

*SYNOPSIS* 400 years after the people of Vallout put an end to the terror of the werewolves, they lived in peace and harmony until the last of the Alpha werewolf, Drex, jailbreaks to avenge the death of the mother, during the punitive expedition against werewolves. Upon Drex's ambition to build an army of terror werewolves by converting humans, he infects an orphan, Anna. Fortunately, at the point of Anna's awakening, Black Arrow, the leader of the good werewolves army, abducts her to teach her how to master her powers and the ways of the Alpha werewolf, all in a bid to end Drex's' terror at once.

joshua_solomon · Sejarah
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9 Chs


No, Jamal we run democracy; it is their right. They have the right to visit their daughter in the hospital." President Prescott stood up and began to pace around his office in confusion. "Your Excellency, the people are beginning to panic. They are crowding the streets. Now the number is in tens, from tens to hundreds, from hundreds to thousands.

That is how a fire begins, from smoke. These people will tear the city down out of fear. From protest to riot and riot to anarchy."

"What would you have me do, Jamal?" President Prescott yelled in fear.

"Impose a military curfew; tame the people. And as for the dog, pursue and destroy."

President Prescott thought for a while and said, "Hmm. Good idea, Jamal. This would be my last resort." Commander Jamal sighed in disappointment. President Prescott continued, "For now, we stay still and wait for Vincent's troops to come to pick up their animal. They would be here by nightfall."

Anna was bothered about her sudden paralysis and why she had not gained consciousness until now. The doctors could not even trace what the actual problem was; talk more about diagnosing a solution. 'She was in comma,' this was the only message they gave to Dad and President Prescott.

One of the worst experiences one could face was being alive and not being able to speak or walk. Anna could hear everything, including things in the far distance that normal humans would not be able to hear. While Anna and Dad were at the hospital, that afternoon, he saw his wife on TV. It surprised him to see her on TV.

He then increased the volume of the TV, and more surprising to see her exposing their family details, house address, and birth certificates all in a bid to prove to the people of Vallout that Anna was their daughter. She did this for attention, She made this move with the motive of getting fame and moving her business to the bigger stage.

However, Dad was not happy with this move. It was exhibiting his family to the public and putting their lives at risk, at Sam and Isabel's school, the news had already spread. The entire school knew who they were, and it was discomforting to them. The city of Vallout was already in chaos, but unveiling who they were and the role they played in the chaos put them in the middle of everything. The media hurried to their school to make interviews with the, however, their teachers chased them off, but it did not stop the students from pointing fingers are them and having a quick sidebar when they walked by.

Today, was the most uncomfortable day for them in school. Sam wished it ended immediately, and they were back home to their safe zone. But Isabel was jealous that Anna's condition put them in an uncomfortable state in school today.

While, President was in his office, beating himself about the recent situation Vallout's house-of-representatives placed a call to him. It was first a voice call, then after a few seconds of conversing over the phone, he switched to the big screen in his office. After the voice call, Commander Jamal could the expression on President Prescott's face. It was not good. In that instance, he knew there was a bigger problem.

Only he and Commander Jamal were in his office while the council of representatives included six individuals; four women and two men, on the screen.

"Good afternoon, House," President Prescott greeted again.

"And there is nothing good about the afternoon, I say to you again, Your Excellency," The chief speak said to him.

"It is a democracy, we practice," President Prescott reminded her again.

"Yes, democracy. Democracy, but not anarchy." She replied to him.

"Freedom of speech is an attribute of democracy,"

"That I am aware of; I do not need to be told. And I am certain we all, members of the House of Representatives, quite understand that properly." All the House of Representatives members nodded, just then.

She continued, "But that does not give 'mere citizens' the right to go blabbing on social; spreading fallacy…"

"…What she said was not lies."

"But, it is throwing the country into chaos. For the world to be in the order you have to term it lies. Shut down their social media; any means they use in transmitting such messages. People are scared and it is causing chaos; leading the country to anarchy!" President Prescott while she roared.

"If you do not act strategically and immediately, it would throw the country into deeper anarchy. And trust me, if you do not act as soon as possible there would be consequences; heavy consequences that would cost you a lot." She was done speaking with him. She then threw an open question to the house, "Anyone has something to say to the His Excellency?"

The atmosphere fell silent, just then; they had nothing else to say to him. Just then, the deputy speaker said, "I do have something to say to him."

"Go on," The chief speaker instructed him. President Prescott was eager to hear what the deputy speaker had to say.

The deputy speaker further said. "You seem like you are out of ideas, Your Excellency. I will give you a hint." President Prescott was now more interested in the hint. "Use Commander Jamal; your military!"

Just then, the chief speaker ended the video call. President Prescott scattered his desk in frustration. It was obvious that he was frustrated during the call, but could not express it then. However, immediately after the call ended, he swept the entire items on a table with his hands. Commander Jamal could see the frustration expressed by his president. The president then stood up and loosened his tie. He then began to speak to himself and he went to grab a drink from the fridge. "Contest in the election, they said. You have all it takes to rule over the 20 million people of Vallout, they said. You can protect them all, you have the knowledge to increase our security capacity, they said."

"You can protect them. Take it easy, Your Excellency." Commander Jamal chipped in.

"Do not tell me to take it easy Jamal, do not. The universe is not taking it easy on me."

"Well, it is impossible that we proffer a solution to the situation at hand with you in this state." Just then, President Prescott stopped drinking. He gave a second thought to what Commander Jamal said, but it would not change anything and so he persisted with his drinking.

Just then, he thought about something; a bright idea. "Place a call to Vincent right now." He hurriedly said. He then covered his drink and kept it aside.

"King Vincent, ruler of the Lycan? Commander Jamal asked.

"Yes! Whatever his name is," President Prescott replied. Commander Jamal did as he was instructed.

"Just when I was about to phone you, Your Excellency." King Vincent said. He was the first to speak during this conversation.

"Good, when are you coming to get your liability off my nation!"

King Vincent felt the rage in his roar. He then sighed to depict that everything was under control. "Truth is, my son, Drex, found out what your forefather did to him 400 years ago,"

"Oh, so he is out here for revenge?" President Prescott asked. King Vincent snubbed that question.

"Truth is, my warriors would be in the City of Vallout very soon,"

"Okay, some positive news."

'Truth is…"

"...Where the fuck are all these truths leading us to?" President Prescott was getting bored of his 'Truth is' games, and even more, frustrated by the minute.

"To the truth of this matter," King Vincent replied him. President Prescott then became calm to listen to the 'truth of the matter'.

"Truth is, we are aware that a girl was infected by him. And the truth is that he sees potential in her and wishes to recruit her into his army of Alpha werewolves."