


A world of Swords and Magic, the typical Fantasy that anyone can imagine. 

A certain individual inside the residence of one of the neutral cities, called Neutrum between the Holy Nation of Virtus and Dark Nation of Vitoten was having a mental breakdown.


It was a boy in his early teens who was holding his head with one hand and the other on a mirror that was in front of him.

The boy stared at himself in awe as he glanced at the person on the mirror, he had luscious blond hair, gleaming crimson eyes, and a slender and slightly toned physique.

Basically, he became a handsome young boy that easily turn heads of any passerby.

He was also 5'7 to boot, despite only being fourteen years old, all the ladies would swoon looking at his appearance, but rather than being admiring his new looks, he had a bigger worry.

His current predicament. 

"I am Theodore Ignatius...." Theo said holding his face in horror.

A day has passed since Raymond or Ray regained his memories of his time on Earth.

The result of this was the largest headache he had in his entire two lives.

Ray finally felt it subsiding after he woke up.

 ..... I am Theodore Ignatius, Second Son of the Emperor of Light and one of the main protagonists in The Legends of Alethea.....

All the memories he possessed and received aligned with all the storyline of the main game.

The backstory of Theo, in full detail, that was not shown in the game.

The circumstances and characters in the Ignatius family.

And the role Theo has to play to survive and make it to the ending of the world.

Not a single information diverted from the original story of game, atleast what he was familiar with. 

Ray, now Theo, took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

"Face it, your now the one and only Theo, Ray"

Though the only thing amiss was that, the process of possession like in the novels didn't feel the same as what was described, as Theo/Ray felt truly like Theodore.

All the emotions, memories, and habits all felt more natural than a normal possession.

As if he lived the life of Theo for 14 years and only discovered his memories of his past life now. 

"Damn..... I'm hella handsome"

After calming down and admiring his appearance, he sat down on his king sized bed.

Theo looked around his room as he sat comfortably on his bed. The room was beyond luxurious, everything in was your typical high ranking noble room. 

"I would probably have to empty my bank account and be in deep debt just to have this kind of room if I was broke Ray a couple of years back...."

Knock* Knock*

A gentle knock came from the double door.

"Young master, the time has come, are you ready for the meeting?"

A young gentleman's voice came from the other side


The door opened and a slender young man with brown hair and brown in his late teens came in, dressed in a butler uniform.

"Young master, why have you not dressed, the visitors will arrive to the meeting point shortly, you must be prepared at once" 

Theo's head froze as he realized the situation that he was about to be driven into.

He only sighed and spoke in a half joking tone to the butler, while scratching his head.

"Ah, Sorry Bennet, I didn't realize it was that time of the day already"

Bennet deeply sighed, scrunching his eyebrow with an incomprehensibe look on his face

"This is a rather unusual behavior coming from you, young master. You of all people rarely make this mistake. Maybe this has to do with the headache you received yesterday." 

"I'll get to it, Bennet, just give me five minutes" Theo scratching his head

Bennet nodded 

"Alright five minutes, Young Master, after that we must head straight to meet your Fiance"

Bennet closed the door gently and waited on the side of the door to wait for his master to finish

Theo on the other hand, began to panic internally as the Ray inside of him had rarely had any female relationships before, because of his circumstances in his past life.

However the Theo within him managed to calm himself down and casted a Clean spell, before choosing an outfit from the wardrobe that Bennet prepared for him.


five minutes later...

"I shall lead the way, young master" 

Bennet gently mentions as Theo followed him down the large and long hallway.

This event was the prologue of Theo, meeting his fiance. Selene's prologue begins here as well.

This was going to be the second time Theo would meet his fiance. Last time was at the birthday of his elder sister a couple of years ago, but they barely spoke to each other, making this their first actual time they would get to know each other.

The character, rather, the person he was about to meet was the fiance of Theo, named Selene Aventus, one of the optional main characters you can choose in Legends of Alethea.

The meeting between Theodore and Selene was, to say the least, a disasterous meeting.

Theo said some harsh things to Selene and abruptly left the drawing room to go train himself further in the training hall.

How am I supposed to pull that off? I am Theo, but half of me is different now....

The relationship they developed was not exactly out of love; rather it was an arranged marriage between the Nations of Virtus and Vitoten to ensure the friendly pact would continue on to the next generation.

And indeed Selene was also a child of a ruler of another nation, which was Vitoten. 

Theo was essentially a prince of Virtus and Selene was the first princess of Vitoten.

Vitoten and Virtus has a longline of conflict that spanned for hundreds of years, only recently with the the latest rulers of the nation decided to let go of past grudges and shook hands.

The marriage from the two families was one of the agreements that was signed 12 years ago to show the the world that the two long standing enemies have united under the banner of peace and prosperity.

The typical political arranged marriage between powerful nations in a fantasy novel, but the only difference was that both people that were arranged to be married actually fell for each other later into the future.

Unexpected, when Theo literally gunned down Selene with his harsh words before they could even start introductions.

That's where the problem comes in. Theo was worried that the change of personality and mindset recently would greatly affect the story's outcome.

What if major plot points in the story fail to emerge because of a falling out between us?

What if one of us dies sooner than expected from the original story because of my actions that'll affect her?

What if she'd see right through my soul, catching me as a half baked Theo?

All of these questions swirled through Theo's head and the headaches that went away just an hour ago started to creep back to his head.

The last question was especially important, because Selene as a character was very special when it came to seeing other people's souls, which was one of the reasons Selene fell more in love with Theo.

Selene had the unique eye that can perceive the true essence of any living creature, but the use of her eye is extremely limited at her current level and other specific limitations. 

She would unlock this skill later in the game when she acquires it in a certain dungeon in Vitoten.

Aggggh!!!! Whatever happens happens!

Theo shook his head fervently in resignation and proceeded to calm himself down, while chanting in his mind that everything will probably be fine and 'Future Theo would deal with it'.

What is wrong with the his highness today? Is he having another headache?

The butler in front of him sensed his master's distress and worried about his mentality, but pinned the cause of the nervousness of, Theo, meeting his Fiance for the second time, which was actually not far from the truth.

Hang in there your highness! 

The butler cheered internally.

 But the worst fear Theo came to be as they finally arrived at their destination.

I'll be fine, just act like the usual Theo and everything will proceed smoothly.

Bennet proceeded to open the door of the drawing room.

Selene Aventus sat on one of the luxurious embroidered sofas.

She had a pitch black straight hair that reached her waist, she had heterochromia eyes, one being black, while the other on her left was grey or silver, and she also had a young girl's body which was on the cusp of attaining perfection.

Theo made eye contact with his Fiance, Selene.

Like a bolt of lightning both people experienced an indescribable sensation that washed over their entire body in a mere split second. 

Theo and Selene both experienced the same thing.

Both of them just sat there staring at each other in disbelief for a good minute before Selene rushed towards him and tried to slam her fist on his face.


Only to be stopped by Theo, before she landed a clean hit.


Selene angrily shouted, which greatly contrasted her demeanor from earlier.

"Hi..... Nice to meet you"

Theo smiled wryly, as he believed that another headache was about to arrive.