
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Komik
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280 Chs

Accurate Vacation

At Mt.Justice, the Shadow Team returned after Silva disappeared and reported to Batman.

" And that is everything that happened, Batman."

Robin said as he gave his debriefing. Batman simply replied.

" I see...."

After a moment, he told the Shadow Team.

" All of you deserve a rest. You are dismissed, except you, Raven."

Raven controlled the urge to sigh in exasperation as she knew this was coming from the moment she came in contact with Silva. Miss Martian interjected in Raven's defense as she thought her teammate was in trouble.

" Batman, Raven, she-."

" Megan, I only want to speak with Raven in private and have her opinion on the mission, nothing more."

Batman assured the Martian, and Megan looked at Raven with concern, but the half-demon shooed her away.

" Megan, I'll be fine, go."

Miss Martian paused, then eventually left after giving her teammate one last worried look. Batman then went straight to business.

" A clue as to what Silva Branwen is up to?"

" Aside from seeing some friends, nothing comes to mind, but he rarely bothers with subtlety in the first place, as there are very few beings that can match him."

Batman gave a slight nod in acknowledgment, as Silva would have been far easier to deal with if he had tangible weaknesses he could make use of to counter him. The only way to overcome him right now was to overpower him directly, but that was not good enough for the Dark Knight. He then asked Raven.

" What did the two of you speak of?"

" Just an exchange of pleasantries and an offer to come with him."

Raven thought back to her encounter with her teacher.


" I-."

" Don't answer yet, Raven. Just think about it for now, as I am only putting the offer on the table. There is no rush."

Silva smiled as he assured his student and then added.

" You know how to contact me?"

Raven gave a slight nod as her mind was filled with complex emotions and thoughts. Silva then said.

" With that out of the way, see you later."

And he vanished like he was never there. The half-demon had a wry smile as she muttered.

" Typical."


Batman then asked if not demanded politely.

" What sort of offer did he make?"

" A straightforward one with no deadline."

Raven answered curtly, as she had nothing to hide. Batman closed his eyes in thought and then ordered.

" Notify the League if anything involving Silva Branwen comes to your attention."

The Dark Knight then left through the Boom Tube, and Raven sighed in exasperation as she decided to go to her room. The half-demon then ran into Miss Martian, and she asked.

" Is everything alright, Raven?"

" Everything is fine, Megan. Myself aside, how's Superboy?"

Raven quickly changed the subject away from her, and the Martian had a complicated expression as she answered.

" He's... processing."

" I guess that is hardly surprising, all things considered."

The half-demon quipped as she went to her room to be alone with her thoughts.


At Belle Reve, the maximum security prison that hosts several so called supervillains, one Floyd Lawton, aka Deadshot, was in his cell, lost in thought. One of the guards came to his cell and said.

" Up and at them, Floyd, someone paid for your bail."

" Who?"

Deadshot asked in confusion as he burned through all of his previous favors and was expecting to be stuck at Belle Reve for a long time to come. The guard frowned as he saw Floyd as nothing but scum.

" How should I know? Just get up already."

Deadshot sighed as he knew the only real reason he was getting out was to kill someone; he hoped the pay is good, at least. He was escorted out, but not before meeting Waller, the Warden.

" Floyd, I don't want to remind you what happens if I see you again, do I?"

" Not at all, Waller."

Floyd retorted with a devil-may-care attitude and saw a jeep with his name painted on the side of it. He walked over and opened the door to see an unexpected face.

" Silva!?"

" Hop in, Floyd."

Silva Branwen said with an easy smile as he started the Jeep. Deadshot eyed his old acquaintance and asked warily.

" Do you have a job for me?"

" Yes, but not the kind you're thinking."

Floyd considered his options and shrugged as he said.

" You know what, f*ck it."

Deadshot hopped into the jeep, and Silva laughed at his acquaintance's attitude. As the Snow Leopard Man started his vehicle, he told Deadshot.

" How about before we pick up Zoe, we get you cleaned up and actual food in your stomach."

Floyd grinned as he replied.

" Music to my ears."


I was a bit disappointed with Floyd right now; I could have taken him anywhere in the world for a bite to eat, and yet he wanted some cheap bastardized Chinese food. Well, their chicken skewers are decent at least. I thought back to when I first met the hitman; he was trying to kill me because my so-called business rivals were upset with me being better than them. Well, I caught him and beat him up while debating whether or not to kill him for trying, and he begged.

Now, in my experience, when someone begs for their life, they say anything to save their skin, and they usually lie more often than not, but he did not. While he did have a healthy sense of self-preservation, his fear was mostly about leaving his little girl behind. Ultimately, I let him go after breaking a few bones with a warning. Now, to my surprise, I met him again, but this time, he tried to save my life from another assassin, not that I needed it, but the thought counted.

So I handed him a very lucrative contract to counter-assassin my business rivals in this world while outfitting him with my best tech and all the information he could have ever wanted. After the dust settled, we sort of began drinking buddies who met on rare occasions but stayed in touch since he fell in love with my tech. It is hardly surprising, considering how much I actually know about engineering and weaponry. I know my business.

" I feel alive again."

He said while rubbing his full stomach. I offered casually.

" Any takeout for Zoe?"

" Yes, she loves this place's deep-fried cheesecake."

I placed the order to go, and Floyd then got serious as he focused on me.

" So, what is the job you have in mind for me?"

" Before that, let me ask you this. Would you like a clean slate while being able to use your skills in a respectable career?"

He arched an eyebrow as he said.

" Career, huh? Interesting choice of words."

I then explained what I had in mind for him and his daughter.