
The Bargain.

Outside the pit.

"But it's strange. How do we convince these people that a boy should be their ruler when they already have a queen?"

The skinny girl asked, looking at the Professor, the both of them were standing at the mouth of the pit, their back to it.

"Don't tell me that you've bitten off the trick of that wierd boy."

The Professor scorned. The girl glared at him. She was wondering how wavering the Professor could be.

"I thought you already agreed with the boy and his speculations. Why the sudden change?"

The Professor began to walk, towards the path which led out of that forest.

"What made you so certain that he was anything close to who he said he was? A lot of things has happened and is happening already. The boy could be impersonating."

The girl hurried to catch up with him,

"And what would you say about his transformation? What definition do you hold to that? Tell me."