
Another world another day

Just a simple man in a simple world. Or so he thought

Quinx · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Simply walking.

Through the years a teen boy has learned that the world he lives in is both extremely harsh and very mundane at the same time. He also learned that no matter how much he tried he was destined for, well, mundaneness. He has a decent life, not horrible but not overly great, he has a caring family and nice friends. He has faced hardship, and has had good times too. One thing that he very much enjoyed though was the thought of leaving his world and traveling to a world of fantasy, just like in his favorite anime. Little did he except, he got just that.

"Sigh… I wonder when mom will get back from shopping" he thought to himself as he walked on the side of the road back to their new home.

All of a sudden he looked down and saw a very shiny gem in the dirt.

He picked it up and said "heh, how funny would it be if this thing was one of those plot points for the start of an anime…"

The gem had started to glow a deep green with hints of blue and purple. It eventually became so bright that he had to shield his eyes with his hand.