

After the news of murder in town.stiles snooping around his dad office file...to find some evidence about recent death.

after he some evidence he ran to find Scott. he didn't notice he was running very fast for a human, someone(Mc) from the woods was watching him.

An excited Stiles runs up to Scott at lacrosse practice.

He says forensic evidence from the body in the woods suggests a wolf was involved

but Scott is too preoccupied with practice to stop and listen.because today practice decide who goes in first line.

Allison arrives and waves to Scott who waves back.

Coach Finstock announces that Scott is going to play on the team's first line. Stiles is sitting on the bench and seems worried.

he went to research in his own.we see Stiles at home in front of his computer.

Images of people with wolf heads, details about wolfsbane and other arcane knowledge about werewolves scrolls across the screen.

After practice over scott came to stiles home to ask what he found.He explains that Scott and he is a werewolf now and shows him a book that

explains how the full moon and strong emotions or

anything that raises his heart rate could trigger blood lust and violence.

He says Scott has to cancel his date with Allison because it's the night of the full moon and she gets him excited.

Scott refuses to cancel so Stiles grabs his phone and says he'll do it. Scott becomes irate, grabs Stiles and thrusts him up against the wall.

both have small fight after that scott apologizes and leaves. Once he is gone, Stiles notices that the chair

Scott hit now has three distinct claw marks along the back.

later that evening

Scott arrives at the Argent House to pick up Allison.

At the party, Scott spots Derek Hale standing off to one side of the yard.

at the full moon

Scott gets sick. He is sweating and seems a little delirious. He makes his way out of the party and back to his car.

Allison chases him out of the party just in time to see him speed off down the street.

Scott makes it home.

He is sweating and panting. The full moon can be seen out his bedroom window.

As he sits in the shower in his blue jeans, his fingernails begin to grow into claws.

When he looks in the mirror we see his canine teeth have grown into fangs and his eyes glow amber yellow.

at stiles home he is having same reaction as scott

but he has prepared some chains and cuff before full moon strike.

scott think that if he sees allison then he can return back normal.but find allison jacket hang in the tree branch,

He hears someone walking and calls out "Where is she?" the answer comes in a whisper "She's safe from you."

Using his enhanced werewolf vision, Scott sees Derek Hale in the darkness.

Derek grabs him and wrestles him up against a tree.

Then, hearing something only he can hear, shushes Scott. He looks worried and says "They're already here. Run!" and takes off running.

Sebastian's (Mc) watching everything from tree branch with invisibility ring,

he is thinking" if i don't interfere every thing goes the same with little here and there,

huh should i change a story little bit or make it bit fast forward, ah i nearly forgot about her,

she is coming soon i am bored so she can be my plaything for a bit,"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I dont want to follow same tv story time ,i will make up some oc,

our mc will not follow teen wolfs, he will be like behind the scene boss and have his own fun.




i am sorry guys if my story is not intresting much,

this is my first fanfic story so. i will try to make good content.

Rex_Zatchcreators' thoughts