
Annihilation Maker DXD

Reincarnated into DXD world. [English isn't my first language.] [I don't own anything I use from other works]. [The cover is made by GOOOOSE, Thank you for the cover]. https://discord.gg/yGkM5YRqeb

Soul_Caliber · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
190 Chs

Raising Malice (Happy New Year :D).

The sun rose slowly over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the calm ocean. As the light hit the surface of the water, it revealed a stunning sight. In the middle of the vast expanse of blue, a giant tree stood tall and proud, its branches reaching up towards the sky.

The tree was a true marvel of mystery. Its trunk was strong and healthy, and its branches spread out in every direction, providing a natural canopy overhead. The leaves rustled gently in the breeze, and the roots reached deep down into the water, anchoring the tree firmly in place.

A faint green halo pulsed around the tree, seeming to stretch deep into the ocean beneath it and casting a vibrant glow over the surrounding waters. The halo gave the tree an otherworldly appearance, as if it was somehow connected to something beyond the physical world.

On top, a 'person' sat on a plastic chair that seemed completely out of place among the natural surroundings, enjoying the breathtaking scenery from the highest point. The chair, which was made of hard, synthetic material, stood in stark contrast to the tree branches and leaves that surrounded it.

A few meters away, a young man was submerged within the tree's massive trunk, gazing at the clouds and occasionally casting a glance at the figure on the chair. He remained silent, lost in thought as he watched the ethereal white puffs drift by overhead.

As the waves gently lapped against the base of the giant tree, a row of cards magically appeared in front of him, stacking with utmost precision as if a machine had arranged them in a game.

"Pick a card"

The tone was the same, and so was the weird, twisted, unrecognizable voice.

Nakagami gave the figure sitting in the chair a long, questioning glance. His eyes seemed to ask, "Really?" without saying a word.

"The fourth one"

He didn't bother to specify which "fourth" card in the row he was referring to, as he was confident that the other person was fully aware of which one he meant. His thoughts were confirmed as the card he had silently chosen in his head was immediately flipped, revealing an ace of spades.

"You won, so what do you want?" Without looking back, Leo leaned his back on the plastic chair.

Upon hearing the seemingly casual offer, Nakagami's eyelid twitched. "..."

These random games at first made him wary about their real purpose, but now… although it's shameful to say, he has already been tricked twice by words.

Of course, he had no whimsical thoughts to leave, he just wanted to be let down from this uncomfortable position and get out from this tree trunk.

As a result, he got what he wanted. He was lowered by one centimeter and moved to another large branch. It was at that moment that Nakagami Nakiri realized he had been played.

"You a boring person, has anyone told you that?"

This question has been asked for the seventh time. The original respect for the power of the Fall has been replaced by an unsettling feeling.

Nakagami is a very serious person, especially when it comes to matters related to the Five Clans, so the current casual atmosphere made him very uncomfortable.

However, he soon calmed down.

"Why did you attack the Five Clans, for someone on your level, as long as you request it, we'll do our best to help you, that destruction was unnecessary"

At this time, Nakagami felt a chill run down his spine as Leo's gaze seemed to bore into him. All the hair on the back of his neck stood on end, and he couldn't shake the eerie feeling that came over him.

Leo turned and looked at him for the first time since arriving, and it was unsettling to see those eyes. It was hard to describe the feeling it gave him.

Leo smiled gently, as if he hadn't heard Nakagami's question. "Are you interested in gacha?" he asked.

"Gacha? Can I ask why you mentioned it?" Nakagami asked, feeling a little confused.

He had been raised in the military and had received strict education from the Nikiri clan, so he wasn't very familiar with modern entertainment. However, due to the people around him, including his younger brother, he had learned a thing or two about it.

"It's nothing, really. It just sounded like you might enjoy gambling. But if you're interested, I can tell you more about why I'm here."

The tree branches around them began to move on their own. As if guided by an unseen force, the branches reached out and gently entwined together,casting a shade.

Nakagami hesitated before answering, feeling like the situation had taken a turn for the worse. However, Leo continued to speak. "I'm here to recover something and protect the world and all that is good and pure. Oh, and I'm also doing some trash recycling on the side."

Nakagami directly filtered the rest of the unnecessary words and quickly came to a conclusion.

The trash recycling should mean the malice of the world that the Fall can control, but he wants to recover something using it? The information was too small for Nakagami to form a proper idea.

However, Leo didn't give him time to pounder.

"Let me ask you something now. Don't you feel a little confined within the Five Clans?"

"I'm not talking about their strict rules and traditional ways of doing things. It's more like, you're trying to move forward, but they're holding you back… and themselves."

"...." Nakagami tensed up at the mention of the Five Clans, but then a haze seemed to cloud his vision.

As Nakagami tried to speak, Leo quickly interjected, "You're being awfully calm, you know. I'm supposed to be super scary, and some people are already treating me like the bogeyman and making spooky stories for their kids to sleep. Don't tell me you're relying on those hermits that your clan serves?"

Nakagami quickly regained his composure upon hearing the question. Even he hadn't noticed it, but when he heard the word 'serve', a flash of dissatisfaction crossed his eyes. He knew all too well that the Pantheon of their country was a joke to the other forces, even though they weren't named specifically.

The hermits referred to are the Shinto gods who have not revealed themselves in ages. Nakagami is well aware of this, as the Five Clans he belongs to have served the Shinto gods for ages since they were formed.

"They won't come here," Nakagami admitted openly. "Your deterrence is strong enough to prevent them from acting rashly, regardless of whether their dignity is damaged or your actions ignore all the other forces."

The Fall is a source of concern for all the top powers in the supernatural world. After all, the unknown is always the most terrifying.

Where did "he" come from? What is his goal? Who does he belong to? And where does he stand in this world? These questions have left people worried. Compared to the simple and honest Great Red and Infinite Dragon God, the Fall is too unpredictable.

Even Asgard, which has had a face-to-face encounter with him, has refused to disclose any information and has chosen not to pursue this matter. On that day, everyone received a death order from Odin himself not to reveal any information about the Fall.

It is shocking and terrifying that a powerful force like the Norse Pantheon would choose to act this way. However, no one will underestimate Odin's wisdom, and so even though this tree is a blatant provocation to the entire supernatural world, no one will act rashly.

This is an existence that can face down the entire world. Nakagami couldn't help but take another look at Leo, who was ignoring him.

"Hey, I'm not trying to destroy the world or anything for them to gang up on me. But are you sure they'll stay silent after I've trampled on their land and their servants? That seems like it would be too much for their pride as gods."

"...." Nakagami took a very deep look at Leo before saying "They won't come here for me"

Those last words were spoken a bit too harshly and coldly. After all, even if they did appear here, it would be for the 'Ouryuu', not for him as the Ouryuu.

"Of course they won't, but I guess if they care about their pets a lot, you won't have to worry about someone taking the opportunity to mess around after me."

Nakagami frowned in doubt before a look of realization struck him. His expression became a bit ugly as he looked at his current state and took a deep breath.

Getting worked up now won't solve anything. As the current Ouryuu, Nakagami is well aware of the history of the Five Clans, but the past is the past and he isn't someone who feels sorry just because his family decided to advance at the expense of others.

On the contrary, he respects his bold ancestor a lot, after all, their sacrifice allowed the Five Clans to reach their current position.

As for who might be targeting them, he doesn't have to think too hard to guess who it could be in this time of chaos, but he isn't particularly worried. It's not that the Five Clans are weak; they just happened to encounter an unstoppable disaster this time (The Fall).

As long as the Chinese Pantheon isn't directly involved, they shouldn't have much trouble on their home turf. The Grigori forces should also be alarmed and join them. If this turns into a full-blown battle, the Shinto Pantheon isn't that weak, despite its shortcomings.

However, Nakagami suddenly frowned, wondering why the Fall would give him this hint. Was it just to mess with him or a whim? Given everything that has happened, it wasn't an impossible guess, but it still felt off.

His heart rippled as a thought occurred to him. Raising his head, Nakagami looked ahead and said, "The Five Clans aren't weak."

The conviction in those words seemed to come from the depths of Nakagami's heart. This is his pride and glory.

"However, against you, it is a different story."

Yet, this is the reality he has to admit.

"This is why I said that destruction was unnecessary. The Five Clans would never embarrass someone like you if you come wi—"

What he said was simple, but the atmosphere changed drastically. The rustling of leaves and sound of waves suddenly came to a halt, leaving the area in an eerie silence.

Slightly surprised, Nakagami looked at the Fall before freezing in place.

For humans, the best way to sense malice is through others' expressions. Sometimes, you can even feel it from the way they look at you.

However, for ki users, they are far more attuned to these ethereal feelings. After all, they are always fighting against the malice radiating from the world. But... they have never 'faced' it like this before.

Those eerie eyes, or rather, it was as if something invisible around him was staring at him from all directions.

Just one look caused Nakagami to instinctively steel his mind and enter a meditative state to resist the influence of malice.

Despite his pale face, he eventually managed to react and stop. As if everything was an illusion, the feeling disappeared.

Slightly panting for breath, he saw the Fall smiling. The meaning behind the smile wasn't clear, but his shaken mind couldn't be bothered to try to understand it.

"Maybe I should really recommend you a Gacha game later. Your mentality is really not compatible with your family. No wonder you're gradually being pushed aside and your little brother is becoming the Ouryuu. You lack decisiveness too."

Nakagami's eyes narrowed and he raised his head to look straight at Leo.

"Now I remember, you won that card game earlier and asked a question. I should answer it for you, right?" Leo removed a fallen leaf on his head and tossed it away.

"You see, the world is complicated. No matter how shallow it seems, I know what you really want to ask me is why I am not integrated into it. I am not like the Red Lizard or the Cookie Loli Dragon, who are unsocial or simply dragged around. I can easily join or build a foothold in it. This would make it simple to do various things and give you people peace of mind, but..."

"You see, the world is unpredictable, and I can't guarantee that I'll always be there for those I care about, after all, it's wishful thinking to assume they won't get involved in one way or another. The world has never lacked smart people, so it'll never lack idiots who love to gamble..."

"You see, I am a huge fan of the short and brilliant spark of destruction, but I detest unnecessary bloodshed... so, let's all do our best to keep you guys safe, okay?"

"..." Nakagami fell completely silent as sweat dripped from his forehead. The previous thought in his heart was completely extinguished.

A bitter smile flashed on his face as he realized that he was really gambling like an idiot now. But what if, just what if, he could build ties with the Fall and the Five Clans.

Crazy? Ambitionist? As the Fall said, he really isn't compatible with his family's rigid mentality. However, he doesn't regret it. Rather than staying in one place and rotting with the Shinto Pantheon, the Five Clans can go further, but he can't do it.

His family... for his family, he is willing to compromise, even give up the Yellow Dragon to his younger brother.

Glancing at Nakagami from the corner of his eyes, Leo rolled his eyes and spun the can in his hand. {Trying to test me, huh? But now that I think about it, if I play this right I can make this guy reduce my trouble here by 50%... Dammit, this malice is making my thoughts very sinister.}

Suddenly, Leo shook gently and tried to forget about everything as the tree swayed along the waves.

{Just one malicious thought, it wasn't even completely directed at me, and I felt like I was going to explode.}

Even if it wasn't aimed at him, what Nakagami desired was to use Leo to achieve his ambitions, which resulted in EOTW (Evil of The World) reacting as if a nerve had been struck.

Feeling the boiling and ever-increasing amount of EOTW inside of him, Leo had a blank expression.



{I think I have miscalculated a very, very tiny thing.}

{No worries, I know you're bad at math, but you spent weeks planning this and still got it wrong?}


{Heh, I know, partner. If you need someone to talk to, I have nowhere to go anyway…} Ddraig yawned lazily and laughed at Leo before saying {Why did you spend so much time with that Ouryuu kid?}

{He made it easier on me earlier, so I spoke more. Anyway, I am not talking to you}

{... I don't mind, but why?}

Crushing the can in his hand into a ball, Leo rubbed his necklace and said {You are a voice inside my head. I will sound crazy if I talk to you, duh.}


"But for now, I am counting on you to wake me up if you sensed something wrong"

{Hmph, you are very bad at asking for favors.}

"I know…" Looking at the vast expanse of blue, Leo sat as the sun began to set and the tree cast a long shadow over the water.

Nakagami's head slowly rose as he regained composure, and he was surprised to see the sunset already in progress. It was barely an hour after sunrise, yet the sky was ablaze with a stunning orange-red glow.

As he watched, a leaf from a nearby tree fluttered to the ground, swaying in the wind. Nakagami's eyes widened as he saw the leaf dry up and turn to dust.

Despite its tall and proud stature, the tree exuded a sense of gloom as it stood alone in the vast expanse of the ocean. It was a beacon of life in the emptiness, but somehow its aura carried a heavy weight.

"Dammit, that old woman still wants to hide in the closet while the world is falling apart?! This is their territory, not mine, so why do I feel more worried?!," Azazel yelled as he angrily closed the communication magic and slammed his hand down on the table.

He then rubbed his forehead and looked at the others in the room. "Why aren't you saying anything? Don't leave me hanging too," he said.

{We should?} Everyone looked at each other awkwardly, but a young man with white hair frowned and cut in.

"Are you done with your pointless formalities, Azazel? Let's leave already."

"Sigh I guess there's no choice. Amaterasu even refused to talk to me directly because of some stupid important meeting. Do they think I'm a child to believe that?! Those damn hermits..." Azazel grumbled, getting agitated again. The members of Team SlashXDog felt awkward and didn't dare to look at the members of the Five Clans.

Azazel was openly cursing another member of the Pantheon while sitting at the same table as their top forces. Team SlashXDog felt awkward, except for Kouki, who kept nodding his head.

Suzaku, Genbu, and Byakko, led by Seiryuu, who pushed his glasses up, sat there in silence. Even the normally violent Byakko only clicked his tongue and closed his eyes.

Tobio scratched his cheek and glanced apologetically at Suzaku, who simply shook her head and told him not to worry.

"Governor General Azazel, while I understand your feelings, please remember where you are now"

Seiryuu said, waiting for Azazel to finish before speaking in an even tone.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, but in times like this shouldn't we be working together? Do I need to remind you that Grigori isn't your lackey?"

"I know, so don't worry. Grigori's help will never go unnoticed. I'll make sure of it"

After a moment of silence, Seiryuu spoke seriously as Azazel looked him in the eye. Despite being able to heal most wounds with magic, the tiredness was still visible in Seiryuu's eyes.

"*Sigh* Now that the Shinto Pantheon is unwilling to join, does anyone have any ideas?" Shaking his head, Azazel changed the topic.

Before setting out on this expedition into the giant tree, everyone had agreed to gather as many high-combat forces as possible in case something went wrong.

After all, bringing along normal fighters would be sending them to their deaths against the Fall and might give "him" the wrong idea.

There was no way they were going there with the intent of fighting. If that were the case, Azazel would have already expressed his helplessness and left the meeting. Instead, they were going to try to negotiate with the Fall... if possible.

"Stop wasting time, Azazel. You know no one will agree to your crazy idea. Not a single force currently dares to show hostility directly against the Fall, and you want to call in the Shinto Pantheon? Don't make me laugh. You're even unwilling to involve Grigori" Vali frowned.

"Hey, it wouldn't hurt to try. Well, have it your way. I guess we have spent enough time thinking"

"Hmph, about time" Vali said, standing up and putting his hands in his pockets with a warlike smile on his face.

"Azazel, do you think this is okay?" Tobio asked worriedly, looking at Vali who couldn't wait to leave.

"Don't worry about it. If the Fall is really the Red Dragon Emperor, then the soul of the Welsh Dragon is with him" Azazel waved his hand and smiled at Vali.

Although the hosts of the two heavenly dragons were destined to fight, their first meeting shouldn't be decisive. They would likely introduce their hosts, talk about old times, and then have a "friendly" fight.

In the worst case, Vali would end up getting beaten into a pulp. No, this would definitely happen. Azazel's smile gradually widened, full of gloating.

{My child, forgive me. All I do is for your future. You'll thank me later... probably from a hospital bed} Azazel said sagely for no reason, but his smile didn't falter in the slightest.

Tobio felt a shiver watching Azazel leave before sighing and frowning.

"What's the matter, Toby? Anything on your mind?"

"Ah, Lavinia. It's just... No, nothing. We should hurry or Vali will leave on his own" Tobio said, looking at Vali and Azazel, who were leaving.

"That's true..." Lavinia replied.

"How does your smile become more disgusting every day, Azazel? Are you developing a new magic? If you keep this up, I'll quit and you can go look for another fighter. Who knows, maybe you'll find the top 10 strongest beings on the street to help you"

"You brat, my smile has charmed the hearts of many ladies. How is it disgusting? And you dare threaten me by not going? You of all people!?"

Smiling helplessly at Lavinia, Tobio shook his head before following behind him, but it seemed as though he was running away from something, which made the rest of his team frown.

But everyone quickly packed up and prepared to leave. Destination: Florida, USA!

Meanwhile, on the street in front of a large villa in Kuoh town, a petite figure walked with slow steps. She stopped in front of the luxurious door and tilted her head, looking at her fist.

She almost punched the door, but then stopped and seemed to think about something. However, her expressionless faces made it hard to tell what she was thinking.

*Knock* *Knock*

The petite figure knocked on the door and waited patiently until it was flung open violently to reveal a blond girl in red clothes. She smiled brightly and said "Who has the honor of visiting me today—, eh?"

"Hand over the foolish silence now"

Looking down, Nero saw a small girl with long black hair staring at her with blank gray eyes and extending a small hand that carried ridiculous power.

Ophis displayed what she thought was a serious(?) expression, but for some reason, Nero's eyes gradually sparkled with a strange light as they stared at each other without speaking.