
Another Life In Naruto

In a world where the boundary between fantasy and reality shatters, Ethan Nakamura, an American martial artist and former coach, is reincarnated into the legendary ninja village of Konoha. Now living as Haruto Takeda, an orphan with no family, Nathan must navigate the challenges of the ninja academy and the dangers of the shinobi world, relying on his past life’s discipline and perseverance. As Haruto trains alongside future legends like Kakashi Hatake and Might Guy, he discovers a mysterious system that rewards him for his efforts. But the system offers no shortcuts—it only enhances what he has earned through hard work. With every challenge he faces, Haruto becomes stronger, smarter, and more determined to forge his own path. With the looming threat of the next Great Ninja War, Haruto must push his limits and learn to master both his abilities and his new life in Konoha. His journey is one of growth, loyalty, and survival as he strives to rise above his peers and unlock his true potential. Warning: This novel contains content created with the assistance of AI.

litrpgfanfic · Komik
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308 Chs

280 TIME SKIP 1yr AGE 10

One Year Later

Haruto stood at the edge of the training field, watching the early morning mist curl through the trees. He was ten now, but a year as a Chunin had transformed him far more than he could have ever imagined. The weight of responsibility, endless missions, and the thrill of hidden system rewards had pushed him to heights he hadn't thought possible.

One of those surprises had come right after his promotion to Chunin: a hidden quest triggered in his system, granting him Tier 2 Chakra Density well ahead of schedule. No more waiting for basic upgrades, no delays. The change in his chakra had been immediate. His control had improved dramatically, sharpening his techniques and making his power efficient, even deadly.

The Thunder Scalpel, once a staple of his skillset, had evolved. Now, it was the Thunder Scalpel Slash, a technique he'd derived inspiration from his Lightning Arc. This advanced form extended his chakra into lightning cables a few feet beyond his reach, transforming him into a moving storm of cutting energy. It wasn't just raw power—it was precision. The denser chakra allowed him to achieve greater results with minimal expenditure, conserving his energy for longer, more grueling battles.

Even his more basic techniques, like Lightning Ball, had become something more. Once a standard C-rank jutsu, it now hit with the impact of a B-rank technique, enhanced by the potency of his chakra. And Thunder Arc, with its 20-yard range, had become one of his favorite tools for long-distance combat. While it lacked the piercing edge of his scalpel techniques, it was invaluable for controlling the battlefield and forcing opponents into defensive positions.

Over the last year, Haruto had focused his system upgrades on stamina, since his chakra density had already reached Tier 2. Stamina had quickly become his new obsession. Every day, he could feel his endurance growing, allowing him to train harder and recover faster. He hoped it would only take three more upgrades to hit Tier 3, but he wasn't entirely sure if it would take the same amount as it had for Tier 2.

Being a Chunin had its perks—more autonomy, more freedom. He could form his own team or be assigned to one. Shisui and Daichi had also been promoted, but Shisui had vanished into the shadowy world of ANBU, leaving Haruto and Daichi to find their own way. Fortunately, fate—or the village—had stepped in.

They'd been assigned to a team with Katsume, a Chunin Haruto had trained with under Hisato's guidance. Katsume was everything Haruto admired in a ninja. At 19, she had dark brown eyes that could pierce through any lie and long black hair that she kept tied back in a tight braid during battle. Her presence was commanding, her confidence undeniable. Though she wasn't from a famous clan, she carried herself with the grace and ferocity of a warrior born into nobility.

Her kenjutsu was impeccable. Every swing of her sword was calculated, precise, honed from years of relentless training. Katsume was on the brink of reaching Special Jonin status, and Haruto had no doubt she'd get there soon. But it wasn't just her swordplay that impressed him—her Wind Release techniques made her a force to be reckoned with. She could manipulate air currents to extend her reach, increase the speed of her strikes, or knock enemies off balance.

She wasn't just skilled—she was smart, resourceful, and, Haruto had to admit, pretty damn attractive. Her sharp wit and unwavering focus made her both an exceptional leader and someone Haruto had come to trust.

She must have died in the war to come Haruto figured, she was way to skilled and sexy to not be in the anime.

Speaking of war everyone had stopped say if, but when the war would take place. Tensions were on the rise, based on the Anime and fan lore he read in his past life he figured a year or so before all hell breaks through.

The three of them had formed a frighteningly efficient team, catching the attention of the village leadership with their mission success rate. Katsume had initially lost her previous squad to injuries during a mission, but Haruto and Daichi had filled that void. Together, they had completed countless missions, growing stronger with each passing day.

But not everything was smooth. Shizune and Katsume, for some reason, didn't get along well. He considered both of them friends and comrades, but there was tension whenever they crossed paths. Haruto had once invited both of them and everyone he considered to a barbecue he'd hosted at a restraunt, thanks to the wealth he'd accumulated from his directional explosive tags patent, but the friction between them was obvious. He wasn't sure what caused it, but he didn't let it bother him too much.

Outside of his team, Haruto's ambitions stretched beyond what others saw. He had been working diligently on his fuinjutsu, refining his techniques until they were ready for live testing. His body enhancement seals had finally reached a level he considered close to perfection. But to take the next step, he needed subjects willing to undergo the treatment.

And that's where his plan came in.

Haruto had spent months building rapport with two of the most physically gifted shinobi in the village: Duy, the eternal genin, and his son, Guy, a taijutsu prodigy. Both were known for their incredible physical prowess, unmatched by most shinobi in the village. Haruto had recognized an opportunity—his body enhancement seals could potentially elevate them to heights they had never imagined. And now, it was time to propose his deal.

Haruto was confident in his research. He estimated that if Guy used his enhancement seals every other day, his strength, speed, and durability could increase by 13% to 25% over the course of a year. But for Haruto, the results could be even more staggering. He planned to undergo the treatments nightly, believing he could increase his own abilities by 33% to 50%. His chakra control, his mastery of fuinjutsu, all pointed to one outcome: growth—rapid, undeniable growth.

Haruto's ultimate goal was simple. If Guy saw results after a year, they would trade the secret of the Eight Gates. Haruto would cover all the costs, handle the risk, and in return, he would unlock one of the most powerful taijutsu techniques in existence.

He could already see the future—the power, the speed, the overwhelming strength that would put him in a league of his own. Nothing would stand in his way, not even the limitations of his own body.

With a final glance at the horizon, Haruto set off toward his meeting with Duy and Guy, his mind racing with the weight of his ambition. His plan was sound, his research solid.