
Animeverse Prime

After his death, our Mc drifts into the void for an unknown amount of times and finally when he gets out of the void he finds himself in a library full of books in rows with no ends. After strolling around he discovers a man in glasses taking notes very attractively but after waiting for a long time he finally couldn't wait because the man is not taking notice of him. So with his own initiative, he calls... “Excuse me??? ” Mc “…”Glasses [Silent ] “Excuse me??? ” Mc “…” Glasses[Silent ] “Excuse me??? ” Mc “… ” Glasses [Silent ] After calling in a low voice for twice our Mc thought the man might also have a problem with his ears with his eyes so he shouted “EXCUSE ME~~~??? ” After hearing this shout the glasses man almost broke his pen and angrily looks at our Mc “I heard you the first time you called, so no need to shout. ” “…. ” Mc [Silent ]

Shaikh_Tohaa · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

Explode like a balloon

Karakua Town…

After leaving the Kurosaki family house/clinic Neo followed beside Masaki holding a transparent umbrella as it is raining heavily at the time when they arrived at a road crossing Masaki who was chatting with Neo pointed at a boy in a yellow raincoat with orange hair walking towards them.

"Is that your son aunty? " Neo asked with a smile looking at the Ichigo who has a similar face to his father but got the hair color of his mother.

"Yes, he is Ichigo and almost at the same age as you." Masaki nodded with a smile while walking towards Ichigo.

As soon as Masaki arrived near Ichigo he shouted excitedly "Mom you are here. "

"How was school today? " Masaki asked with a smile looking at her excited son.

"Tatsuki wanted to beat me but she is no match for me. " Ichigo said with a proud smile about his fight in the school.

"So you should be nice to girls. " Masaki said with a smile.

"But she always comes to challenge me. " Ichigo said with a confused face.

"Even then you shouldn't hurt her because you need to remember a gentleman does not hurt a girl. " Masaki advised with a serious face.

"Really? " Ichigo asked with a confused face because for him whoever wants to challenge him he will accept it and fight with everything he got.

"Yes, I am serious. " Masaki said with a serious face.

"I don't agree. " Neo who was hearing everything from the side said injected into her speech with a serious face.

"Excuse me. " Ichigo said with a surprised hearing someone cursing at their side.

"What? Do you not agree with me Neo-chan? " Masaki asked with confusion when she heard Neo cursing and disagree with her advice.

"Yes I don't think to become a gentleman you need to consider if you should stop hitting a girl or not because of you do that then it will make you a scam instead of a gentleman. " Neo replied with a serious face.

"What makes you think that? " Masaki asked with a surprised face because this is the first time she heard someone speaking at the opposite of the common view of the world.

"My mother ones said Man and women should not be discriminated against a man or woman. Both of them should have equal rights and the world should also put a woman on the same scale as a man. If that is the case tell if a man does not fight back a woman when she attacks a man just because she is a woman doesn't that mean he is looking down at the woman? " Neo asked with a serious face.

Hearing his question Masaki went silent not knowing if she should agree with this kids ideal of reprimanding him but if she reprimands him doesn't that mean she is looking down on the woman herself with this kind of thoughts she stopped talking and just look at Neo with a wide eye because of his world view which is completely different from everyone.

One the other hand Ichigo who was listening to Neo's argument with his mother agreed with Neo and asked with a smile "I also agree with you but I don't think I know your name even though you are walking with us all this time?  "

"Oh, right I haven't introduced myself to you. " Neo nodded then introduced himself to Ichigo and very soon they started getting along for having the same kind of world view well most of the time Ichigo id just agreeing with Neo's words and widening his view of the world.

As they were walking towards their house try arrived beside the main river of the Karakura town when a car passed from their side and splashed dirty water on Ichigo who was at the side of the road and shouted looking at the "Why did you do that for? "

Hearing her son's suddenly shouting out Masaki came out of her daze and notched Ichigo getting covered in the dirty water then apologized to him with a guilty smile while cleaning the dirty water that is on his body "I am Sorry. Let's switch places, I will walk on the side next to the road. "

"It's okay. I am wearing a raincoat, so I am alright. I'll protect you from things like what just happened there." Ichigo replied a serious face looking at her mother's face.

Looking at his serious face Masaki said with a smile "Oh, you are so reliable… "

After cleaning Ichigo they again started walking when Ichigo started running towards the river while shouting looking at a girl who is about to fall in the river "Hey wait don't go any closer to the river? "

Looking at the direction her son running Masaki shouted anxiously "Ichigo stop don't go? " 

Neo who is right beside Masaki saw a strange creature wearing a strange white mask at the place where Ichigo is going then asked confusedly"What is that strange thing Ichigo is going? "

Masaki who already knew it's a hollow which is using an illusion to eat her son started running towards Ichigo with panic.

The strange white-masked creature looking at Ichigo started laughing "I wanted to lure that woman but looking at you who discovered me even before her I believe you will be even better food than her. " and showed its teeth with a wide smile then attacked towards Ichigo.

Masaki who wasn't that far from her son knew the only way to save her son now is to shield him with her own body so without hesitation she jumped in the way of the hollows attack.

Ichigo by now also discovered that the girl was fake and the hollow and looking at his mother who is going to receive the hollows attack shouted with panic "Mom noooo~ "

Neo who was looking at everything felt if that strange creature's attack land on Masaki she will die so he also moved using the lightning style movement jutsu he learned from his book and appeared in front of Masaki and punched the creature on the face and the white mask street cracking and soon it disappeared into the thin air and looking at the empty place where the strange masked creature was standing Neo got confused after not finding any trace of that strange creature.

Masaki who was waiting for the pain of death closing her eyes didn't feel any pain and opened her eyes to find the hollow despair and Neo standing behind her with a confused face as she looking at the two boys asked "Are you guys ok? "

"Mom you are safe? " Ichigo who was also closing his eyes asked opening his eyes when he heard his mother's voice and started crying upon discovering her being sade while hugging her.

"Aunt Masaki, can you tell me what that balloon-like creature was just a moment ago? " Neo asked with a confused face.

"Baloon-like creature? " Masaki asked with a confused face hearing him calling a Hollow a Baloon-like creature. 

"Yes, you see when I attacked it on the face it's a mask cracked and explode like a balloon. " Neo replied with an honest face.

"You punched it on the face... " Masaki asked speechlessly looking at the boy in front of her.


Right above their head, a white-haired man asked with a smile looking at the man beside him "Captain what just happened? "

"I also don't understand Gin. " the man replied fixing his glasses and looking at Neo with a serious face.

"Not even you have the answer Captain. How peculiar of you. " Gin asked with a smiling face.

"indeed it is really strange. Even I am not able to sense his spiritual pressure…  " 

I know there are a lot of mistakes but I am very sleepy.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Shaikh_Tohaacreators' thoughts