
Anime system- Naruto edition

Arata begins his journey in his ninja world... with a system

kiingshet12 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs

Chapter 14 A talk with the system

The next day.

Riki: " Okay Arata, let's see how much you have improved."

Arata: " Be careful."

Arata threw out multiple special kunai knives towards Riki. Riki took out his own kunai and deflected them easily. Arata quickly vanished from his spot and appeared at his the kunai closest to Riki. Arata immediately used his lightning cloak as soon as he appeared and attack Riki. 'cling' the two clash. Arata grabbed Riki's hand and flipped up, sending a kick at the top of his head. 'bang' A blast could be seen as the collision occurred. There was a slight crease under Riki as he blocked the kick from above.

Riki: " Your strength has improved a lot Arata."

Arata: " That's not all."

Arata used quickly summoned lightning from his hands and it soon covered his hand and onto his kunai. He threw it out and it flew with great speed as it sizzled with electricity. Still covering with electricity he vanished and suddenly appeared behind Riki. Riki saw his sudden appearance but was not worried.

Riki: " Ha"

Riki released a large amount of chakra that blew Arata and the incoming kunai back.

Riki: " Is that all?"

Arata: " Not even close."

Arata closed his eyes and concentrated his chakra into his hands and then steadily turned it into lightning. He saw how Kakashi did it and since he had the same lightning nature.

Riki: " Kakashi Hatake's jutsu? Interesting"

However, Arata didn't stop there. He put his unfurled his fist and made it go straight like a sword. He sliced forwards which sent a lightning slash towards Riki.

Riki: " Interesting." Riki used his own lightning and focused it on his hand. He grabbed the lightning and tossed it to the side.

Arata: " What??"

Seeing that his new jutsu didn't work, Arata stopped.

Riki: " Your progress is quite good. The way you utilize your chakra has improved much more. I think you should be able to handle a few high level sealing jutsu now. Go and speak to your mother about it. In the meantime, I'm going to train Naruto."

Naruto has been at the side this whole time watching the fight. He knew Kakashi was strong but the person before him was a lot stronger than Kakashi.

Naruto: " Eh? You want to train me too?"

Riki: " Of course, I want to see your strength."


Arata: " Hey mother, father told me that that since I have gained a good amount of control over my chakra, then I am now able to learn some sealing jutsu."

Isamu: " Oh really? Hmmm, what kind of sealing jutsu do you want to know about."

Arata: "Hmmm, one that is flexible I should say. Can be used for both attack and defense and maybe apprehending my target."

Isamu: " Hmm okay, I got one for you, follow me."

Isamu took Arata to a secluded area. " First, let me take a look at your chakra to see if you are suitable for this jutsu... Hmmm, yep you got lucky and must've gotten it from me. There are a few people in the Uzumaki clan that have this unique chakra that enables us to create strong chakra chains. Me and Kushina had this unique chakra which enabled us to create especially strong chakra chains. After some mastery of creating these chakra chains, it can be a very power tool in suppressing tailed beasts. However, this may take some time in controlling."

After Isamu said this, she concentrated her chakra. A few seconds later, a golden chain came out from her stomach. Isamu controlled it as it swung at a nearby tree and completely knocked it over. " This chakra chain may take some time to develop but it is extremely strong and durable. It can be used to restrain opponents and nullify their chakra when it wraps them around. Since you still have more to develop in terms of chakra. You will need to perform a set of hand signs."

After performing the hand signs, Arata stomach began to shine with light as two chains came out. The chains were not as thick as Isamu nor long. It only reached about and 5 meters, but for him, it was already good enough. However the required chakra needed to perform this technique almost exhausted him. Keeping it active was also just as tiring.

Isamu: " Good job, now you just need to get used to the chakra usage and slowly adapt to it's usage. As you grow stronger, so will your chakra range. It's a good thing you have both Uzumaki and Senju physique which gives you an a strong chakra foundation already."

Arata: " Thank you mother."

After training with the hidden jutsu for a bit longer, Arata was already exhausted as he went back home to sleep. Naruto was still training with his father so he didn't care too much about his condition. He should be fine. As he went was about to go to sleep he heard a notification go off. A sudden message was sent in front of him.

' Host is now able to communicate with the system.'

Arata: " Uh, Hello?"


Arata: " Do you have name."


Arata: " What can you tell me"

'Anything you want to ask'

Arata has been wondering about the state that he went into when while battling Haku.

Arata: " Tell me what happened at the end of my battle with Haku."

' During the battle with Haku, Host managed to activate the rinnegan.'

Arata: " Rinnegan? What is that?"

'The Rinnegan is reputed as the most exalted eye amongst the Three Great Dōjutsu the others being the Sharingan and the Byakugan. It is said that in times of disorder, one who wields the Rinnegan is sent down from the heavens to become either a "God of Creation" who will calm the world or a "God of Destruction" who will reduce everything to nothingness. The original owner of the Rinnegan was the Sage of the 6 Paths, who is known to be the Father of Shinobi.'

Arata: " How did I get the Rinnegan, what was the requirement."

' You have received the Rinnegan when I, the system, showed up. The usual requirement to gain the Rinnegan was to have the bloodline of Indra and Asura. They are the forefather of the Uchiha and Senju clan. Another way is to eat the chakra fruit from the chakra tree or have the bloodline of the Sage of the 6 Paths.

Arata: " Why did you come to me?"


Arata: "... What powers does the Rinnegan have."

'The Rinnegan is able to see chakra and its flow within the body, as well as otherwise invisible barriers, but cannot see through obstructions such as smoke bombs. Possession of the Rinnegan allows one to easily master any jutsu as well as all five basic nature transformations. The Rinnegan is the only dōjutsu able to fully decipher the Sage of Six Paths' stone tablet.'

Arata: " What are the 6 Paths"

'The Rinnegan can utilize six abilities collectively known as the Six Paths Technique: controlling attractive and repulsive forces with the Deva Path; mechanically altering one's body with the Asura Path; extracting souls through the Human Path; summoning various creatures through the Animal Path; absorbing chakra through the Preta Path; and access to the King of Hell through the Naraka Path.'

Arata: " How do I activate the Rinnegan?"

' Host has to simply control his chakra and concentrate it into his eyes'

Arata quickly went to a mirror in his room and concentrated chakra to his eyes. At first, Arata felt an itch in his eyes, but he didn't want to miss this opportunity. His eyes soon turned purple, he soon saw several rings that surrounded his pupil. The rings were produced until it reached the outer edge of his eyes.

Arata took one look in his eyes and thought of only one thing, " I look f**** good. hahaha."

Arata: " What else can you do?"

'I can only give you information about some things.'

Arata: " Why does Kakashi have the Sharingan?"

' When Kakashi was young, he once had an Uchiha squad member. During a kidnapping of another squad member, the three ran into a trap. The Uchiha member pushed Kakashi and his other squad member out of the way. However, he failed to to get away and was squashed by a rock, leaving only half of his body. As he was going to die, he decided to gift his sharingan to Kakashi as a gift.'

Arata: " According to my ability at the moment, how much power of the Rinnegan can I use."

' Only the Deva path'

Arata: " Hmm last question, what is a tailed-beast and jinchuriki"

' A tailed-beast are large are enormous powerful beasts that was once a part of ten-tails a legendary beast that only the Sage of 6 Paths could defeat. Choosing to separate the beast into individual parts instead of destroying it. The tail-beast refers to those individual beasts. There are 9 of those beasts starting with the first with one tail and so on. Jinchuriki are individuals who have a one of those beasts sealed inside their body.'

Hearing all this information, Arata finally knew how big the world is. He also was excited, he got the strongest eye there is. " Haha, looks like Sasuke won't be able to surpass me after all."