
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Komik
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280 Chs

Surprise White

Emerald, Neopolitan, Pyrrha, Argint, and Luna stood before me in the entrance hall of the Forever Fall manor, and I asked.

" Is everyone packed and ready to go to Beacon?"

" Yeah, Silva."

" I am both excited and a bit nervous about going to Beacon."

"I am ready, Master Silva."

" Beacon will soon know of your greatest, my lord!"

Neopolitan conjured a sign that said.

" Can we get this show on the road already?"

With everyone's reply, I opened a portal near the airport to get the airship to Beacon Academy and said.

" Ladies first."

After everyone else had gone through it, I was about to join them when two voices cried out.

" Wait!"

I turned to see Miltia and Melanie. I asked them with slight concern.

" Shouldn't the both of you be sleeping right now since you got off work last night at Juniors?"

" And miss sending you off? Not Likely."

Melanie said before yawning, and Miltia added.

" We wouldn't miss this for the world, Silva."

The twins walked to opposite sides of me and gestured for me to come down to their height. I complied and bent down. Then the two of them kissed my cheeks, and the brasher twin said.

" See you when we see you, Silva."

Melanie yawned again, and her sister said also.

" I look forward to seeing you this weekend and tell us how Beacon is and what sort of trouble you get into there."

" Sure thing Miltia, Melanie. Sleep well."

The Malachite twins went off to sleep for the day, and I went through the portal to see the girls waiting for me. Emerald asked me with a curious look.

" What took you?"

" The twins were giving me their goodbye before they went to sleep."

The mint-haired girl nodded in understanding, and we went to catch our flight. After showing our digital tickets on our Scrolls, we went past the customs and got on the airship for Beacon Academy. I haven't seen any familiar faces yet, but I wanted to get on early to scope out the airship to find a nice place to chill until we land at Beacon. I found some good window seating and sat down while the girls wandered around. After about half an hour, the airship had all its passengers and then took off.

I started to wander around to see who was there on the airship. I saw a familiar blonde looking a little worse for wear, Jaune Arc. Let's see if he actually got some proper training instead of just winging it and sneaking into Beacon with fake transcripts. I passed by him and purposely bumped into him to use Soul Archive and see if the wanna-be-hero has changed. After a brief apology for bumping into him, I immediately felt disappointed.

The dumb blonde fool has his head in his a*s full of macho idiocy and delusions of grandeur of being a hero. He disregarded my advice about asking his sisters to train him because he thought they couldn't teach him how to be a hero because they were girls, Idiot. He does not know what Aura is or how to even properly use his weapon that he took from his family's attic. Considering Pyrrha might not develop an early interest in him like in canon since I treated her as a person and not some idol, this empty-headed fool was likely going to break his neck at the initiation because he has no landing strategy to speak of at all.

Welp, I guess I will send Jaune back to his parents with Door To Darkness when we land. I continued to wander around and saw Ruby with Yang; I will have to ask how she got into Beacon early later. I also saw a few unexpected faces, namely Ilia with Blake and bloody f*cking Cinder! I bumped into the fiery woman to see what she was up to, and after a quick apology, I saw what she had been up to as of late and her current plans.

First off, she managed to get all the Fall Maiden powers, as I suspected, after Qrow's call. Secondly, she recruited Mercury and two others to hunt down the Maiden, and after they served their purpose, she killed them to tie up any loose ends. Cinder is still a cold-hearted and ruthless b*tch. She plans on attending Beacon to try and gain Ozpin's attention to infiltrate his inner circle to get the other Maidens. Smart but risky since the old wizard can only sense magic when he is touching her or she is using it near him.

Well, at least Beacon won't be completely boring outside of certain events that I know will come to pass. Namely, Grimm Eclipse, the Vytal Festival, that business with The Crown at some point, and possibly Arrowfell. Although whether or not I get involved is iffy at best, after all, if I take away all of the adventures before they start, I am going to be fairly bored. Now let's see if I can find Ren and Nora before the airship lands; it should not be too hard.

The flight soon ended, and the girls met up with me. After getting off, I saw Jaune looking around, starstruck after puking his lungs out, and opened a portal under him to send him back to his parents. One girly scream later, and I was smiling as I never liked Jaune and had a good excuse to send him away. Pyrrha looked at me and asked.

" Why did you open a portal under that guy Silva?"

I told her somewhat truthfully.

" I recognized him and felt it was odd to see him here, so I used Soul Archive on him out of curiosity and found out he sneaked into Beacon with fake transcripts and did not know what even Aura was. I could not in good conscience let that poor dumb idiot get himself or his possible team killed because he had no qualifications to attend any Huntsmen Academy."

" I understand, but where did you send him?"

" I know his parents."

The polite spartan connected the dots and dropped the matter. I soon saw Weiss arguing with Ruby as the snow princess waved around a broken Dust vial. Part of me wanted to stop the coming explosion, but another part of me wanted to start my day off with a bang and hold this Dust explosion over Weiss's head for the rest of the year. I really wanted to hold this explosion over the snow princess's head, as it was such good teasing material. Plus, no one should get hurt, so yeah, I waited for the fireworks to start.

I grinned as I saw the explosion go off and walked over to pick on Weiss and defend Ruby. What a great way to start my day!

" Weiss, why are you in the middle of an explosion?"

" What are you doing here, you rapscallion?!"

" Silva, you're here?!"

I smiled at the little cookie monster as I greeted her before answering the snow princess.

" Hey, Ruby, I was wondering why you were here, and to answer your question Weiss, I'm attending Beacon. I can't wait to tell Winter that I am your classmate and that you caused an explosion on your first day."

" Don't you dare!"

Weiss bristled at me mentioning her sister, and I just laughed, but I assured her in the end.

" Don't worry; I won't tell her about your little accident, Weiss, but in all seriousness, why are you in the middle of a Dust explosion?"

" This brat did not watch where she was going and knocked over my luggage!"

" Hey! I said I was sorry!"

Ruby complained with a look of grievance, and the snow princess growled.

" Your lucky we didn't get blown off the cliff!"

I stopped things before they could escalate.

" Weiss, I noticed you did not pack your Dust vials in the proper safety containers. Why is that?"

Weiss tried to defend herself but did not have an excuse.

" Well, you see, that is..."

" How about we agree that it is both your faults and leave it there since we still have an orientation to go to and a tour of the campus."

Weiss just turned away and packed her Dust away quietly after nodding in agreement, and I focused on Ruby.

" So Ruby, how did you wind up attending Beacon two years early?"

This was what I was most curious about so far, and the little cookie monster looked sheepish as she scratched the back of her head and told me.

" Oh, you know, stopped a store robbery and kicked butt, that sort of thing."

I was now getting worried that the fate known as the original plot was still in play somehow, and I made a point of keeping my eyes peeled for anything unusual for now. I do wonder how things will play out now.


[ Congratulations, host, you have completed your quest!]

[ Quest: Let things play out as intended.

Avoid interacting with any main or supporting cast intentionally until you attend Beacon.

Rewards: +50 levels, skill upgrade ticket, B-rank weapon ticket

Punishment: High chance of death]

As much as the system user was excited about getting their rewards after 12 years of abstaining from interacting with their favorite heroines, they wandered as they watched a snow leopard faunus interacting with Ruby and Weiss on clearly familiar terms. They used their skill [ Observe] to get some information on the faunus.

[ Name: Silva Branwen


Race: Snow Leopard faunus, ????

Titles: Savior, Womanizer, ???, Ect.


HP: ????



?: ????

STG: ????

END: ????

AGT: ????

DEX: ????

INT: ????

WIS: ????

Extra Stats:

?: ????

?: ????

AURA: ????


[Polearm Mastery: Master 4] [ Dustology: Master 3] [ Aura Mastery: Grandmaster 5] [ Cooking: Expert 5] [ Technology Development: Grandmaster 5] [ Programming: Grandmaster 5] [ Tactics: Expert 1] [ Strategy: Expert 4] [ Unarmed Mastery: Master 5] [Bedroom Arts: Master 3] [ +??other unidentified skills]


[ Dark Wrath: Grandmaster 1] [???] [???] [???] ]

" Who the f*ck is this guy?!"

[ Unknown, host, it is recommended to act with extreme caution as the subject has more than one energy system outside of Aura of this world.]

The system user grumbled but agreed with their system and said a quiet complaint.

" I am supposed to be the main f*cking character."