
Starting Vacation

" Come on, Aila, give me another lap."

I told the silver-haired girl, Aila Jyrkiäinen, who returned with me to Remmant after my stay in the Build Gundam Universe. It had been a few weeks since then, and midterms were over, and everyone should be getting their test results today. I wish I could be there to see Weiss's reaction at seeing Ruby's undoubtedly perfect score, but getting the silver-haired girl synced with my universe comes first, and Ruby promised to take a picture for me if Weiss makes a funny face.

Syncing Aila to my universe means having her be able to have Aura and being truly part of the world without delays in the aging process or other temporal effects. Every universe in the multiverse has different but sometimes similarly structured souls, and this becomes more pronounced when Power Systems come into play. While I am putting the silver-haired girl through boot camp training so she can defend herself, I am using a large-scale ritual to encourage Aila's soul and body to adapt to my universe.

" I. Hate. You!"

Aila said as she collapsed from exhaustion, sweating up a storm, and I gave her a home-brewed sports drink to rehydrate her. The silver-haired girl complains to me.

" Why am I doing this?"

" It's because you wanted to live in a world where literal man-eating soulless monsters wander around, so you need to be able to defend yourself at the very least if you are going to live under my roof if you are capable of doing so."

I calmly retorted to her question as I was doing this for my peace of mind and her own good. If I give this girl half a chance, she will become a couch potato in a heartbeat who would either order takeout every day or go on food tours in different cities—the little foodie. I had already put her through her paces for the mourning, so I let her have until evening to rest.

" We are done with your morning exercises, so you can rest until evening, Aila."

" If I had known I would be going through this, I would have stayed back at... What did you call it? The Build Gundam Universe?"

I smiled at my charge and told her a horrible truth.

" I would still have you learn to defend yourself regardless, Aila, if for no other reason than for my peace of mind since you are still young enough to develop muscle memory, but admittedly, I would not have pressed you as hard as I am now."

" Your evil!"

I shrugged at her accusation, as the concepts of good and evil are relative. I then shot back.

" Says the girl who would have happily become a couch potato if given the chance."

" But you have practically millions of shows from across the multiverse!"

Well... She is not wrong; my Snowfall company across the multiverse often dapples in media if it exists in the universes I decided to set up shop at for one reason or another. Of course, I linked all the streaming channels with a special channel box I call Kaleidoscope Lens. Zelretch bugged me half to death to give him one to watch all, I mean literally, ALL magical girl shows possible plus other stuff. Why he never came up with the idea first, I will never know.

" Yes, yes, I have millions of shows that you can watch until the day you die with a remote in hand. However, that does not mean you have to watch them."

Aila just pouted at me as she got up while wincing from the soreness she felt and dragged herself to her room. With the two-week break coming up, I was looking forward to reconnecting with my friends and family across the multiverse to let them know I succeeded in returning to my home universe. A few of them I offered to bring back with me to give them a fresh start, as they have few or no happy feelings or attachments about their home universes.

I smiled as I felt nostalgic at the memories of my travels. I really have gotten older than I expected, haven't I? I spent over a thousand years trying to get back to Remnant after facing that thrice da*ned system user, and here I am, planning on further traveling through the multiverse.


Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang had just gotten all their test results back and were having a small wager on who did best on midterms. The leader of the team stated excitedly as she was making this a small but fun event.

" Okay, everyone, are you ready?"

Weiss snorted while feeling assured of her victory.

" Of course."

" Let's go!"

Yang added with vigor, and Blake quietly nodded. Ruby then started a countdown.

" 5... 4... 321!"

Team RWBY then displayed their test results, and they all got high marks to pass their midterms easily. Yang had the lowest, followed by Blake, then Weiss, with Ruby having perfect scores across all subjects. The blonde was proud of her little sister.

" Way to go, lil' sis!"

Yang put Ruby in a playful headlock, and the silver-eyed girl complained.

" Yang!"

Blake congratulated her team leader with a small smile.

" Nicely done, Ruby."

Weiss looked at Ruby's test results with a dumbfounded expression as she asked no one in particular.

" How?"

The silver-eyed reaper took a quick picture of Weiss's expression and sent it to Silva as she had promised while also finding the white-haired girl's expression funny. Weiss quickly snapped back to her senses after hearing her picture being taken and demanded with equal measures of disbelief and confusion.

" Weren't you supposed to have skipped to whole grades!?"

Ruby scratched the back of her sheepishly as she replied.

" Silva helped me study..."

" That does not make any sense since he hardly attends classes!"

The white-haired girl denied it, and the silver-eyed girl defended her friend.

" Hey, Silva's actually super smart, Weiss!"

Weiss frowned but did not continue the argument as the proof was right in front of her and instead asked.

" How did he get you up on the two years you skipped in just a few weeks? Because I know for a fact you were struggling before and were constantly trying to catch up."

" Um... Uh..."

Ruby promised Silva not to explain that he could travel through the multiverse as he intends to do the explanations himself to the rest of her team on his own time. The reaper was being stared at by her two other teammates as they were curious as well and then said.

" You have to ask Silva yourselves."

Ruby decided to dump the problem on Silva instead, as she would rather not lie to her team. Weiss grumbled with displeasure.

" Fine! Maybe I will!"

The white-haired girl would rather not talk to someone she viewed as a shameless womanizer and pervert unless she had to. Yang asked with a growing suspicion in her mind.

" When Silva tutored you, did he do... Anything strange to you?"

" Like what?"

Ruby tilted her head as she was not sure what her sister meant. Blake then asked.

" Is Silva willing to tutor anyone?"

The ninja catgirl did not need to be tutored but was having some rather... Naughty fantasies about how being tutored by Silva could go.

" Oh, sure, just ask him!"

Ruby replied cheerfully and then added.

" You know, since midterms are over, how about we celebrate?"

" I am always up for ending things with YANG."

The room went quiet at Yang's pun landing flatter than a chopping board.


Let's see here... I need to head to DC to meet up with some friends I made there, along with bringing a few over who wanted a fresh start. Then there's Marvel, the Witcher Verse, Riordan Verse, and a few other Western media-based universes to visit and see my extended family. After that, there are several Oriental Media universes I need to visit, like Anime and Webnovels, but giving Xianxia or Cultivation Universes a wide berth as they give me nothing but headaches as the number of Young Masters, Sect Masters, and Ancestors I needed to kill was honestly ridiculous as they would not leave me alone. I got a headache just remembering the amount of trouble I have gotten into in that neck of the Multiverse.

" And to think I am actually planning on becoming a full-blown Cultivator in the future."

I muttered with displeasure, but unfortunately, I need more power to deal with the Brother Gods since they are Creator God-level, which is nothing to scoff at. For now, I want to see my wives, children, and friends to let them know I made it back to Remnant and bring more than a few over for varying reasons. As I planned my route to backtrack through, I heard my doorbell ring. I quickly checked the time, and classes at Beacon should be over.

I head to the front door of my Forever Fall Manor and open it to see Teams, RWBY, PERN, and NALA. Seeing them, I told everyone directly.

" Snacks are in the main media room, so go wild."

" Thanks, Silva! Is Aila here?"

" Yeah, she is relaxing right now in her room."

I answered Ruby, and she zipped past me to kidnap her friend to introduce her to her other friends. I almost pity the silver-haired girl as she is not the most sociable person, considering her past, and will undoubtedly be uncomfortable meeting almost a dozen new people at once. Yang then said with a look of interest.

" So we finally get to meet this mysterious Aila that Ruby has been talking about."

" I admit I am also a bit curious about her."

Weiss added before sending a look my way to convey that she was suspicious of me for whatever reason. I then told Blake as she was the one I was most friendly with with Team RWBY after Ruby.

" I set up a chilled sushi platter for you, Blake, at the main media room: Nigiri, Maki, and Sashimi, the works."

The Ninja Catgirl drooled a little and started to walk to the room where the party was being hosted like she was possessed. I could not help but chuckle at her reaction; Ilia walked by and glared at me as she started.

" I am not going to give up."

I shrugged at her declaration as regardless of how much she was crushing on Blake; it did not matter if the Ninja Catgirl was unaware of her friend's feelings. Neopolitan pulled herself up to my eye level, practically climbed me, gave me a quick peck on the cheek, and winked at me with a silent promise between us. Luna and Argint bowed to me before heading off to where everyone else was going.

Emerald then came over and gave me a quick hug and said.

" Thanks for this, Silva."

Before leaving, she whispered in my ear.

" See you tonight."

I smiled as she left, and Pyrrha greeted me.

" Hello, Silva. Thanks for setting up this party to celebrate that the Midterms are over."

" Sure, have fun."

Nora then dragged Ren as she bellowed.


The Quiet Guy sighed in exasperation as he was being dragged by the Thunderous Girl. I do wonder when those two will officially get together since the Fall of Beacon is not going to be a thing. The Polite Spartan wryly smiled at her teammate's actions and followed them to the Main Media room. Let's get this party started.