
Torn Apart


"To what should we owe this kindness?"

The king threw at the Professor who had watched the leader taken away. Well, the professor had been expecting a question as such and goodness! He wasn't held up.

"It's no kindness, but what's to be done."

The Professor stood, looking through the expressions of the chiefs, past to the king.

Hava remained glued to the position he was assuming. Probably he couldn't find the appropriate word or nudge to leave there. Twas hard to tell from his rough face, what his abysmal mind held.

"Speak in clear words, no intention should be hidden."

The king was particular. The chiefs nodded their heads to that in attestation and the Professor found no better spot to reel on plans as such.

"Even if the leader of the group is evil and had poisoned the instinct of the followers, wouldn't we pardon the flock?"