
Another Heartbeat

Dive into the chilling depths of fear with this spine-tingling collection of horror short stories and novels. Each tale in this book pushes the boundaries of terror, promising to haunt your dreams and send shivers down your spine. Beware, for some stories might be too intense for the faint of heart. These tales explore the darkest corners of human imagination, delving into the supernatural, the macabre, and the grotesque. Imagine reading these stories in the dead of night, when the world is cloaked in darkness, and every creak and rustle seems louder. The shadows in your room seem to move, and you can't shake the feeling that you're being watched. This is the perfect time to fully immerse yourself in the horror within these pages. You'll meet vengeful spirits, demonic entities, and evil beings that lurk just beyond the edge of sanity. Each story is meant to unsettle, to make you question what is real and what is a figment of your darkest nightmares. From haunted houses to cursed objects, from psychological terror to visceral horror, this collection covers a wide range of fear-inducing themes. As you turn each page, you'll find yourself drawn deeper into a maze of terror, where the unexpected waits around every corner. The vivid descriptions and eerie atmospheres are meant to make your heart race and your breath catch in your throat. But remember, once you start reading, there's no turning back. If you have the courage, read this collection at night. The effect is unmatched when the world is asleep, and you are alone with only the stories to keep you company. But be warned, these tales have a lasting effect, and you might find yourself glancing over your shoulder long after you've closed the book. Are you brave enough to face the nightmares that await?

Lenosaul · Seram
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14 Chs

Desperation Train

Kylan had been sitting in the station for quite some time now, watching as the rain poured down in sheets outside. It was raining so heavily that he had needed to grab his umbrella before leaving his apartment earlier that day.

Although he knew to expect rain, he hadn't anticipated just how intense the downpour would be. As he waited for his train, he passed the time by checking his messages and email on his phone, as well as scrolling through the latest news stories.

One of the news reports that caught his attention while he scrolled through headlines was about a strange incident at one of the train stations in Tokyo. The story centered around an event that had elements of the supernatural: about fifty passengers, along with the entire train they were on, had vanished without a trace.

Authorities were unable to determine where the train could have gone, and it was widely believed that the passengers had likely not survived whatever had happened. There was speculation that it might have been a terrorist attack, and that seemed to be the prevailing theory among most people.

Damn. Just my luck.

Kylan glanced at his inbox where a new email from one of his colleagues had just appeared.

After reading Jared's email about discussing their proposal, Kylan quickly typed out a response to Jared. He agreed that they needed to work on fine-tuning their proposal and was eager to hear Jared's thoughts on how they could best present their ideas to their boss.

As Kylan waited for his train, he began formulating his thoughts and drafting notes on his phone. Shortly after, he received Jared's reply, which echoed Kylan's eagerness and included some initial ideas on how they could approach the proposal. Kylan could sense Jared's enthusiasm and readiness to collaborate.

When the train finally arrived at the station, Kylan boarded, settling into a seat by the window. As the train began to move, he continued his conversation with Jared through email. They discussed the key points they needed to include in their proposal, such as the innovative aspects of their data storage solution and the long-term benefits it could offer the company.

"We need to emphasize the scalability and adaptability of our approach," Kylan wrote to Jared. "Let's include case studies or simulations to support our claims."

Jared responded: "Of course, let's keep it simple. We don't want to make it too complicated."

Kylan nodded to himself as he read Jared's reply. He knew they were on the right track. He sent back a quick email suggesting they structure the proposal in a clear, logical format that would effectively communicate their vision.

The train moved steadily forward, stopping at various stations to pick up more passengers. As the train became increasingly crowded, Kylan remained focused on his exchange with Jared. He knew they had a solid plan forming, and he felt confident about their upcoming presentation.

As the train approached the next stop, Kylan looked around—his skin prickled with a chill as he realized every pair of eyes in the compartment was fixed on him.

Umm...what the hell?

The weight of their stares pressed down on him, making his skin crawl. He tried to ignore the unnerving feeling and stood up, hoping to break the eerie silence that had settled in the compartment.

As he walked down the aisle, every head turned in unison to follow his movements, their gazes cold and unblinking.

Maybe it's just me.

His pulse quickened, and he found himself unable to maintain eye contact with any of them. He hastily turned back and returned to his seat, trying to shake off the creeping sense of dread that had begun to grip him. He glanced out the window, expecting to see the same torrential rain that had greeted him earlier, but to his shock, the rain had stopped.

Instead, a bizarre, unsettling brightness filled the world outside. The sun's glare had taken on a sinister crimson hue, casting an unnatural red light over everything it touched. The once familiar landscape now seemed warped and alien, as though he had been transported to another realm entirely.

As Kylan watched in horror, the familiar sights outside the window began to shift and distort. The trees twisted into grotesque shapes, and the sky darkened to a deep, foreboding red.

He turned back to the train compartment, his heart pounding in his chest, only to find himself completely alone. The other passengers had vanished without a trace, leaving him as the sole occupant.

The train moved forward at an increasingly unsettling pace, the rattle of the wheels against the tracks echoing ominously in the empty car.

Kylan's breath quickened, his senses heightened as he became acutely aware of the chilling silence surrounding him. The familiar sounds of the train had taken on a sinister tone, and the very air seemed heavy with an unspoken dread.

As the train raced through the crimson landscape, Kylan felt a growing certainty that he was no longer in the world he knew. Maybe he was in hell. The moment he saw something coming up from the floor, he immediately sat up, got on his seat, and stood.

As Kylan stood on his seat, his heart continued to race like a drumbeat, drowning out the ominous sounds of the train. The floor of the compartment seemed to writhe beneath him, as if alive with unseen horrors.

Long, skeletal fingers snaked out from the shadows, reaching hungrily towards him, but he managed to evade their grasp by leaping onto the opposite seat.

"I must be dreaming." Kevin said.

But even as he spoke, he knew deep down that this was no ordinary nightmare. This was something far more sinister, something beyond his wildest imaginings.

The train lurched forward with a jolt, sending Kylan stumbling backwards. His eyes darted around the compartment, searching desperately for any sign of escape. But there was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide from the encroaching darkness.

As he cowered in the corner, a chill ran down his spine as he felt icy fingers brush against his skin. He whirled around to see disembodied hands emerging from the walls, reaching out with gnarled fingers that dripped with malevolent intent.

"No, no, no." He cried. He leaped across the compartment, narrowly avoiding their grasp as he landed on another seat, but the hands followed.

The train ride grew increasingly tumultuous, as if the very fabric of reality was coming apart at the seams. Shadows danced along the walls, taking on sinister shapes that seemed to leer and taunt him.

Kylan's breath came in ragged gasps as he fought to keep his composure. He had to stay calm, had to find a way out of this nightmare before it consumed him whole.

But just as he thought he couldn't bear another moment of terror, the train came to a sudden, jarring stop. Kylan was thrown forward, crashing to the floor as the world spun around him.

For a moment, all was still. Then, with a deafening roar, the walls of the compartment seemed to almost collapse in on themselves, folding and twisting in impossible angles.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Kylan screamed. In an instant, he dropped and landed face-first on the floor.

As Kylan lay on the compartment floor, his body trembling from the aftershocks of terror, an eerie calm settled over the train. The chaotic nightmare that had consumed him seemed to dissipate, leaving behind a heavy silence broken only by the faint sound of his labored breathing.

Slowly, cautiously, he pulled himself upright, his gaze sweeping the compartment for any lingering traces of the horrors he had just endured. Yet, to his immense relief, there was nothing but the familiar interior of the train, unchanged and innocuous.

As the train gradually came to a stop at the next station, Kylan peered out of the window, expecting to see the familiar sights instead of supernatural ones, instead, he beheld a landscape unlike any he had ever seen before.

A vast expanse of snow and ice stretched out before him, bathed in an otherworldly glow beneath the pale moonlight. The air outside was bitterly cold, seeping through the cracks in the train's windows with icy tendrils that sent shivers down his spine.

This was a land of freezing desolation, untouched by civilization and teeming with unknown dangers lurking beneath the pristine surface of the snow.

As the train doors slid open with a soft hiss, Kylan hesitated, torn between the safety of the familiar and the unknown terrors that awaited him outside.

Stepping out onto the icy platform, he braced himself against the biting cold, his breath forming frosty clouds in the frigid air. Ahead of him, the landscape stretched out into the darkness of snow and ice that seemed to whisper of ancient secrets long forgotten.

With each step he took, the chill of the frozen land seeped into his bones.

I'm going to die...I'm...I'm actually going to die—no one will ever know what happened...

But as he ventured further into the icy unknown, he felt like he was being watched, that unseen eyes followed his every move with icy intent. He was alone, alone in a land of frozen nightmares, where the cold seeped into his very soul.

He turned around and started walking back into the train, scared for his life. As soon as he stepped back into the train, the doors closed.

He shivered and coughed as he sat back down in his seat. He tried taking out his phone, and when he did, it was completely cracked. He wasn't even sure it would work anyway, especially after what he had just seen.

Please...please...I can't stay here...

The train started moving again, picking up speed as it traversed the frozen landscape. The biting cold from outside seemed to slowly ebb away, replaced by a gentle warmth that crept through the train compartment.

He found some small measure of relief in the gradual return of more familiar sensations, but the haunting memories of his recent ordeal lingered in the back of his mind.

The warmth soon became stifling, the air thick and heavy, almost humid. Kylan shifted uneasily in his seat, trying to shake off the discomfort, but it only intensified.

As he looked around, he noticed the compartment doors suddenly slide open, and a sense of foreboding washed over him. He half-expected to see more sinister apparitions emerge, but what came next was just as unsettling.

Water started seeping in from the open doors, a small trickle at first, but quickly growing into a gushing torrent. The cold water rushed in, soaking the train's floor and creeping up the sides of the compartment. Kylan panicked as the water level continued to rise, filling the train compartment at an alarming rate.

He jumped up from his seat, trying to find higher ground or a way out, but the water was relentless, rushing in faster than he could react. Within moments, the water was up to his waist, then his chest. Kylan's mind raced as he fought to stay above the rising flood, but there was nowhere to go.

He struggled against the current, trying to keep his head above water, but the compartment was filling quickly, and he felt the cold embrace of the water wrapping around him. His lungs burned for air as he fought against the current, but the water soon enveloped him completely, pulling him under.

Kylan thrashed against the suffocating grip of the water, his limbs flailing in desperation. His vision blurred, and he felt the crushing weight of the water pressing down on him. Just as he thought he could hold his breath no longer, he closed his eyes, bracing himself for the inevitable.

There was then a jarring disconnection from his surroundings. When he opened his eyes, he found himself lying in his own bed at his apartment. His body was soaked, as if he had just come out of the water, and he could still hear the faint echoes of his panicked gasps ringing in his ears.

Kylan sat up abruptly. He glanced around his familiar bedroom, trying to piece together what had just happened. Had it all been a nightmarish hallucination? A vivid dream? His mind grappled with the experience, unsure of what to believe.

He reached for his phone, half-expecting it to be cracked like in his dream, but it was perfectly fine, resting on his bedside table.