
Annaliese and the Saints

A prodigy and a regular archer at the Olympic Games since her 8th Grade, one will think Dianne Hunt is successful at a young age. Not at all. Dianne is an orphan. She lost her parents to a plane crash during one of her Olympic Games competitions and her brother from a mob. She sucks at academics, a struggle that she always had even in middle school before she focused on her sports. The only thing that excites her was feeling the pull of the bowstring and hearing the thwack of an arrow… or is it just that? In a fateful incident (killing a demon, perhaps?), Dianne met the Alpha-3, a group of Saints tasked to hunt and remove demons from its existence near her location. With her ability to see through the Veil and knowing the extent of danger she was in; the young lady wants to run away just like she always did and pretend it never happened. But can she even run away if she witnessed a certain Annaliese-but-certainly-doesn’t-look-like-an-Annaliese and her companions disappearing through a wall in a subway station? Will she be the same once she finds out about the hidden power within her?

XSkylar19 · Fantasi
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12 Chs

Episode 3 | Betrayal and Danger, Part 1

It was the right thing to do. She still didn't know how to fight them off and not harm anyone in this place or in this building but she had to try. If these demons thought she was a threat then it wouldn't be too much of a hassle to lure them away.

She didn't like the idea, but it was the best she got.

Dianne felt herself trembling as she grabbed her coat that was hooked on the hanger, and slipped into her sneakers, again moving as discreetly as possible. If even one of the kids woke up, the success of her plan could easily go from a chance to nothing. She even had to leave her bow and quiver of arrows behind.

Dianne went out the back door, the banging got even louder when she opened it. A harsh breeze hit her face as she rounded the corner and crouched down into the nearby bushes. From what she could see, a pile of broken bricks has started to form and water was squirting out rapidly. It seems like they located the water supply of the building.

It was time to act. Any minute was wasted and the building got closer and closer to becoming a pile of ruins.

Dianne made her way quickly to the other side of the woods, moving as low as she could until their backs were to her. With a deep breath and a burst of courage the young archer didn't know she possessed, she stepped into the clearing.

"Hey, you ugly ogres!!" Dianne yelled.

All the giants turned to her, their faces scrunched up in bewilderment. The smashing ceased, at least for the moment.


The monsters roared loudly.

Well, that sure got their attention, Dianne mused in her head.

Soon enough, she was running for dear life with at least a dozen creatures hot on her trail. At least she succeeded in luring them away from the condominium, and she would make sure they would never return to that place.

The condominium was located in a largely reserved forestry within the city. So, she ran as she had never run before: Dodging every branch, stone, and anything else in her way. The sounds of rustling branches and trees snapping increased her pace.

Although it was the middle of the night, Dianne was able to see everything clearly, and she knew these woods enough to know where she was headed. If her plan worked, these monsters would never see the light of day.

There was a steep cliff up ahead in only a few more meters, located between the forest and the corners of the downtown area. Apparently, it was a construction site that some company had instigated a year ago, and they have managed to make quite a pit in the process with a nice, good pile of broken, jagged points of old debris leftover from a demolished house.

Just a few more feet, she told herself, until I reached the desired destination.

Her eyes lit up when she saw it.

It didn't change a bit. Now, she could only hope that these demon-like creatures didn't see well in the dark. Dianne stood between the forest and the edge, waiting inevitably for the giant black monsters to arrive.

The first appeared, its face distorted in frustration, with a large broken nose, and hairs sticking out of its nostrils. Its eyes widened when it saw her. It yelled and charged – torch raised and all.

And just before it came within attacking range, Dianne quickly leaped to the side, hitting her right side hard as she fell to the ground, just as the giant creature ran right past and fell to its demise.

Giants, although strong, weren't that fast. The next two followed suit, screaming all the way down with a resounding POOF. But the fourth was not as careless. He screeched to a halt, his feet nearly over the cliff, but the ones behind it paid no heed and blindly charged forward, pushing the giant over the edge.

Dianne knew there were more coming, so she quickly climbed up a nearby tree and observed the scene.

A couple more giants approached, but unlike the first few, they didn't come up charging like bulls. Instead, they scattered around and started sniffing.

So, they're trying to smell me out huh? Like that's going to happen, she thought a little cockily as she hid in the leaves of the trees.

It was so dark that she doubts they could even see what was in front of them without those torches. Some of the giants discovered the cliff and were pointing frantically at what was below. There went Plan A.

As she sat safely secluded in her hiding spot, she managed to catch bits of their conversation:

"Where is she?!" one of them shouted, holding his weapon out in offense.

"We've been searching for a long time…too tired," another complained.

"You fool!" another giant barked – perhaps the leader of the club – using only one burly hand to pick up the whiner and threw him against a nearby tree. The tree snapped easily into two parts.

"He is here! The Saint's scent is strong! Do you not feel it?" the leader bellowed at his underlings.


When none of them said anything, the lead giant's face got even redder. "Search the area! Anyone who finds the Saint can get the first piece!"

All the other ugly giants roared in delight.

So, they knew she was here. They were never going to leave. Not until they found her, and tear her to shreds. Dianne was a sitting duck in the midst of at least seven man-eating cannibals. The whole situation made her want to puke in fear and disgust.