There was a hint of intrigue in his tone, an unspoken question lingering in the air regarding the nature of our connection to the esteemed former general.

He had no clue that the "great general" was next to me.