
Another Typical Uchiha Fanfic

In an alternate universe devoid of Boruto or 'Naruto: The Last' events, a remarkable tale unfolds. Meet the Uchiha MC, blessed with the extraordinary power of the Mangekyo Sharingan. However, there's a twist - this unique ability grants him access to a mysterious system. Penned by the author(me), this original tale follows the journey of the protagonist who, did not transmigrated nor reincarnated, he simply retains memories of their past life who lived in another world.(aka our world)

DaoistcaqwL5 · Komik
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8 Chs

Understanding how the system work

Konoha, The Uchiha Compound (Night)


After finishing a fragrant bowl of ramen at Ramen Ichiraku, he quickly excused himself, citing training, and swiftly made his way to the Uchiha compound.

Nestled in the heart of Konoha, this compound pulsated with life even after dusk.

The Uchiha compound, considered one of the largest and most prestigious in Konoha, is part of the four 'noble' clans, along with the Sarutobi, Hyuga, and Aburame clans. Within its boundaries, one could find everything, from essential goods to clothing stores.

However, each clan specializes in unique offerings found only within their territory, making their products highly sought after by others.

The Nara clan was famous for their medicine and deer meat, the Akimichi clan for their restaurants, the Yamanaka clan for their flower shops, and the Sarutobi clan for their teaching materials, among other specialties.

This was one of the incentives implemented by Tobirama Senju, the Second Hokage, to promote interaction among clans and prevent isolation that could lead to conflict within the village.



In the case of the Uchiha clan, they were known for their weapons, comprising 1/3rd of Konoha's weapon supply and selling the best weapons money could buy in Konoha, attracting many non-Uchiha to their weapon shops and blacksmiths.

Regardless of occasion, they will remain open, ready to live up to their reputation.

Even after the war, the demand for Uchiha weapons persisted. Returning shinobi sought them for various reasons: some as gifts for loved ones, a tradition among shinobi and shinobi families; others to pass down their trade secrets and legacy to their children from a young age; and some fulfilling long-held desires to acquire high-quality weapons previously out of reach.

The scent of metal in the air, surprisingly pleasant as one progresses in their career, is complemented by the coldness of the night. Blacksmiths bear the heat of reforged steel, while customers observe the craftsmanship employed to create the best weapons available.

It was not unusual for chatter to fill the air while weapons were being crafted, as if it was the true currency exchanged, rather than mere cash.

Upon entering the compound, he swiftly employed the Body Flicker technique to reach his apartment.

To an untrained eye, it seemed like a peculiar cold breeze was flowing through the compound in a manner they hadn't seen before, intriguing young onlookers who marveled at the mysterious breeze.

But for seasoned shinobi who fought at Kirigakure front during the war, they immediately recognized Masato, who had mastered the Body Flicker technique to the point where he could use it freely to travel without restriction He had made a name for himself in Kirigakure with one of these techniques.

Lost in thought, Masato avoided engaging in casual conversations, choosing instead to avoid encounters along the way.

Skillfully avoiding to rustled the leaves, he made to his apartment.

Upon entering his room, he swiftly locked the door and lay flat on his bed, having solitude he needs to process his thoughts.

He replayed the day's events in his mind, reflecting undisturbed on the challenges he had encountered.

He was ambushed by 50 Jonin while training in the Forest of Death. Barely staying alive, he managed to outwit them and ultimately prevailed, thanks to the unfair advantage bestowed upon him by fate.

While he found it exhilarating in the heat of the moment, he did recognize the implications of the attack. He observed the increasing hostility of Konoha's upper echelon towards him and the Uchiha clan as a whole.

They had reached a point where they were willing to assassinate him despite his status as a war hero in Konoha.

'If only the one-eyed elder had accompanied them, I could have ended this matter,' he lamented, foreseeing how the situation would continue to unfold as long as he remained alive, drawing from his memories of the 'future'.

Assassinating him now was out of the question, as Masato was unaware of the location of the Root hideout. Additionally, due to the curse seal implanted in Root members, he failed to gain any information about them.

Moreover, after today's loss, Danzo would be even more cautious, as he knew any attempts would be discovered.

He needed to find another way to deal with Danzo and the Konoha upper echelon. The isolation of his clan from Konoha was still present, though not as prevalent as he had seen in the 'future'.

Soon his mind diverts towards the system he receives right after escaping from the edge of death, which peculiarly responds if used by his right Mangekyo Sharigan.

Regarding his left Mangekyo Sharingan, it granted him the ability to use any jutsu, Kekkei Genkai, and summon weapons from shops that he purchases.

Despite sacrificing the abilities of his eyes, it fortunately provided stability, preventing pain or loss of eyesight. Additionally, he was still able to summon Susanoo, which is considered the strongest power an Uchiha can possess.

So the tradeoff was generous, considering the potential of Susanoo and the enhanced capabilities he would gain from the shop.

However, upon analyzing it after his first purchase and during the meal, he discovered aspects that made it valuable, yet mentally taxing.

A notable aspect was his newfound ability to bestow jutsu, Kekkei Genkai, or weapons upon others, albeit at 30% weaker potency.

He was initially excited, as he considered the overall advantage it provided, especially since it was 25-40% cheaper when bestowed upon others.

Firstly, bestowing Kekkei Genkai, commonly the elemental ones, automatically grants the recipient an affinity for two elements. This enhances their versatility in different scenarios and allows them to become proficient in two elements more quickly compared to shinobi who typically have an affinity for only one.

Secondly, Kekkei Genkai-based jutsu are usually 10-30% stronger than regular elemental jutsu of similar rank, based on his impression. Additionally, they are harder to counter or neutralize due to their unfamiliar properties.

Thirdly, the power of Kekkei Genkai can be magnified in groups. Collaboration jutsu using the same release has a much more devastating effect compared to using regular elemental jutsu. For example, a group of 20-17 Uchiha Genin can take down 1 Uchiha Jonin using collaboration jutsu, even at the lowest rank, rather than the usual requirement of 25 Uchiha Genin to defeat 1 Uchiha Jonin.

As for weapons and jutsu, he could bestow them upon anyone with each purchase he made.

For civilian shinobi who lack support from a clan, this system would allow them to close the gap between themselves and clan shinobi, as civilian Jonin are rare despite comprising the majority of shinobi force. They lack both a diverse jutsu arsenal and quality weapons which hold them back from reaching their potential.

Moreover, with access to strong weapons such as Kiba or A-rank jutsu, a Jonin's combat prowess could be comparable to that of an Elite Jonin with sufficient practice.

Points needed to buy them is based on potenial of the purchase item and quality(rank) of it.

There are no conditions to give them; furthermore, the system proved generous. Each purchase made to bestow upon others decreased the points he needed for his own purchases until the cycle reset upon his own acquisition.

Therefore, while empowering others, he would eventually be able to acquire stronger weapons/jutsu or more suitable Kekkei Genkai for himself as well.

However, the primary challenge with the system lies in the method of earning points.

Rather than completing missions, engaging in combat, etc., which he was adept at, the system awards points based on the strong bonds the Uchiha clan forms with other clans.

The stronger the bond with another clan, the more points he receives until it reaches a personal level. At this level, the chance of betrayal is zero, and the chance of assistance is maximum, with bonus points awarded when reaching this state.

The points he receives vary depending on the clan's strength and influence.

However, the bond must be developed without coercion, so Masato cannot rely solely on his infamous reputation in this case.

Although the second method of earning points involves wiping out clans, something he is more comfortable with, he only receives 25% of the total potential points for doing so. This obviously incentivizes him to focus on forming bonds instead, as the loss of points from wiping out clans is too significant.

However, he knew it would be challenging, as cooperating with other clans had been a struggle for him in the past.

The Uchiha clan was known for being the least social among all clans, even in comparison to the Hyuga clan. They historically had either bad or neutral relationships with most clans, and with the ever-increasing scrutiny from the Konoha upper echelon, it made forming bonds even more difficult.

Therefore, his only viable option at the moment was to address it slowly and gradually, despite it not being his usual approach.

'By the way, I should visit her while I pick up my junior.'

With that in mind, he swiftly left his apartment, the soft echo of his footsteps resonating in the quiet of the night as he made his way towards his destination, the moon casting a gentle glow upon the streets, he vowed to preserve.

If you enjoyed the chapter, feel free to comment. You can also leave your feedback instead of using a power stone if you've run out of them and hope the explanation of the system was clear.(click to see more)

And you can give your comment instead instead of power stone.(if you run out lf them)

Quality(rank) of the purchase item:

S rank-Kage+

A rank-Elite Jonin to Kage

B rank-Chunin to Half Kage

C rank-Genin to Quasi Kage

E-D rank-Academy Student-Elite Jonin

Note: Only few can utilise peak potenial of the jutsu in the specific rank, so don't expect an E rank jutsu user to overshadow A rank jutsu unless you full mastered the jutsu.(Such as Masato and his mastery of Body Flicker Technqiue.)

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