
Anime system- Naruto edition

Arata begins his journey in his ninja world... with a system

kiingshet12 · Komik
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39 Chs

Chapter 17 Second stage

Forbidden training grounds: The Forest of Death.

All of the people that has passed the first exam has showed at the entrance of The Forest of Death.

Sakura: " There's something kind of creepy about this place.

Anko: " haha. This place is called the Forest of Death, you'll soo realize why."

Naruto: " Heh, like that will be something that can scare me."

Anko threw a dagger at Naruto which scratched his cheek slightly. Then she immediately appeared behind Naruto with a dagger to his neck, " A kid like you dies at the very beginning, dappled with the red blood I like."

Arata: " Naruto... will it kill you if you could just shut up and listen quietly while someone talks. Why do you always have to respond."

Sakura saw Anko's crazy behavior: " What's with this proctor? Frankly, she's psycho!"

Anko: "Well, Before we start the second exam, I have to pass this out to you! It's a consent form, before you can take part in the test, you have to sign this."

Naruto: " Why?"

Anko: " From here on out, corpses are going to come out, I have to get your consent to that! Or it'll be my responsibility. haha." " Well, I'm going to start the explanation for the second exam. In a word, the limits of your survival will be challenged." " First, I'll give you step-by-step instruction on the terrain of this training field. Training Field 44 is surrounded by 44 locked entrance gates, there are rivers and a forest and a tower in the middle. It's about 10 kilometers from the towers to the gate. In this confined area, you will go through a certain survival program. The contents of which are... An anything goes scroll battle!!"

Sasuke: " Scroll?"

Anko: " Yes. I want you to fight for two scrolls, the heaven scroll and the earth scroll. All together 26 teams got through the first test. Half of them , 13 teams get the heaven scroll, the other half get the earth scroll. I'll hand over one scroll to each team. To put it simply that's what you're vying for."

Sasuke: " And the conditions to pass?"

Anko: " Your team will bring both the heaven and earth scrolls to the tower in the center."

Sakura: " That means that of the 13 teams, half of them will fail for sure."

Anko: " Except it has to be in time. For this second exam, the time limit is 120 hours. Do it exactly in five days!"

Ino: " Five days!??"

Choji: " What about food."

Anko: " Be self-sufficient! It's a treasure trove in the wilderness. There's more than enough for food."

Kabuto: " However, the forest is even more filled with poisonous animals and plants."

Choji: " Dang it."

Ino: " Fool, that's why it's called survival!"

Neji: " Besides, it's improbable that 39 people, 13 teams will pass."

Lee: " The interval for activity gets longer with each passing day, while the time for recovery gets shorter. Seems pretty grueling!"

Sasuke: " On top of that, you're surrounded by nothing but enemies, even falling asleep will be a problem.

Anko: "And, besides those injured during attempts to capture scrolls, there will definitely be people who are unable to endure the rigors of the course."

Shikimaru: " Um... so you can quit in the middle of it?"

Anko: " According to the rules, you cannot give up in the middle of it! I want you to spend five days in the forest"

Shikimaru: " Just like I thought. This is going to be a pain!"

Anko: " Moving on, conditions of disqualification. Number 1, if all members of the team can't make it to the tower with the heaven and earth scrolls within the time limit. Number 2, if a team loses a member or if a member became incapacitated. There's that, and this is a supplement. Absolutely do not look at the contents of the scrolls until you have reached the tower!"

Naruto: " W-what happens if we look at it halfway through?"

Anko: " When you look at it you'll find out!"

Naruto: " Huh?"

Anko: " There are times when a chunin must deal with super-secret text. This is to test your reliability. That's all the explanations. I'll exchange your three consent forms, for the scrolls in that hut over there. After that, pick your entrance and all the gates will open simultaneously! 'sigh' Finally just a word of advice: Don't die!"

Arata: " Forest? I've been living in a forest my whole life, this should be no problem."

Sasuke looked around him and saw that everyone here had strong resolve, meaning that they are willing to kill other people to get what they want.

Sakura ran into Ino in which the two started arguing and fighting again.

Arata was with Naruto as he started complaining about the consent form as he ran into Hinata. As Naruto walked past her as Hinata was about to give him something, Arata saw what it was, " Sorry Hinata. He's dumb, slow, and impulsive so he may be rude sometimes."

Hinata: "u-umm it's fine. I- I just wanted to heal the wound on his cheek."

Arata: " He'll be fine he's survived with heavier injuries." He then leaned closer to her ear, " If you like him, you should pluck up some courage to be able to talk to him in a louder voice, or else he may think that you're a weirdo, haha." " Okay, I'm going to make sure he fills it all out correctly."

Arata ran to Naruto and puts his arms around his shoulders, " Oi, idiot. You say that you are in love with Sakura, but fail to notice if someone has feelings for you? If you are not an idiot, then I don't know what are you."

Naruto: " Huh? Someone likes me? Who!? Is it Sakura?"

Arata: " And that's why you are an idiot. Hurry up and fill it out so we can go."

Attendee: " All right, come exchange for your scrolls."

As he said this, everyone lined up to receive their scolls.

Anko: " Teams with their scrolls stay with the representative and move to the gate! We'll all start simultaneously in 30 minutes!"

They arrived at gate 12 with their representative.

Naruto: " Yoosh, I won't lose!"

Arata: " Hey just for a heads up, after we enter, once we find a suitable place to rest, then I'm going to leave the group and search for the scrolls on my own. Since all of the teams are 3-man person, I'm the odd one out so even if I leave it won't change much for you guys. If I stay with you three, me and Sasuke would be able to handle everything and that won't be much of a challenge for survival. " Arata looked at the group and furthered explain, " Sasuke take charge and guard them well haha at most I'll be gone for two days, if I don't find anything in two days then I will come look for you guys."

Sasuke: " Hmph, do whatever you want."

Sakura: " Wait a minute, we're supposed to be a team right, why would you go off on your own."

Naruto: " Yeah."

Arata: " More than anything, this is a test, if it is not challenging, then how will we improve. You and Naruto aren't strong enough to handle ambushes and traps so Sasuke has to stay back and help you guys. I am stronger than all of you guys combined haha."

Sasuke: " Hmph."

Sakura: "but..." She wanted to refute some more but she knew that Arata was at a league of his own. From the very start, she knew that Arata already had strength greater than a regular genin. After the battle with Haku, She noticed the increased strength of Arata, Sasuke, and Naruto, while she didn't improve by much.

Arata: " Here take this kunai, after two days, I will use it to get back to the three of you."

Sakura took the kunai and put it in her bag.

Anko: " We now start the second test of the Chunin Exam!"

'swoosh' Every team rushed into The Forest of Death.