
Anime system- Naruto edition

Arata begins his journey in his ninja world... with a system

kiingshet12 · Komik
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39 Chs

Chapter 13 Training


Name: Arata Senju

Bloodline: Senju and Uzumaki

Age: 11

Strength: 34>40

Agility: 30>35

Vitality: 50>65

Wisdom: 32>40

Skills: Kunai skills lvl 14, Taijustu lvl 15, Fuinjustsu lvl 5, Flying thunder God technique lvl 4

During the clash with Haku, Arata nearly died. However, because of Haku's kind heart, they survived. However, it was still a close call which greatly pushed Arata to his limits.

A month after the escort mission, Squad 7 went make to the daily boring rank D missions. Arata could tell Sasuke was starting to get frustrated. Frankly, so was Arata as the three of them could barely beat Haku who was only slightly older than them. Sasuke and Arata was part of one of the strongest clans that existed yet they were at the mercy of Haku.

As they had just finished their latest rank D mission, Arata: " Oi Uchiha, want to go train with me. Since you got your sharingan now, you should be able to put up a decent fight."

Sasuke: " Hahaha, thought you would've never asked."

Naruto: " Uhh, what about me? I want to train too."

Arata: " Sorry Naruto. I know that you are can at least fight because of your shadow clone jutsu and vast chakra but.. it is only that, it won't be much of a fight if all you got is that. I think you should develop more of your chakra and maybe chakra nature too if you want to catch up to us. Sorry, next time. Let's go Sasuke."

Arata didn't even mention Sakura. Sakura, to Arata felt like an extra person in the squad. In all the fights that happened so far, she stood on the sidelines. Even though Kakashi told her to guard Tazuna the whole time, it also meant that she did not have the ability to fight alongside Kakashi and them.

Sasuke looked at Naruto: "hmph."

Naruto: " Wait..."

Sakura: " Dang it, I was just going to ask if Sasuke wanted to go on a date with me."

Before Naruto could catch up he stopped because he knew that Arata was right. Naruto's only jutsu was shadow clone jutsu and the sexy transformation jutsu which is useless in a fight. All Naruto had at the moment was his vast chakra. With Sasuke's sharingan that could read moves and copy moves, Naruto had little to no chance of defeating Sasuke.

Arriving in the training ground, Arata looked at Sasuke. " Did you know, Konoha's first Hokage was Hashirama Senju and his greatest rival was Madara Uchiha. Don't you find it interesting how we ended up on the same team? An Uchiha and a Senju. Oh and at the end, my clan won.. haha. "

Sasuke: " 'tch' That was them, not us. Are you just going to keep on talking?"

Arata: " Calm down Sasuke. We both are talented, but don't you also know just fire ball jutsu? I already know my chakra nature and have already started developing it and creating my own moves."

Sasuke: " Chakra nature?"

Arata face palmed. " Chakra nature is one of the elements that we are most suited towards, it's something we are born with. Some people are suitable for only one of the elements and some, they are able to use more than one. Although I haven't explored other elements yet, I know that I can use more than just lightning." " Well you can dwell on that later. Since Kakashi is the only one that has a sharingan that I know of, you could just ask him to train you in that sort of thing later. For now let's just fight."

Sasuke: " You're half Uzumaki right? Seems like the Uzumaki's loud mouth as passed on to you too haha."

Arata: " haha you may be right about that."

'cling' 'cling' The two of them clashed for a long time. Although Arata was a bit stronger and faster, with Sasuke's sharingan, he was able to keep up with Arata's movements. After an additional 30 minutes the two stopped fighting. Sasuke was covered in dirt as Arata was able to land multiple solid hits. With Arata's lightning cloak and flying thunder god technique, Arata could appear anywhere and anytime, putting Sasuke on constant high alert. He refuses to admit defeat. Arata on the other hand only had ruffled clothes.

As their fighting stopped, both of them were gasping for air. Arata was pushing himself to the limit, he was trying to find that state that he was in when he created that strong blast that broke apart Haku's crystal ice mirror, but failed to do so.

Arata: " Hey Sasuke. Who's the person that you want to kill."

Sasuke: " Itatchi Uchiha... The one who killed my entire clan."

Arata was surprised when he heard that. An Uchiha that destroyed his own clan? What kind of person would be able to do that.

Arata: " Alright let's stop here. I'm gonna go home for a few days. I'm gonna ask my parents if they could teach me something new now that my strength has developed more. I suggest you go ask Kakashi for some help to, don't let pride diminish your strength. Oh, I'm also going to take Naruto with me, he should go meet my mother."

Sasuke: " Hmph, you don't need to tell me what I to do."

Arata was already used to Sasuke's attitude and waved at him as he left to find Naruto. After searching for a bit, he found Naruto in dirt and eating at Ichiro Ramen Shop.

Arata: " Yo, Naruto. If you aren't too busy, come with me to my house."

Naruto: "hmph, are you done training with Sasuke already. Just so you know I just got done training too. Just wait, I will catch up to you two and beat the both of you together."

Arata: " haha, you could try. Anyways, let's go, come with me to my house. It's about time you meet some family."

Naruto got quiet as he looked down and thought, "family huh." Naruto is familiar yet unfamiliar with the word. He knew what it was but didn't how it felt.

Arata: " Come one, what are we waiting for, it's quite far from here."

After a day and half of traveling, they soon arrived at a medium-sized wooden house. Near the house was a water well and poles with a clothing line. Coming here, its been half a year and Arata couldn't help but reminisce about growing up here. Although it was just plain woods and it was quiet, it still filled his heart with warmth.

Walking closer and closer to his house, Arata called out, " Mother, father, I'm home."

Isamu came running out," Arata? Is that you? Have you come home?"

Seeing his mom coming out, Arata ran forwards and gave her a tight hug, after all he is only 11.

Arata: " Mother, have you been well?"

As he grew stronger, so has his senses. As an Uzumaki, his senses were quite strong. He was surprised as he sensed another life-form in her mother.

Arata: " Mother... are you pregnant?"

Isamu was surprised at Arata's question, but she smiled as she said, " Yes Arata, it seems like you have gotten quite strong since the last time we saw you" She looked at the person who was with Arata, " Arata, who have you brought with you."

Arata smiled brightly, " Family. This is Naruto Uzumaki."

Isamu was surprised by the name. 'naruto... should be her son.' " Don't let him just stand there, come inside, your father is waiting there."

Arata and Naruto walked in. Naruto was a little shy as this was his first time ever, walking into someone's home unless it was for a mission.

Riki: " Oh, son you came home huh, I see that you brought a friend too."

Arata: " Yes father, I'm back. His name is Naruto Uzumaki."

Riki also got surprised at his name. Riki knew Naruto's father as Naruto's father was pretty famous.

Naruto: " Hello, I'm Naruto Uzumaki. Thank you for your hospitality." He bowed forwards but as he did that he knocked a few stuff down and hit his head.

When everyone saw that, they laughed at his clumsiness.

Isamu: " haha, you are just like you're mom."

Naruto: " Huh??? Mom?? You know my mom??"

Isamu was surprised at his reaction. The Third Hokage must've not told him about his last name and his mother. " Kushina Uzumaki, we were best friends when we were young. Unfortunately because of some incidents we were separated and haven't seen each other since. My husband also knew your father."

Naruto got excited that he finally knew something about his parents. He stood up quickly and ran in front of Isamu with his eyes watery, " Hey you know, you know... could you tell me about her? I don't know anything about my parents... As far as I could remember... I was always alone."

Hearing Naruto's words and a bit about his past, Isamu also started tearing up. For Isamu, at least she had a family and knew was not alone. She looked at Riki.

Riki: " If it's just about Kushina it should be fine. However, we can't talk about your father. You will be patient, I'm sure that he wouldn't leave you with nothing."

When Naruto heard this, he was a bit sad that he couldn't hear about his father, but calmed down and wait for Isamu to tell him. Like this, Isamu told Naruto all about Kushina, whether it was about her past, personality, likes and dislikes. Naruto was smiling the whole time and laughing. Isamu also told him about the Uzumaki clan and its destruction, which made Naruto turn a bit serious and sad.