
Anime System: Path of Greatest

Micheal Jordan is average student, whose many in world. He kinda excelled at study. He also trained a bit. Still he went around his life without excitement. However he gets into accident, but he received a system, which will make him strongest and greatest His path is only starting

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Getting The System and Start of Journey


We see a busy city from therd perspective. Among the streets we see a tall young man wearing a students uniform. It is Micheal Jordan.

He is 20 years old student. He studies in prestige University, due to his high intelligence and attention to his studies. He is very average, but handsome. He is 5'9 tall with fit body. He has blond hair and beautiful ocean eyes.

He can be described as quite handsome, especially by opposite gender. However he is more interested in his lessons than in girls. He walks just in time, when lighttraphic hit the red button. A loud bang is heard, which indicates that Michael's body is hit by a car.


Pov Micheal

I wake up from huge pain. It feels like as if I was run over by a car. Wait a second that just happened. How am I alive or am I not? I questioned mine's insanity. I am floating in some kind of void, probably place that soul's like mine are sent to.

Suddenly I heard someone voice.

"Well it seems that we have an interesting fella here" A female voice suddenly fills up this silent place. I see a majestic otherwordly women in front of me. She is so insanely beautiful that she can't be described as nothing less of than a goodness, which is true.

"Who are you?" Comes my natural hunger for knowledge. I mean I may have some thoughts about my current predicament, but still.

"I am Godness of Anime. Yeah you heard me right. I thought that you are fascinating, so I want to grant you special system. I call it Anime System. " She says in her omnipresnt voice

Naturally that sets me off. I am huge otaku which saw a lot of animes so I know what it is. I definitely know what she implies by Anime System. I read novels about guys that have died, but they received Systems upon their reincarnation, so does that mean I will too.

"Can you explain what this Anime System is. I have some thoughts about it, but still"

"Let's say it will make you have all anime powers and so on. Naturally you will be given quest and all that stuff. I will transport you into another world, due to your death you can't be saved. However I can sent you to that world. It is magical world, so your powers will come in handy. Don't lose this chance, kid. " She explains her godly voice making me understand and be grateful not everybody receives such a chance, who am I to throw it away?

"Of course" I reply. She snaps her fingers in Thanos motion. I got hit and lost my counsioness.


I once again woke up. My body didn't ache this time tho. Maybe Godness work or system. Perhaps both. I try to see, if I changed. My body remained the same, but something about me is different. Just when I stood up and gauged my surroundings. I was in forest. I heard a voice

[System welcomes new player. Anime System is successfully transmited and received. I will guide player to better understand system. ] somewhat robotic women voice spoke. So this is system not gonna lie, kinda creepy, but cool at the same time.

[Quest Received

Quest: Get to know Anime System

Mission: Learn about Anime System everything.

Reward: 100 EXP, Starter Pack]

[Yes] or [No]

Naturally I clicked Yes button, I mean it is free exp bro. Who will refuse such a thing.

[Player to see your current status, you should say status. Verbilly or in mind does not matter to system]

Obviously I am going with mind option it's much better, besides I don't want to be called crazy.


Name: Micheal Jordan

Age: 20

Race: Human


LV: 1 (100 EXP/0)

HP: 100/100 - 1 HP per minute

AP(Anime Point) 100/100 - 10 AP per minute

Strength: 7

Speed: 11

IQ: 15

Stamina: 6

Might: 10

Vitality: 5

Dexterity: 7

Wisdom: 20

Luck: 10(High)

Stats explanation

Strength- allows one to lift heavier weights and hit harder the higher the stat is

Speed- the higher the stat the faster the person is.

IQ- Higher stat= Being Smarter, also being better in fight(basically increases both IQ, intelligence and BIQ)

Stamina- Makes person perform longer in any activity and be less tired after, like fighting for hours or so. The higher the stat the better the stamina

Vitality- increases resilience and endurance

Dexterity- Increases reaction, reflexed and accuracy

Wisdom- Not IQ, just how much wisdom do you have. Oogway approved.

Luck- You see in any system fic, don't you? Well the higher this stat the luckier you are, which literally means that you can get better stuff from even common chests.

Might- Increases the damage\power of nany ability\technique one has, the higher this stat is the more powerful ability will get and the more damage it will deal. 


Reading[Lvl 50] - Allows users to read any book faster, while understanding everything in book easier and memorizing. The higher the level the more efficient it is

Cooking[Lvl 5]- Allows users to cook any food. The higher the lvl of skil the tastier the food is and the better quality is.

Memory[Lvl Max]- Allows users to memorize any material or information in an instant and it will stay with user forever no matter the type of memorizing.

Abilities: None

Looks like a have some skills, but I need to clarify something.

"System anime points, are they user for abilities or something." I asked my new system.

[Indeed. Anime Points are special energy you may say that are used for any and all abilities you will have in future. Skills don't use any energy, but stamina. The more AP you have the more options you will have master]

"I see well I think inventory is last for now" I opened it, which all slots were empty kinda obvious. I don't have anything for now" I said.

[Quest Completed

Rewards Received]

[Ding you have leveled up]

It seems I have LV 2 now. Hey system can you say a little bit about that pack and your self.

[User starter pack contains something that will be useful in your journey. It can be anything, but most likely it is ability or multiple. I am as you know Anime System, which will allow you to use any anime powers and abilities. Along side any races and bloodlines even.]

"I see so I can now open my starter pack, okay let it be" I said as I clicked on this pack in same moment strange light eliminated from it. Now a roll is taking place"

[Congratulations you have received. 1000 coins

Fireball Ability- Common

Sharingan- Rare]

"Huh Sharingan from Naruto, dam that quite good this will be useful. Fireball I quess is too. I need to check my stats for reference. Also system can elaborate on Quality?" I asked the AS(Anime System in Short)

[Generally abilities, items etc are catagorized into Qualities which repsent how hard is it to obtain one power and how powerful and useful ability or anything is.

There is. Common- usual and widely known, easiest to get. Uncommon- more rare and stronger. Rare- Unique abilities, of course even more powerful than before. Super Rare- Really Unique and Special. Extremely Powerful, Epic- Impressive Abilities and items. Mythical- Difficult to get, but insanely powerful. Legendary- Almost hardest to get . Truly god-like abilities. Godly- Straight up Broken]

"I see now I need to see my status." Just then I saw it.


Name: Micheal Jordan

Age: 20

Race: Human


HP: 200/200- 2 HP per minute

AP: 200/200- 20 AP per minute

Strength: 8

Speed: 12

IQ: 16

Stamina: 7

Vitality: 6Dexterity: 8

Wisdom: 20

Luck: 10

Stat Points: 10

Skills: Same as before


Abilities Points: 5

Evolutionary Points: 0

[Fireball][LV 1][0/100]- Basic fire magic, which you see in any magic related anime. One reason why it is common. This ability only needs user to say fireball and it will activate. It literally is a fireball of small proporsions(like Fire Wizards from Clash).

[Uses 10 AP per use. Deals 40-60 damage, but can crit, which obviously increases damage exponentially]

[Sharingan][Stage-One Tomoe][LV 1][0/100] - Iconic bloodline of Uchiha Clan from Naruto, which they took pride in. For a good reason. They allow user to see world in slower perspecrive, which allows user to predict your opponent movements and even copy them. Note can also copy abilities, if mastered on sufficient level.

[Adds 10 points each onto Speed and Dexterity stats. While also increasing physical damage by 10 point and abilities damage by 40]

[Takes/Uses 20 AP/M(20 anime point per minute)]

Interesting. I wonder so what those points are? I have general idea still I need a little bit of eleboration on it.

"Hey system can you explain about these points of mine like Stat points, abilities points and Evolunionary points" I ask my trusted system.

[It's quite obvious player. They are used for their own purposes. Stat points allow you to increase any stat of your chousing, which is standard for any system story, you have read. Each level all your stats besides Wisdom and Luck increase by value of 1. Moreover your HP and AP increase by value of 100. Additionally you gain ten stat points each level.

Now Abilities Points are used for abilities. Their general usage can be put simply. You can developed one ability with them. What it means? It means that you can increase their level, effectiveness, damage etc. Simply put quite versatile usage they have. You gain 5 each level.

Evolunionary Points are the most useful. They can evolve any ability making it more powerful, better. Basically it's evolution. You gain one point each two level or you can spend 10 abilities points for one stat of EVP. ]

Fascinating. Just thinking about it. I wonder so. When can I evolve my abilities, from what level, which are limitations. I need to know.

"System can you tell me more into detail about evolution and what requirement is for them. I need to know, so that I can understand." I proclaimed. I mean such knowledge will be useful.

[Any ability requires different amount of evolutionary points the better the quality the more points you have to spend for it to evolve. For example your fireball ability should reach it's level cap, before you can evolve it and it requires 5 Evolunationary points to do so. Also there are level caps on ability. Maximum level that can be reached is 100 for any and all abilities]

"I see hm, also I wonder how does my sharingan leveling up will work, I mean how do I reach next stages of it?" I ask curisou about my sharingan.

[Generally training it like in Naruto. Unlike Uchiha however you do not need any negative emotions to unlock it or go further on next stages. Also you won't get blind from Mangekoy, though it would exhaust you quickly, until you unlock Eternal that is. Two Tomoe will be reaches when Sharingan reaches 25 LV. Three Tomoe when you reach 50 LV. Mangekoy is 75 LV to reach. Obviously eternal, when Max level is reached]

"I see" I replied that quite interesting. I wonder what awaits me further in my path, who knows. Well I need to check my newly acquired abilities anyway. I need to test them. Let's proceed with my fireball. Before I do that I think I will divide my current stat points, I don't see a point in keeping them at least for now. I did just that. I divided 2 points into my Strength and Stamina, while 3 points went to Dexterity and Speed. I think quite balanced infenstion.

"System can you perhaps build me an area where I can practice my fireball and sharingan for some time?" I requested. I mean why not. System should be capable of that no problem.

[Of course user. I will build dummies for you to practice, ones that will not attack and one that will attack one. Each for your purposes sir]

"Thanks" I simply answered not bothering. Instantly I transported into different field altogether. I saw a lot of dummies I examined them. Here their information.

[Training Dummy- Cannot Attack

HP: 200/200

Lv 1

Is used for training easy to destroy, doesn't give any exp, but is efficient in training.

Training Dummy advanced- Will attack upon aggression

HP: 500/500

LV 10

Also used for training, but unlike normal dummy will attack upon your own attack. Helps train some moves, dodged etc.

Quite convinient isn't it. I decided to start with my fire ball first. I stand before training dummy. I raise my hands and then yell. Fireball! From my hands somewhat big ball of fire comes off flying straight to dummy's side. After hitting dummy fireball explodrd. Dummy was in one piece, but it's look is definitely not good. Also it cought my fire.

[You have dealt 50 damage to Dummy. You also dealt Burning Status on Dummy. Until your fire is extanigushed Dummy will burn. Burning- slowly takes damage, if target is on fire]

Obviously,due to fire nature. I see how Dummy is slowly taken over by fire, which somehow becomes stronger despite being outside of oxygen, also it probably is provided by system to sustain me. Finally after a minute Dummy has been burned

[Congratulations training dummy has fell. No award, but good work on practicing fireball. Will you try for stronger dummy, unlike this it will give you some exp and coins]

" Oh well why not" I reply. Before that I will refill my AP just in case. After minute my reserve is full. Now I shouted sharingan, which I feel activating. I immeadeatrly looked at mirror, thankfully one was there somehow. I saw red eyes with dot. Yes it is Sharingan no complain about it from me.

I feel world slowing down and me getting faster. My stats just like promised went up my speed and dexterity went up by 10. Making me much faster.

This time I approached a bigger and stronger dummy. It will attack me. I wonder how will I fight. I fire off another fireball, which dealt off 100 health this time. Quite good chank of dummy's health. Unlike infurior dummy it did not catch burning status. It immeadeatrly lept to attack me, but saw it in slow mo. I predicted it and I swiped to other side to dodge it.

I expertly dodged such hit. I could tell that, if I received it I would not be good afterward. Dawn Sharingan is amazing. No joke or complaint here.

I decided start attacking it back. I ran at it and slamed by hand on it following by momentum I kicked and spinning in here I finished my combo with flip kick. I manage to take considerate amount of health by my combo. Another 100 mind you. My hits deal between 25-40.

However dummy wasn't going to let me go easy so it attacked once again, but I predicted it with my sharingan so sliding I kicked it once again, trapped it and launched it into air, luckily my apped strength did the wonder and I activated my fireball. I managed to make critical hit which put this dummy for good.

[You defeated Training Dummy Advanced. You gained 15 EXP and 10 Coins]

It's not a lot, but still it is training dummy not a real enemy. I definitely will encounter some powerful monster.

What's future has in store for me?

To be continued....