
Anime Multiverse Dimensional Chat Group

He was just an office worker. He was lucky enough to get a stable job. However, his body was too weak. He got sick easily when he was tired due to his activity. One day, an order came from the head office. He received orders to field counseling and work on reports afterward which forced him to work overtime for several days. As a result, he collapsed. Miraculously, he was reincarnated into another world. Not only that, he actually reincarnated into one of the characters in the anime he had watched before. From there, he intends to live life to the fullest by doing whatever he couldn't in his previous life. On his first day of high school… "The Dimensional Chat Group is empty, automatically creating a new server." His phone suddenly received a weird notification. ————— Fairy Tail One Piece Naruto Konosuba Konjiki no Wordmaster Infinite Stratos Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? etc. ————— (c) Cover -> @futabax on twitter (c) I'm not owned the related anime

UltimateSenpai · Komik
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275 Chs

201. Let's Rob!

Izumi and Rori teleported to their living quarters. In there, everyone else was waiting for them, except one brat who seemed to struggle to get away from Hiiro's binding magic. Who else if not Sasuke?

"LET ME GO!!!"

He shouted at Izumi which annoyed him. Izumi immediately choked him.

"Can you shut up a little bit!"

Sasuke couldn't breathe because he ran out of air, until the moment when he saw Sasuke whose face was starting to change color, Izumi loosened his grip.

*Cough* *Cough*

Sasuke coughed and panted heavily. He was also silent after what Izumi had just done.

"Finally you can calm down for a bit, right?"

Sasuke didn't reply but looked at Izumi with a piercing glare.

"What's up with that look? DO YOU WANNA FIGHT, BRAT!??" Suddenly, Izumi unleashed his killing intent on Sasuke which made him stiffen in fear. Although it wasn't as strong as Orochimaru's killing intent, it still let Sasuke hallucinate about being killed. Not only Sasuke but even the others also felt the killing intent of Izumi. At first, he wanted to unleash Haoshoku Haki, however, he still couldn't control it properly. Afraid that he could affect his friends, he decided to unleash his killing intent instead.

"You can't even handle that kind of killing intent. And with that kind of strength, you want to revenge? Don't joke with me!!!"

Izumi's words were full of bitter truth. Sasuke tried to say.

"Y-you don't know what I..."

But Izumi cut Sasuke off before he could finish speaking, and Izumi more or less knew what he wanted to say.

"Sure, I don't know what you feel about losing your family and your clan. Because I don't wanna feel like that, I need to get stronger. I can let you go if you defeat me right here and right now! You know, I can't even kill your brother, if you defeat me, at least you have a chance for revenge. What do you think?"

Seeing Sasuke who was stubborn as if he wanted to challenge him, Izumi finally told Hiiro to dispel his magic. Sasuke did not hesitate to unleash Chidori even though he was in a narrow place. When Chidori was released to Izumi, Izumi dodged without effort, then quickly grabbed Sasuke's face and slammed him to the floor.

*crack* *bang*

The floor made of wood was of course instantly destroyed.

Izumi let go of his grip and then stood up while crossing his arms. He saw Sasuke who was sprawled out in just one hit.

Sasuke tried to get up while enduring the pain, Izumi came closer and grabbed his collar while saying.

"You've come to your senses? With just one strike, you're already powerless like this. You know, I want to help you grow stronger, I don't need you to pay me, it's free of charge! You can be strong like one of us here. But if your behavior continues like this, it would be better for me to kill you now than for you to take revenge in vain."

After Izumi spat out his words at Sasuke before he let go of his collar.

The atmosphere became cold and quiet. Sasuke himself lowered his head because he knew it was impossible for him to defeat Izumi or Itachi. He knew he shouldn't rush to take revenge since his strength was far from enough. He didn't even stand a chance against Izumi who said that he couldn't kill Itachi. But, he was desperate. It was too painful to lose an entire clan and he didn't know the reason why his brother suddenly took a drastic change and killed his own parents. He felt too powerless, and then, his eyes shed tears.

"Do you have something to say?"

Sasuke heard a voice. He raised his head and look at Izumi who had just asked.

With difficulty, Sasuke spoke the word he didn't want to say.


"That's more like it. You need to train your mental strength first so you can stay calm in every situation. You're too easily agitated."

After he said that, his gaze shifted to another. He said that they had to leave Konohagakure because Izumi had already confirmed who their new member was. His time was limited after Kisame officially became a new member. After Izumi successfully invited him, the mission was complete and the system notified that after 3 hours, the members who were transferred to this world such as Luffy, Kuroneko, and Kazuma would be sent back to their worlds.

Izumi accompanied Sasuke to pack his things. Several people heard that Sasuke was going to follow Izumi so the Genin-level ninjas gathered together. Kakashi, Kurenai, Asuma, and Guy were there as well.

Sakura couldn't hold her feelings at all as she tried to go with him. But Izumi refused. Sasuke just sent his greetings to Sakura for Naruto.

Sasuke's character was a little bit different than in the anime. In fact, Izumi knew the reason. It was due to the curse mark. In the anime, the curse mark that Orochimaru left on Sasuke's neck made it easy for his negative emotions to be drawn out. Meanwhile, it didn't happen this time. Even though Sasuke was still impulsive due to his negative emotions, he was much easier to control.

— — — —

After some distance from Konohagakure, Izumi said with a smirk.

"Now, there's one last thing we need to do. Let's rob that snake guy!"

Everyone from his group was interested in meeting Orochimaru because they knew that casting a curse on Orochimaru was part of Izumi's plan before he attacked Konohagakure. Well, even though there was one person who didn't understand, he was only interested in meeting the snake man because that snake man could elongate parts of his body just like him. That person was none other than Luffy.

"Snake guy? Orochimaru?" However, at this time, Sasuke became wary because Izumi mentioned Orochimaru. His head was even filled with thoughts that the previous attack on Konohagakure was Orochimaru's plan all along.

"Hahaha, you don't need to be wary, Orochimaru is also our enemy. However, we had to make a deal with him for our benefit."

Orochimaru's role was vital when the fourth Shinobi world war took place by releasing the souls of the Third and Fourth Hokage. That's why Izumi didn't want to kill him now.

"Ufufufu, he was inflicted by my curse. Of course, what he should do is accept our terms. Or else, he would be living forever in unbearable pain."

Hearing Izumi and Rori's words, Sasuke calmed down a bit. But there was one word that disturbed him.


"Well, just come with us! You will know later! He won't be able to do anything with you since we're here."

Izumi tried to ask Hiiro if he could teleport them to the place where Orochimaru was, unfortunately, he couldn't because he had never seen Orochimaru's face in person. Izumi asked again if Hiiro could teleport them once the coordinates were set while showing the screen of his tablet.

"Let me try!"

In an instant, they all suddenly appeared in the darkroom with the sound of someone writhing in pain.

In that place, there were only two people which were Kabuto and Orochimaru. Kabuto immediately prepared his kunai after some people suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"Yo, Kabuto."

"You... What do you want?"

"We just want to make a deal."

"A deal, you said?"

Kabuto looked surprised by the arrival of Izumi and the others, he even saw Sasuke who was with them. Orochimaru tried to get up with difficulty to see who had come to his base to make a deal. When his eyes caught sight of Sasuke, he lost control and suddenly attacked them by spewing many snakes from his mouth.

Izumi was about to take action, however, he stopped after seeing Tabane taking something from her storage space. Kabuto who saw the object Tabane took out immediately covered Orochimaru.

*boom* *boom* *boom*

The snakes were crushed to nothing.

What was in Tabane's hand was a self-made sniper that fired a photon laser. Looking at the weapon in her hand piqued Izumi's interest. However, he shook his head.

Izumi walked toward Kabuto and Orochimaru while saying.

"I want to make a good deal by dispelling your pain. It was a curse cast by my friend. Even if you change your body, you will still suffer the pain because that curse is connected to your soul. But, is this your attitude after seeing us?"

Orochimaru bit his lip while holding the pain in his body. Then he said in a hoarse voice.

"W-w-what do you want?"

His voice stuttered not because he was afraid, but because he was holding back the pain. This made Kabuto worry about him.


Paying no heed to Kabuto, Izumi said the conditions.

"Your research and your improvisation of Edo Tensei as well as some space-time Ninjutsu!"

"What? Are you joking!?" Kabuto immediately snapped after he heard Izumi's words. Izumi turned his head while taking out his sword and pointed at Kabuto.

"Can you fucking shut up!!!?? You're just an errand boy here! It's up to Orochimaru to decide!"

Kabuto clenched his fists and gritted his teeth in anger. But, against him and the others, he stands no chance at all.

"C-can you...let go...of my pain first!!!"

"No, your research and improvisation of Edo Tensei first. Then I will dispel your curse. If not, this deal is off."

What Izumi said made Kabuto suspicious because he might kill them after getting what he wanted.

Orochimaru turned his gaze at Kabuto and said in his hoarse voice.

"Kabuto...give him!"

"But, Orochimaru-sama. What if he kills..."

"N-no. He can…kill us now…and take everything…if he wants to. But…he didn't. Hurry…I can't stand it…anymore!"

Kabuto followed Orochimaru's orders and left. Izumi didn't need to wait for too long until Kabuto came back with a scroll. And it seemed the scroll was a storage scroll.


With the release of the seal, several scraps of paper and some scrolls appeared. Izumi immediately checked all of them one by one. Unfortunately, he didn't know if those were real or not. Izumi disappeared in a flash and appeared in front of Kabuto, then marked Kabuto's body with a Jutsu formula.

"What are you…"

"I don't know whether this is real or not. So if this turns out to be fake. I can settle the score with you two."

After getting what he wanted, Rori went to Orochimaru to dispel the curse. Instantly, the pain in his body he had been feeling all along had disappeared. Still, he kept writhing in pain. And apparently, he still felt the pain that was in his already crippled hand.

Without caring about Orochimaru's condition, he turned his head toward the others and said.

"Now, our deal is done. Let's go back, everyone!"

Kabuto lit his brows. He tried to stop Izumi.

"Wait a minute! We have agreed and have given you what you want. But what do you mean by this? Orochimaru-sama still hasn't recovered and you said the deal is done!!??"

However, Izumi only tilted his head.

"Recover? Who said we will heal him? We just dispelled the curse. Since the curse was lifted, then our deal is done."

"But why is Orochimaru-sama still like this?"

"Who cares about that? It's none of our business."


"I'm Izumi, not Yu."

Kabuto held back his anger. However, he was powerless against them. He couldn't just fight them after knowing their power that thwarted Orochimaru's plans.

"Let them go!"

Suddenly, a hoarse voice was heard. It was from none other than Orochimaru.

"Orochimaru-sama, but they..."

"They already...dispelled the curse."

Orochimaru's words surprised Kabuto, but he was confused as to how Orochimaru was still in pain. Orochimaru did not have time to tell the incident about how he fought with the Hokage and ended with a curse given by Rori. It was because he had felt such excruciating pain that Kabuto didn't know anything about it except the Third Hokage's death.

As soon as Orochimaru spoke to Kabuto, Izumi called Hiiro and told him to use magic to teleport to their island.

Then, all of them disappeared from Orochimaru's base.