
Mystery Guy

Anna P. O. V

Ever since that meeting two weeks ago I haven't gotten any time for myself I've been working so hard. It's finally Saturday and that means no work tomorrow so girls night out just a few drinks then a movie and bed.

Limited was the best bar in town and getting in was really difficult but thanks to my dj friend Aman we were already on the guest list and the music was great so we automatically made our way to the dance floor and danced all our week long stress away. After about an hour or so we headed towards the bar for a few drinks and that's when I saw someone who instantly caught my eye he was dressed in a three piece dark blue suit with hair neatly gelled sitting all alone looking so sad and out of place so I made an effort walked over to him and started a random conversation and I actually had fun we ended up exchanging numbers and now am home again in bed.

My Sunday was a bit tiring with chores and cooking my favorite meal macaroni, fried chicken, salad and mashed potato. I invited Lisa and Aman for lunch and right on time they're here with red wine we talked about the party and they investigated about my mystery guy but me being me didn't say much earning sulking faces but all was good lunch was fun and it's already night. Time to grab a shower and head to bed....