
Shopping Remnant

Finland was nice, and Ruby became friends with Aila, sort of, as the silver-haired girl was still curt with the silver-eyed girl but was at least willing to humor her to a degree. After dealing with the paperwork needed to make me Aila's guardian in this world and catching up with Fiadh, we were getting ready to head back to Japan. I gave my friend-slash-secretary a hug as I told her goodbye.

" It was good to see you, Fiadh."

" Aye, it was nice catching up, ya big oaf."

Returning the hug, she whispered a question in my ear.

" Our newly acquired mad scientist?"

" Unfortunate accident."

Fiadh and I talked in length about what to do with Dr.Barthes after I used Soul Archive to create a think tank on the theoretical framework of the possibilities of his Embody System and found less than desirable results, with him likely continuing the research even if it was made illegal. I make it a rule to do this whenever I feel I cannot trust any brilliant scientist I take into my employ.

" Understood."

Fiadh understood my meaning and was already making the plans needed to deal with him quietly. She understood my reasoning and agreed with me as Nines Barthes had his hands on some dangerous tech that he did not care who used it so long as he got the fame and respect he felt that he deserved. The biggest factor of this decision was that Nines Barthes had no bottom line he was unwilling to cross to further his research. It's better to nip such problems in the bud before they can cause any issues.

I opened a portal and gestured to the two coming back with me.

" Ladies first."

Ruby went through, but Aila was hesitant, so I assured her.

" It's fine, Aila. Nothing bad is going to happen."

The silver-haired girl took a deep breath and went through the pitch-black doorway. I gave my friend a curt nod, and she returned it with one of her own. I then went through the portal back to Japan to find Summer hugging her daughter.

" How was Finland, my little rosebud?"

" It was great, mom! I made a new friend."

I then heard her whisper into her mother's ear.

" She's kinda like Weiss, but not rich and snooty."

" I heard that."

Aila retorted as Ruby was speaking English and said.

" I may not know who this, Weiss, is, but I feel vaguely insulted by what you mean by that remark."

The little cookie monster awkwardly scratched the back of her with a sheepish smile. While I found the interaction amusing, I reminded Ruby of what she needed to do.

" Ruby, don't forget we still have to review your first semester for midterms."

" I haven't forgotten, Silva."

" Good, let's get started, shall we?"

The younger Rose groaned.

" Do we have to do it right away?"

" You got some extra days off during your trip to Finland, rosebud."

The elder Rose reminded her daughter, and the younger Rose complied.

" Fine..."

The two went to Ruby's room to study in peace, leaving me and Aila to ourselves. I looked at my newly adopted daughter, and she glanced at me, so I started with the obvious.

" Let me show you to your room, Aila."

" Very well then."

My residence in this world is a small mansion, so I have plenty of rooms. As the silver-haired girl followed me quietly, an awkward silence descended on us. I then decided to ask her.

" Since one of your desires is to have nice clothes, I take it a shopping trip is in order?"

" I... Yes."

"Would tomorrow be fine?"

I asked, and she replied.

" Yes."

I then stopped at Aila's designated room and told her.

" Make yourself comfortable and get some rest since tomorrow is going to be busy."

The silver-haired girl nodded and entered her room. I sighed as I understood it would take some time for her to open up to me, but I could be patient. After all, living over a thousand years across the multiverse has taught me a few things about patience. I guess I will go unwind for a bit and get out of my suit.


I deeply regret my choices in life. Now, today was supposed to be a shopping trip for Aila. Well, Summer learned of this excursion and wanted to join in with Ruby, so the group became four. I then had the bright idea to invite Rinko to make the group five, and she was ecstatic about going on a shopping spree with the girls and me. I then realized that I just walked into a hell of my own making.

No matter my experience and wisdom, I still cannot comprehend how women and girls get practically unlimited mental and possibly even physical energy to shop until everyone else drops, in other words, me. Here I was, being dragged to the seventh store within the past two hours.

" This would look good with this skirt."

" What about this then?"

" Oh, that's good too! It would look great on Aila-chan!"

" Mom, what do you think of this?"

I watched Rinko, Summer, Ruby, and Aila go over every outfit they could get their hands on, and if I did not know any better, I would've felt my soul was getting ready to leave my body behind. I spent literal decades in some worlds in the multiverse to establish myself and my Snowfall company for any return trips, and yet I never felt this mentally tired. Shopping is really just not for me, period.

I sighed as I seriously considered just sneaking away to escape, but I guess overall, it's not a bad problem to have as it means I have people I care about, and they want to spend time with me in a non-dangerous setting. I thought as I tried to look at the bright side of my predicament. As my mind wondered whether or not to take up smoking to help relax, Rinko got my attention.

" Silva, what are your thoughts?"

I looked at the blue-haired housewife and stated cooly.

" Now you want my opinion?"

" Oh, come now, don't be a sourpuss. You have four lovely flowers with you."

Rinko said with a cheeky smile, and I suppressed the urge to sigh again as I asked.

" You want to know what, exactly?"

" Which of these do you think would look better on Aila-chan?"

She presents two similar outfits but in different colors in front of me. Looking at them, I picked out the one I liked best after imagining Aila in each.

" If I had to pick, I would go with that one."

I chose a white spaghetti strap tank top with a dark gray skirt, and the blue-haired housewife said to Summer with a smug smile.

" See, Silva understands what works best on a girl with Aila-chan's coloring and figure."

The elder Rose sent me a slightly resentful glare, and I wondered just how a shopping trip got this competitive. Maybe I should seriously consider taking up smoking again, at least only for shopping trips with multiple girls, as I knew this would likely not be the last time something like this would happen. I took up smoking last time when I felt I was not getting any closer to Remnant during my return journey through the multiverse. Sakura and Skadi got me to quit once they saw me smoke at my home in Fuyuki and were worried about my health despite the fact I could easily fix any damage done to my lungs.

Ruby then waved her hand in front of me, and I asked with an exasperated tone.

" Yes, Ruby?"

" Are you alright, Silva?"

It warmed my heart to no end to see her concern for me, and I assured her.

" I am just not big on shopping trips. That's all, Ruby."

" Why?"

At her question, I told her truthfully.

" For me, I don't wander around out of curiosity at malls or shopping centers outside of a few stores I am interested in, and I usually know what I am willing to buy. So, I am generally in and out for the most part."

" Ah, Dad's the same way! He usually just gives Yang and me some Lein or his card when we want to do some shopping."

Smart man. I seriously thought about Taiyang, and it shows how much he trusts his daughter. Summer then called out to us.

" Silva, Ruby, we're heading over to another store."

" Oh, joy."

I said dryly, and Ruby replied.

" Coming, Mom!"

I followed the group, and they went into a lingerie store. I was not bothered by this, as I have gotten more than a bit jaded at seeing women expose themselves, so I joined them. Rinko saw me, followed them inside, and tried to tease me.

" Oh, my Silva, aren't you brave? Most boys, even my husband, are hesitant to enter a lingerie store."

I quietly scoffed at being compared to such pathetic guys as I have not felt any sense of embarrassment in who knows how long, and it's going to take a lot more than some half-naked women to get a reaction out of me. I looked around and started to get curious as this store had some more risque selections on display, along with some more mild choices. I then saw some... Gundam-themed lingerie... Seriously!? There should be some sort of limit, right!?

I just turned off my brain before my brain cells could commit suicide from trying to understand this fresh brand of silliness. After several minutes, the women finally picked out all the lingerie they wanted to try on, and I got the pleasure of giving them my opinion as they apparently wanted a male opinion. I got the sneaking suspicion Rinko put them up to this to tease me. I was not really listening to any of their conversations when they started picking out lingerie.

Rinko was the first to show me, and she was wearing a Gundam-themed set. The panties were mostly white with a red semi-transparent strip at the center near her vagina, while the top bra was a baby doll with a blue veil and yellow bra that had horizontal openings like vents that were covered in black semi-transparent material.

" Do you think Takeshi will like this, Silva?"

The blue-haired housewife asked me with a teasing smile, and I dryly told her with a deadpan expression.

" Yes, your Gundam-obsessed husband will like it."

She pouted at not getting her desired reaction from me, and I found it cute. She closed her curtain, and Ruby popped her head out of her changing room, looking nervous and hesitant.

" Um, Silva..."

" You don't have to if you feel uncomfortable, Ruby."

I already guessed what was going through her head, and she replied.

" It's not that, well it is... Is it weird to also want to do it but also not to?"

" Not really. Emotions are not simple or logical."

At my answer, the younger Rose looked lost in thought for a few moments before taking a deep breath and then forcing the curtains open, revealing what she was wearing. Ruby had on black boy shorts with red lace adorning them and a red corset with black lace, plus thigh-long dark red stockings.

" Whatdoyouthink?"

The younger Rose babbled as she blushed, and I told her sincerely.

" You look beautiful and sexy, Ruby."

Her blush was cranked up a notch, and she quickly closed her curtain. Chuckled quietly at how cute Ruby was being, and to my surprise, Summer was next. I wonder how Rinko roped the elder Rose into this. She walked over in her pure white g-string and plunge combo with subtle red petals on them. She sat next to me and said with a thankful smile.

" Thank you for this. I mean, getting to have over five months to reconnect with Ruby while having little to nothing to worry about."

" Anytime, Summer."

I said with a crooked grin, and she laced her fingers together. Looking conflicted, the elder Rose said.

" I have a favor to ask..."


I said casually, as I knew she would not likely ask for anything unreasonable.

" I want to do this with Yang as well. Getting time to reconnect with her without any worries."

" Sure."

I shrugged as I answered her request, as it was not a big deal to me as I planned on introducing the multiverse to everyone I was close to and being open about what I had done in the past. Summer looked relieved and said as she gave me a tight hug.

" Thank you for everything."

" Just pick out the date you want this to happen and convince Yang to tolerate my coming along since things are... Complicated since I am with Raven."

" Her birthday would be best, and don't worry, I have an idea of what's going on with her."

Summer said confidently before returning to her dressing room, and I complimented her before she did.

" By the way, you look beautiful, Summer."

" Ah, thanks."

She replied with a complicated expression, and I heard Aila call out to me from her dressing room.

" Silva, I..."

" You don't have to if you don't want to, Aila. I took you in with the intention of giving you a chance to be family, so you do not owe me anything."

" But you did not have to."

She replied quietly, and I said back.

" I did it because I wanted to, nothing more, nothing less, and I am not going to change my mind and abandon you."

A silence descended on us as the rest of the women were undoubtedly listening as only Summer had the right idea to talk to me out of everyone's earshot as it was a private matter. Poor Aila, she is going to die from embarrassment when she realizes everyone has heard our conversation. The silver-haired girl then said.

" Thank you."

I smiled at what I heard before teasing the silver-haired girl.

" So, are you going to show me or not?"

" But you just said-!?"

" I'm teasing."

I told her with a crooked grin, and I heard her huff in annoyance, much to my amusement. However, the curtain to Aila's dressing room opened to reveal her clad in a strapless white bra with lilac lace and matching panties. With a blush and pout, she says.

" Happy now!?"

She then closed her curtain before I could reply, and I told her.

" You look lovely, Aila."

I heard a huff once more, but no reply from Aila, and I did not mind. Unexpected surprises like this make me feel like I made the right choice in not using Soul Archive on the people close to me unless it's an emergency. I'm a lucky guy.


After the girls FINALLY got tired of shopping(8 whole freaking hours!), we went to a nice sushi bar for dinner. Apparently, Sei was away on a school trip, so Rinko did not have to worry about returning home and stayed with the party. As I sipped my sake, not that I could get drunk anymore, even if I wanted to, Ruby was poking and prodding her Nigiri platter.

" It's fish? Raw fish?"

" It's not an odd concept, Ruby. It's actually pretty good."

I assured the younger Rose, but she still looked hesitant about taking the first bite. Rinko also added excitedly she was also drinking along with me.

" Come on, Ruby-chan, it's not every day you get to eat at such a fancy restaurant as this. Here, try this, ahh."

I wryly smiled as the blue-haired housewife tried to feed Ruby, and the little cookie monster finally took her first bite of sushi. Ruby looked surprised as she chewed, and after swallowing, she said in mild surprise.

" It's good..."

" Heh."

Rinko huffed smugly, but it was only Ruby that had any hesitation. Summer was eating her sushi with practiced ease, which surprised me, and Aila was digging into her sampler platter that had a little bit of everything. The elder Rose then told her daughter.

" See, Ruby, when you try new things, you can be pleasantly surprised. Although I will admit when I first had sushi during my time with Team STRQ when we headed out to Mistral for a mission, I was also a bit hesitant to try it as well."

" Mistral?"

At Rinko's question, I answered for Summer to hide our otherworldly origins.

" A small town in the west that has taken in a lot of oriental culture, probably not on any map."

The elder Rose also joined in on the drinking under the blue-haired housewife's insistence, which loosened her lips. I enjoyed a salmon roe warship roll. Hopefully, things won't get out of hand.


" Let's goooo!"

Rinko cried out as I carried her on my back to my residence; she had one too many drinks. I also carried a snoozing Summer in a sort of princess carry, which made things a bit awkward for me. Ruby and Aila trailed behind me with unsteady feet as they got drunk off the atmosphere as they carried everyone's leftovers and takeout. The younger Rose pestered me with lower inhibitions.

" You know, Silva, I am starting to get a little jealous of Mom being carried by you."

" I'll carry you as much as you want later, Ruby, once everyone settles down."

I fully intend on doing that once she gets sober to tease her. Aila then tugged on my shirt, and I turned to see her pouting with a drunken hue.

" I will do it with you as well, Aila."

She kept holding onto my shirt as we made our way home; what a night. We made it to my residence, and I dropped Summer off into her room and Rinko into a guest room. Ruby and Aila collapsed on the couch in the living room together after setting everything down and fell asleep. They looked cute together like that, so I took a picture to tease them later and covered them with a blanket. Well, I definitely burned a hole in my wallet with this trip, not that I mind. I went to relax in my room and to call it a night.