
Another Life In Naruto

In a world where the boundary between fantasy and reality shatters, Ethan Nakamura, an American martial artist and former coach, is reincarnated into the legendary ninja village of Konoha. Now living as Haruto Takeda, an orphan with no family, Nathan must navigate the challenges of the ninja academy and the dangers of the shinobi world, relying on his past life’s discipline and perseverance. As Haruto trains alongside future legends like Kakashi Hatake and Might Guy, he discovers a mysterious system that rewards him for his efforts. But the system offers no shortcuts—it only enhances what he has earned through hard work. With every challenge he faces, Haruto becomes stronger, smarter, and more determined to forge his own path. With the looming threat of the next Great Ninja War, Haruto must push his limits and learn to master both his abilities and his new life in Konoha. His journey is one of growth, loyalty, and survival as he strives to rise above his peers and unlock his true potential. Warning: This novel contains content created with the assistance of AI.

litrpgfanfic · Komik
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308 Chs


Haruto entered the arena like a predator, his steps deliberate, his robe billowing with each movement. He wear his normal outfit behind his us. Today, he was wearing a robe. Beneath the loose fabric, the intricate seals that crisscrossed his skin pulsed faintly, the same ones that had turned his baths to ice now keeping his body at the edge of freezing. These seals weren't just decoration; they were his lifeline against the inferno he was about to face. Each one designed to draw chakra and produce push away heat, just enough to stave off Pakura's heat release.

Pakura eyed him warily, her narrowed gaze trying to decipher the enigma before her. What's with the robe? she wondered. Haruto looked different, focused in a way that was unsettling, like a storm about to be unleashed.

Across the arena, Minato stood in his role as the judge, his calm demeanor betraying nothing. Haruto felt the pressure of his presence. Of course, it had to be him. He wasn't looking for a simple victory today—he wanted to break Pakura, to dismantle her piece by piece. No fancy tactics today, Haruto thought. I'll beat her down, then finish her with Thunder Scalpel.

Pakura acted first, raising her hands and molding her chakra with the speed and precision of an experienced shinobi. A glowing orb of superheated energy formed in her hands, and with a flick of her wrist, she hurled it toward him. The air sizzled as the orb shot forward, but Haruto was already moving. He sidestepped the attack effortlessly, his feet barely touching the ground as he sprinted toward her.

His first set of seals flared to life, a cold chill spreading through his body. The heat was fierce, but the seals did their job, keeping his body temperature just below the danger zone. Pakura's eyes flickered in surprise—she hadn't expected him to close the gap so quickly. She increased her heat, the temperature rising like a furnace, but Haruto was unfazed.

He surged forward with his Static Charge Jutsu, lightning crackling around his body. His chakra-enhanced speed sent him barreling toward her, and before she could react, he was within striking distance.

Pakura conjured another orb in desperation, but Haruto flipped over it with the grace of an acrobat, twisting through the air and landing directly in front of her, the heat now a suffocating wave between them. But Haruto didn't care.

He struck without hesitation.

His fist crashed into her right knee with a sickening crack, chakra-enhanced strength shattering the bone. Pakura screamed, the sharp, agonizing pain radiating through her body, but Haruto didn't give her a chance to recover.

She tried to stagger backward, her leg trembling, but Haruto was relentless. He brought his fist up again for an uppercut, but Pakura barely managed to twist away, the blow grazing her chin and sending her stumbling. She raised her hands, summoning another orb, but Haruto was already moving. He sidestepped the blast and countered with a Lightning Ball Jutsu, his chakra-infused projectile slamming into her chest with a burst of electricity.

Pakura gasped, the shock stunning her as she tumbled backward, her body convulsing from the surge of electricity. Haruto's first set of seals burned out, and the heat rushed in again, oppressive and all-consuming. But with a flick of his chakra, his second set of seals activated, dulling the intensity just enough for him to continue.

Pakura tried to recover, gritting her teeth through the pain. Her ribs ached, her knee was barely holding her weight, and her chest throbbed where the lightning had struck. She glared at Haruto, the frustration and fear creeping into her mind. How the hell is he staying this close? She moved quickly, grabbing at his robe, tearing it off in desperation, and her eyes widened as she saw the burned-out seals across his chest. Six seals… all burned up. He's using seals to resist my heat?

Haruto's lips curled into a grim smile.

But there was no time for her to process it. Haruto was on her again, his body moving with a vicious precision. He had honed himself for this moment, his Two Minds ability allowing one part of him to focus entirely on beating her senseless while the other mind analyzed every movement, every flaw in her defense. He darted in, his movements sharp and fluid, his strikes unrelenting.

A brutal punch landed in Pakura's gut, the force behind it making her double over in agony. The chakra-enhanced impact rattled her ribs, and she felt something crack under the pressure. Haruto didn't give her a moment to breathe. He slammed his elbow into her shoulder, dislocating it with a savage force. Her vision blurred from the pain, her body screaming in protest, but Haruto wasn't done.

His kicks came next—one to her side, snapping more ribs, another to her thigh, crippling her already weakened leg. Pakura tried to raise her hands in defense, but Haruto caught her wrist and twisted it, forcing her arm back at a painful angle before delivering a brutal knee to her abdomen. The strike sent her reeling, her body crumpling under the relentless assault.

Blood dripped from her mouth as she coughed, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Her eye was swollen shut, her ribs felt like they were on fire, and her entire body was bruised and battered. She could barely stand, her vision narrowing to a blur of pain and heat. I can't… I can't take this anymore, she thought desperately, knowing her defeat was imminent.

Haruto watched her, his eyes cold and calculating. He could see the surrender in her eyes. She was ready to break. But he wasn't done—not yet. He raised both hands, preparing for one final strike, but this time, electricity crackled at his fingertips as his Thunder Scalpel activated.

Pakura's vision swam. I… I can't move… She was about to surrender when—

A flash of yellow light.

Minato appeared between them, his hand gripping Haruto's wrist before the Thunder Scalpel could land. But Haruto had anticipated this. He used the momentum of Minato's grip to flip over his head, activating his scalpel in his other hand.

His target: Pakura's throat.

Time seemed to slow as Haruto's hand descended, inches from his mark. But Minato was faster. His elbow struck Haruto's arm, knocking it just off course. The blade sliced across Pakura's neck—

As a medical-nin Haruto knew it was not deep enough to kill, but enough to leave a cut that bled moderately.

Haruto landed in a crouch, his teeth clenched in frustration. Dammit, he thought. So close.

Pakura, barely conscious, gasped for air, clutching her throat as the blood trickled down her neck. She wasn't dead, but she was broken.