
Introduction to the Game

The darkness that enveloped the classroom was dense, almost tangible, suffocating any remaining light.

It seemed as if the very essence of the room had been swallowed by an abyss, leaving you in a state of disorientation and fear.

"What is happening?"

"Help, mom!"

The whispers of your classmates faded into terrified silence.

Before you appeared a captivating, mature woman whose presence radiated an otherworldly aura.

Her long black hair flowed like silk over her bare shoulders, framing a face of ethereal beauty.

She wore a provocative nun's habit that revealed much of her bare skin, starkly contrasting traditional notions of purity and chastity.

She had a black blindfold with a red diamond in the center, adding a touch of mystery.

With an enigmatic smile, the woman introduced herself.

"I am Seraphina, one of the guides of the Apocalypse Game."

A girl seated a few rows ahead of you, the daughter of a millionaire known for his arrogance, stood up and confronted Seraphina with authority.

"What kind of bad joke is this?" she exclaimed with a voice full of disdain.

"My father will shut all this down immediately! We can't be treated this way!"

Seraphina's response was an enigmatic, almost mocking smile.

"I'm afraid you no longer have a say in this, dear," she said calmly, without averting her gaze from the wheel.

Before you could react, Seraphina's expression turned cold.

With a simple gesture, the air shattered like thunder, and the girl's head exploded violently.

Blood and fragments sprayed across the room, terrifying the spectators.

You remained paralyzed, unable to comprehend the sudden brutality.

Fear and disbelief gripped you as you tried to process the surreal events unfolding before you.

Seraphina's gaze swept over the shocked students, her demeanor cold and calm.

"Welcome to the Apocalypse Game," she announced with a slight, almost mocking smile.

"This game has no conscience nor administrator; it simply follows the rules established at its creation, subjecting countless random worlds to an apocalypse."

She suddenly produced a wheel, its surface menacingly gleaming.

"You have been unlucky," Seraphina said with icy calm, slowly spinning the wheel.

You watched with apprehension, your mind racing through scenarios of dangerous challenges: a world consumed by lava where survival meant navigating a fiery landscape.

The wheel stopped with a final click, revealing the verdict on the displays.

[Theme: Zombie Apocalypse

Difficulty: F-SSS

Details: A viral apocalypse that infects all biological beings, turning them into zombies. Initially weak, they grow stronger over time.

Acts: 50]

"Zombie Apocalypse," Seraphina repeated, her voice a mix of allure and menace.

"Consider yourselves lucky. This theme offers many advantages."

"In case you're wondering, the acts represent the levels within the theme; completing all the acts means victory for all participants, obviously those who are alive."

Seraphina emphasized the word "alive," making you feel a sense of unease and fear.

"Finally, the game adapts to the specifics of each world."

With a snap of her fingers, something surreal yet familiar appeared before you.

[Name: Alex Starkwel

Age: 19

Species: Human

Title: None

Vitality: 5

Strength: 4

Agility: 4

Intellect: 29

Abilities: Death Challenge (Unique)]


"Hey, but this..."

"Am I having a hallucination?"

"A stat interface!" exclaimed one of the nerdy-looking students with glasses.

Like the others, you were surprised by the familiarity of the interface, a common feature in games and novels.

The parameters seemed strangely specific, quantifying your attributes in an alien yet sinisterly precise manner.

"Your world is one of the weakest in existence, and to maintain a fair gameplay style, each of you will be granted a special ability."

"The abilities will be ranked from F to S. F is the weakest while S is the strongest, but there is another category, Unique, which can be possessed only by a single person. Unfortunately, the obtained ability can be either strong or weak; it all depends on your luck."

"You all have 10 minutes to understand your abilities and acquire them before the first act begins," Seraphina finally declared.

As the students absorbed their assigned roles and parameters, you struggled to reconcile the surreal situation with reality.

Your thoughts raced, trying to grasp the implications of the deadly game imposed on you.

Seraphina's presence and the lethal consequences of the game underscored the gravity of your fate.

"Your journey begins now," announced Seraphina, her voice resonating with finality.

"May luck always be with you."