
Another Typical Uchiha Fanfic

In an alternate universe devoid of Boruto or 'Naruto: The Last' events, a remarkable tale unfolds. Meet the Uchiha MC, blessed with the extraordinary power of the Mangekyo Sharingan. However, there's a twist - this unique ability grants him access to a mysterious system. Penned by the author(me), this original tale follows the journey of the protagonist who, did not transmigrated nor reincarnated, he simply retains memories of their past life who lived in another world.(aka our world)

DaoistcaqwL5 · Komik
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8 Chs

Let's try to work together

Konoha, The Uchiha Compound, Uchiha Senbei ( Late Morning)


Near the border of the compound, sat a humble shop affiliated with the Uchiha clan, renowned for its Senbei. The closely guarded secret recipe of the Senbei had earned the shop its fame.

Oddly, despite the shop being closed today, the aroma of mouthwatering Senbei still lingered in the air.

At a table inside the shop, five individuals sat while a dog sat on the floor.

The group included Uchiha Masato, Uchiha Shisui, Aburame Shibi, Hyuga Hizashi, and Inuzuka Tsume, accompanied by her loyal companion, Kuromaru.

Invited by Masato, they were eating Senbei, though reluctantly out of courtesy as they already ate before coming here.

'When will he start the discussion...' Hizashi bit into the Senbei with an elegant air of frustration, as if the Hyuga don't act as a snob, then who will?

On the opposite side of the table, Shibi observed Masato, renowned as the Uchiha's Red Fang in Konoha and as The Malefactor of Kirigakure in Kirigakure, about whom he had heard numerous tales during his time at war.

He was initially nicknamed the Uchiha's White Fang after single-handedly eliminating the seven swordsmen of Kiri, the strongest organization of shinobi in Kirigakure, which played a role in the demise of Uzushiogakure.

While no one witnessed the whole extent of the battle, they did so in the end- result, where he taunted nearby Kirigakure shinobi to pick up the fallen swordsmen's weapons and face him in battle.

However, as rumors surfaced of his abandonment and even the killing of assigned comrades to complete missions, his reputation shifted from 'White' to 'Red', symbolizing the blood of his stained allies on his 'Fang'.

In Kirigakure, he earned that moniker after eliminating the newly sealed three-tails' Jinchuriki and the 30 Hunter-nin who were guarding it, causing catastrophic damage to Kirigakure's forces and ultimately leading them to become the third village to raise the white flag.

He and his clan are now so reviled in Kirigakure and the Land of Water that they make even the infamous Kaguya clan seem saintly by comparison.

Even if his death toll was significantly less compared to Minato Namikaze, the Yellow Flash, the damage he did was equivalent to or even surpassed his.

Seeing the infamous Uchiha 'madman' casually eating breakfast and playfully bickering with the Inuzuka Patriarch's daughter, he couldn't help but feel confused

"Umm captain, we should start the meeting." reminded nervously by Shisui, seeing as it was already 11 o'clock.

"Ah yes, we should start," he said after wiping his lips with a handkerchief.

Tsume sighed and decided to leave the matter for now, while Kuromaru rubbed against her thigh to calm her down.

"Before we begin, let's introduce ourselves," Masato said sternly, displaying a rare moment of professionalism.

"Starting from me, I am Uchiha Masato, the Police Captain of Konoha Military Police Force(KMPF) Patrol division and temporary superior of the volunteers."

"I am Uchiha Shisui, the Police Lieutenant of Konoha Military Police Force(KMPF) Patrol division, tasked with assisting the Police Captain and the leaders of the volunteers"

After they finished introducing themselves, the others followed suit.

"I am Inuzuka Tsume, the current heir and representative of the Inuzuka clan and current leader of the volunteers from our clan."

"I am Hyuga Hizashi, the current head of the Hyuga Branch family and representative of the Hyuga clan and current leader of the volunteers from our clan."

"I am Aburame Shibi, the current heir and representative of the Aburame clan and current leader of the volunteers from our clan."

"Good, now let's start the meeting."

"First, give me the list of people who are going to volunteer."

The representatives of the three clans nodded and pulled out the list, which included names, shinobi ranks/positions, and their positions within the clan.

Just as missions and jutsu are divided into ranks, shinobi are also classified into ranks within their clans. Furthermore, the black market utilizes these rankings in their continuously updated Bingo Book.

There were four ranks: S rank, A rank, B rank and C rank.

Their counterparts, except for S rank which unofficially just associate with Kage or village leader, were Elite Jonin, Jonin and Tobeketsu Jonin respectively for simplification.

it was based on their battle prowess, their importance in their respective land/shinobi village and their influence.

While no established correlation existed between the former and the latter two, in general, greater battle prowess would typically result in higher importance and influence within the clan and the village—unless one is an heir, elder, or head of a clan.

Hence he preferred it more than shinobi ranks, which was based on the Hokage and the council's interest, not on merits which most expect.

As he expected, half of the list consisted of Tobeketsu Jonin, with only a handful of Jonin and even fewer Elite Jonin.

Though how much truth it had was not his matter of concern.

After Shisui copies their list quickly by his Sharigan on the Clipboard, they move on to the next stage of the discussion.

"Now let's assign squad leadership duties to each region of Konoha."

"Tsume would be responsible for squads in the southern region of Konoha."

"Hyuga-san would be responsible for squads in the northern region of Konoha."

"Aburame-san would be responsible for squads in the western region of Konoha."

"Shisui-Kun would be responsible for squads in the eastern region of Konoha. Now does anyone have any issue with it?" Masato asked politely, to which the four shook their heads in response.

Uchiha Fugaku carefully specified the location on the document for Masato to include, granting them temporary jurisdiction over areas near their clan and thereby avoiding any potential issues.

After providing them with armbands indicating their jurisdictional responsibilities for their assigned regions, as instructed in the document, Masato assigned squads based on rank and clan to carry out the patrol duties.

Due to privacy laws regarding the Byakugan, Hyuga clan were only allowed to use eyes outside of the village, so all Hyuga were assigned next to the entrance and exit of the village with the Border Patrol squads.

KMPF, Aburame clan and Inuzuka clan, meanwhile, were assigned to the village patrol squads and border patrol squads.

It was a well-devised plan that utilized the Hyuga clan's exceptional vision to prevent the group of assailants from entering or ensnaring them within Konoha's walls if they were present.

Simultaneously, the Aburame and Inuzuka clans were tasked with locating the group, operating both within and outside Konoha's borders. They utilized their unique insect and canine companions to relay intelligence about the village and its surroundings to the regional leader upon detecting any anomalies.

If any threat was perceived, the leader would promptly inform the KMPF, which were tasked with safeguarding the volunteers and apprehending the intruders, whether they were found within Konoha or at its outskirts, especially if an assault on the volunteers was imminent.

The plan satisfied the representatives of the three clans, ensuring their protection.

However, the plan's reliability was of little concern to Masato.

They had yet to discover that he alone was the real culprit. He didn't believe they would suspect him, an Uchiha skilled in Water release, let alone Ice release, of being responsible for the Root and the Anbu deaths.

Thus, the patrol would simply distract the Konoha upper echelon, who wanted the supposed group to be eliminated, while allowing the other three clans to proceed with their agenda.

So, despite any flaws in the plan, what mattered most was the willingness of the three clans to cooperate with the Uchiha, as it would allow Masato to gain more points.

For now, he simply waits for the discussion to unfold. Meanwhile, he prepares to give a gift to someone he believes will appreciate it.

If you enjoyed the chapter, feel free to comment. You can also leave your feedback instead of using a power stone if you've run out of them.

Note:·Junior/Intern Police Officer-Chunin

Police Officer-Tobeketsu Jonin

Senior Police Officer-Jonin

Note: Shinobi rank recognised by KMPL are priotised over ranks recognished by Konoha Council.

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