
Anime mashup with two cheat systems?

A anime mashup world, a mysterious MC who hides his true self from himself. Two systems with different but intresting abilities, great story, and even R-18 scenes.  Who wouldn't like it? If you don't, then you are gay and your whole family dies. If you are girl, you get travelled to goblin slayer with no goblin slayer (jk.). : ) : )

Void_of_outer_box · Komik
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71 Chs

#2, Izanagi Lionheart.

[You walked out of the gate.]

"Raphael, can you locate the main characters of this story?"

[Response. It is possible but it will consume all the mana you currently have. Would you like to proceed?]

"Hmm, my mana would regenerate so, yes."

[Notice. Starting wide area search...]

[Search complete. Main characters are in korea. Exact location is marked in the map display.]

"Ok, thanks."

[Notice, before you entered this world, I created a new profile in your profile window. If you carry your current power to your underdeveloped true form, you might risk your mother's life.]

"Hmm, I expected that. Thanks, Raphael."

I do need to complete the quest, but first I need to take care of this world. I can't have monarchs and rulers disturb my path to top of entertainment industry. I can already imagine that if I didn't take care of them quickly, they will cause a gate to open in one of my profitable industries and cause me heavy loss.

"Raphael, is the time limit in quest depending on my time or the time of this world?"

[Response, it's depending on this world's time.]

Great. Then even if I waste time and reset world, I can still complete quest in time.

Though, first I need to restore my mana. Still, even if I restore my mana, I definitely won't be able to defeat a monarch or a ruler. I can defeat their avatars, though.

[Notice, recommending using #2 profile in profile window.]

"Using another profile? Hmm, he sure did have power to kill gods easily. It will be easy for him to defeat monarchs and rulers, but I have no idea what his true power is."

[Notice, #2's real power has surpassed his world, but calculating his original power is difficult due to lack to information. His original world's level is weak enough to be destroyed if more than one monarchs attacked together. But #2 has put seals on his body. He might be able to kill all the monarchs in exchange for his life, but that's just an assumption.]

"Hmm, the best way to confirm is to directly test it."


"By the way, I need to move to some another place first." I looked around at all the police and hunters gathered due to the gate.

It wasn't difficult for me to move away from the scene without getting noticed by anyone. 

I searched for an empty place and soon founded an empty under-construction building.

"This place is good enough."

I opened the profile window and switched to #2 profile.


Suddenly a burst of energy was released from my body and it even pushed my consciousness out of the body. I was inside the body, but at the same time I wasn't. Like, seeing myself in third person and also being able to feel my body at the same time.

My body immediately started changing form. It grew older, my hair turned golden and grew till my waist, and my clothes got replaced by royal armor.

"Haah... It worked as I expected..."

My body said so, but it wasn't me. 

[It's another consciousness in your body. Since the consciousness was developed from your soul, it's partially you.]

Is that so? Then would all other profiles be different consciousness? I don't think I like that.

[Negative. #2 is a different consciousness because it was developed by itself from your soul. He's like your clone in the same body. You still possess the control to switch profiles.]

I see. That's... Fine, I guess.

"You. You must be the original consciousness huh?" He looked towards me and asked.

I am the original consciousness, but since I don't have a mouth, I can't speak.

"I am hear thou. Just tell me why I am here?"

He furrowed his brows.

"I see. They are like divine consciousness huh?" He let out a small laugh.

Hmm, looks like he can read my memories. So since I also share the brain, I can talk to him through memories. Is he calling rulers and monarchs as divine consciousness?

"Worry not. If such petty being are the enemies, then I won't even need to act. But, you trusted me a lot huh?"

Heh, he really is me.

[Error. Recalculating your objectives...]

"You did good thing calling me. Yeah, it's just as you think. I can defeat the true God of this world."

Wow! This guy is really me. Good job understanding my plan. Raphael, can #2 access you?

[#2 should be unable to access any of system features, including the talents. Though, it's possible to let him share the talents since he is a part of profile window. Would you like to share the system with #2?]

"Hey hey now, calling me #2 is just rude you know? I have a proper name." He intervened.

Don't we both have the same name? Calling you #2 is better, right?

"Haha, no. Yeah sure, my name is Izanagi too. But, my surname is not Shinomiya! My surname is Lionheart!! Izanagi Lionheart!!" He laughed proudly.

What? I am sure your real name was Izanagi Shinomiya as well. When did you change it?

"Haha, I changed it because it sounds cool, doesn't it?" He continued laughing proudly.

[Would you like to share system functions with Mr. Lionheart?]

Before we could say another word, Raphael intervened.

Right. Share it.

[Sharing system functions... Successful.]

"Oh? Your system appeared before me." Lionheart looked at the system window and exclaimed.

[Individual Lionheart's unique skills, Supreme magic and Delete, can be merged to create ultimate skill, God's will. Would you like to proceed?]

"Hmm? Those weak ones? Nah, just destroy them or something."

[Removing unnecessary skills... Successful.]

"Hey, original! This Raphael is pretty good. Would you mind if I keep her?"

No you can't. Just do your job by locating monarchs and rulers.

"Haha, fine." Suddenly he closed his eyes and a weird kind of wave travelled from his body to the end of universe.

Suddenly, the whole surrounding was covered by his mana. I suspect, his mana would have covered the whole universe, no! Probably even other universes.

"Found them." Extremely dense mana, almost solid, appeared before him and formed a gate.

After a while, the nine monarchs walked out of the gate.

"So you are the one who sent that... 'Invitation'..." Ashborn, the shadow monarch, said to Lionheart.

"Yes. That's me." Lionheart answered.

"Are y-" Ashborn was trying to ask something but Antares, the monarch of destruction, stepped ahead.

"Whatever, who cares. You want to have a fight, right? Let's just fight." Antares stepped towards Lionheart, readying his fists.

"Young one, even if you are searching for a fight, you won't be able to fight all of us at once." Ashborn said to Lionheart.

Antares walked near Lionheart and got ready to attack at any time.

"Don't worry about it, shadow monarch." Lionheart calmly looked towards Antares and smiled.

"YOU!!" Antares leaped towards Lionheart.

"Heh, first seal... Release." Lionheart muttered.

Suddenly, Messages from Raphael filled my vision.

[ERROR!! World is destroyed.]
