
Anime system- Naruto edition

Arata begins his journey in his ninja world... with a system

kiingshet12 · Komik
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39 Chs

Chapter 30 Ruined Village

Arata quickly arrived home and saw that his parents were waiting for his return. He saw a sword laid down on the table with his parents sitting on the opposite side. As he entered the house, his mother smiled at him and motioned him to sit down in front of the table.

When Arata had settled down, his parents saw his determined face and his mother couldn't help but say, " Son, do you have to go? It's a big world, who knows where the rest of the Uzumaki clan could've scattered off to. It's going to be dangerous by yourself."

Arata looked at his mother and smiled as he said, " I know mother, that's why I have been training hard all this time. I want to go mother, I want to bring back as many as I can so that they can find a home that they belong to. Mother, I'll be okay I'll have the strength to protect everyone and not let other clans try to destroy the Uzumaki clan once again."

Riki nodded his head, " It shouldn't be hard noticing the Uzumaki clan. Unless of their white hair due to old age, most main members of the Uzumaki clan have the distinguishing trait of having bright red hair like your mother."

Arata nodded his head and asked, " I met Gaara. He was in the sand village and possess this trait. He also possess a large amount of chakra, could he have been an Uzumaki?"

His mother sighed and said, " I don't know. Maybe his linage could've been an Uzumaki and his parents could've changed their name, so I am not too sure."

Arata nodded his head and said, " Is there some way to verify if a person belongs to the same bloodline?'

His mother shook his head, " I am not sure. After all, I was only a child when we were forced to scatter and only learned a few techniques. You can check the ruins of the Uzumaki clan... but I doubt it if you ever find anything."

Arata nodded his head, " Okay, I'll go check and see if I ever find anything."

Riki then said, " Where do you plan on going?"

Arata thought for a minute and then said, " I'm thinking of checking all of the villages that borders the leaf village. First is because if the remnants of the Uzumaki clan scattered, they might've not gotten far and settled down somewhere close to this country, and second, if the leaf village ever encounter a huge threat, I may be close enough to provide some help."

Rikii nodded his head, " Good, take this sword with you as my gift. It's a special blade that allows the smooth transfer of chakra. It is quite durable as it has stuck with me for a long time, I believe that you can put it to good use."

Arata took the blade that his father handed to him and thanked him. After talking a bit about what has happened in the past year that he left, it was about time to leave. He gave his parents a big and long hug as he may be gone for a long time once again.

Arata: " Good bye mother, father, I'll make you guys proud."

His mother nodded as tears started to fall from her eyes and said, " Mmm, You are are."

Riki: " Be safe son, if you ever feel tired, you can always come back and rest for a bit before going out again."

Arata smiled and nodded his head as the sword was strapped to his back with the handle pointing towards his right hand. " I will." And waved goodbye as he left. As he started walking out and back into the forest, he felt a huge weight pass onto his shoulders but it didn't change his steps as he continued his path, that weight will soon become is reason for strength and was more than willing to carry it if it mean happiness and a sense of belonging for his mother.

Arata's first destination is the grass village ( Kusagakure) not too far from his location. After three days of traveling, he head light sounds of fighting not far from his location, not wanting to get into unnecessary trouble, he wanted to avoid the sounds as it would only bring trouble to him. However, his curiosity got the better of him as he moved to the location anyways and wanted to see what the battling was about.

Arata hid a bush above the trees not far from the location of the fighting. Judging from the headband on one ninja, and none on the other side, it seemed to be a rouge ninja or a bandit fighting against the ninja that was from the grass village. As the battled neared its end, the ninja from the grass village soon killed the rouge ninja and started to make his way towards a wooden shed despite his heavy injuries.

Curious to see where the ninja was heading towards to, he thought that the ninja must be going somewhere to tell a civilian that they were now safe or something along that line but frowned when he heard his next set of words.

Grass ninja: " Hey little girl, I saw that you were hiding in there when the rouge ninjas attack our village. Come heal me right now!!"

After a few moments, there was no movement inside the wooden shed.

The grass Ninja became frustrated and burst into the wooden shed and pull out a girl that was screaming. When Arata saw the color of her hair, his expression darkened as knew immediately what was about to happened.

His mother had told him about some special properties that some of the people in her clan possess. Some members of their clan possess a unique set of healing abilities that if one were to bite them, it can heal them instantly by the person giving the other their chakra.

???: " Nooo let me go. I don't want to heal you. I don't want die like my mother!!"

Her words sent Arata a deep and grave impression about what is going to happen and what will continue to happen if he doesn't stop the ninja now.

Arata immediately used his lightning cloak as he disappeared from his spot and quickly cut the throat of the ninja with his sword with the latter giving him a confused look of what just happened.

The girl's eyes were closed as she was crying and waiting for the bite on her flesh. She trembled as she felt someone touch her shoulder, she looked up and saw a boy about her age with dark black hair with a few strands of red hair. She heard a gentle and sad voice say to her, " It's okay now. He is gone and won't hurt you anymore."

She wiped her tears as she said, " Umm. Who are you?"

Arata gave her a gentle smile and said, " I am Arata Senju, but I am also half Uzumaki."

Her eyes starter to water up when she heard his words. When she was just a little kid, she asked her mother about her clan and what happened to it. Although her mother didn't tell her everything, she told her about some minor details about her clan's powers and why it was destroyed. She had thought that she and her mother was the only ones left and after her mother died, it was just her.

Arata pulled her in and said, " It's okay now, let me take you somewhere you can be safe."

She nodded her head as she understood. Although she felt weird about trusting a boy he just met, she sensed his chakra and emotions and somehow felt that she could completely trust him and would follow him towards this safe haven he mentioned about.

???: " Now what do we have here."

Arata quickly let her go briefly before pulling her behind him and saw a man... or a woman appear and immediately knew who the person that stood before the two was... It was Orochimaru.