
Anime Mashup: King of Music

Before dying, he created a song so great that even Death liked it. "Give me your song rights and be reborn!" This fanfic is about a reborn musician, in an anime world full of dangers, weird anime effects and an Omniverse web browser?. -f3f3 *********** Anime in this world: NANA Runway de Waratte Beck Kids of the Slope Detroit Metal City Paradise Kiss Blue Period PPPPPP K-ON! Megalo Box Hajime no Ippo Baki God of High-school Kengan Ashura And a lot more!.

f3f3_2 · Komik
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31 Chs

The house.


The three jumped a little in surprise after the taxi honked at them. "Let's grab the things already"

After putting down all the luggage on the ground Yasu went to the taxi driver's window and say, "Sorry for the wait. Here is a tip"

The driver looked at the yakuza looking bald man and grabbed the money. Of course being a little intimidated by the bald guy he said, "I remember your face! If something happens to the kids I know who you are!"

Yasu looked at the car leaving while thinking 'Maybe I should stop wearing suits?…the kid say that he wanted to make clothes right?'

While shaking his head he went to grab the rest of the luggage. Hachi had already gone to the house with two of the bags with wheels. While Ren was waiting for him.

"Help me grab the wood suitcase…I don't know what he has inside but it weights too much"

Grabbing the wood case by each handle they went to the house.

They walked in silence until Ren say, "Those kids are going to be good for Nana"

"What about you?"

Ren looked at his bald brother with a troubled face, "I don't think I can visit again…you know I'm not fit to be close to children"

Yasu looks at Ren with some disappointment, "You still can't leave it?"

"Sigh~ is hard when the company is shoving them at me…I think I want to leave Trapnest"

"That's weird coming from you. Why?"

"I want to ask Nana to marry me…"

Yasu stopped walking and with a loud sigh say, "She won't accept, you know that. And I don't think is fair for her right now. More so after the band is finally getting famous"

Yasu looked at his brother with pity.

Ren was the one to leave Nana for his career. But now that Ren was wealthy and successful he wanted her back. He wasn't going to think about things being fair or not.

But he also knew that Nana was a proud woman and asking her for marriage right now would make her angry. He knew that Nana was still bitter thinking that she didn't deserve to be by his side.

"Why don't you go to rehab? I think she at least deserver that...show her that you are trying hard"

Ren looked at Yasu with an intense gaze and after a couple of seconds he said, "Is not fair that you are always right…"

Hearing Ren, Yasu caressed his head while saying in a wise voice, "Shave your head and your thoughts would become clear"

"Don't try to make me ugly. Baldy"

"I'm not bald!"

As the two friends were entering the house Nana was doing a tour of the second floor. She had already shown them the living room, backyard and kitchen.

"That's why I don't recommend Ren but Yasu is a responsible man" Nana had been talking to them all this while.

Azusa was already getting used to too the cool-looking Nana.

Kanae could see that the little girl wanted to ask about Nana's outfits but was too shy.

He, on the other hand, was thinking that this Nana was a little different from the manga. She was more gentle and give an aura of a reliable older sister. While the Nana he remembered from the manga was more aloof and had an attitude.

This change wasn't so big, but it was enough to give a little more attention to any know anime character he would cross paths with. He didn't want to start making friends with someone that the mangas depicted as a nice person only to discover that in this universe they were some serial killers or something.

His deep thinking was broken by the running steps and yells of the other tenant of the house, "Nana! Look they have a cute guitar!"

Seeing Hachi run with her guitar Azusa looked at her with a face full of horror and screamed, "Nooo! Bear-Kun. Give him back!" She runs toward Hachi and takes it from her hands.

Azusa was grabbing bear-Kun while examining if something was broken. Her eyes were almost tearing up showing how distressful she felt about someone other than her grabbing her guitar.

Seeing his sister was about to cry, Kanae went to her and while caring for Azusa back he said to Hachi, "Sorry Hachi, the guitar is really important to her"

Hachi put an embarrassed face, "Nono, I'm really sorry! I shouldn't grab something that wasn't mine. I'm sorry!" Hachi makes a deep vow to show how sorry she was. Not that her panic striking face was enough proof.

Azusa on the other hand was hugging Bear-Kun. Seeing the apologetic Hachi didn't move her hearth. And with a low voice say to Kanae, "Onii-chan I don't think we can live here…there is a guitar perv-ouch! My head!"

Kanae had given her a brotherly chop to Azusa.

Using the brotherly chop was as painful to him as to her. But those were the woes of the big brother.

"Stop being dumb, she already apologised and won't touch your guitar again. Right Hachi?"

Hachi nodded her head and getting closer to Azusa gently say, "Im sorry it was so cute that I couldn't control myself"

Hearing the guitar perv say that Bear-Kun was so cute make Azusa think that she probably wasn't such a bad person. She could even understand her. Bear-Kun was really that cute.

Seeing Azusa nod her head Hachi took a breath of relief.

Nana on the other hand was looking at the whole drama with amusement. Still, she was intrigued by the guitar as it was unique. But before she could ask about it another yell interrupted them, "We are leaving!"

Hearing this Nana went down the stairs.

Hachi on the other hand asked, "Do you want me to show you the rooms? They only have a futon and a wardrobe…but they are pretty big and have a private bathroom!"

Azusa, hearing about their new rooms nodded her head. All bear-wrongfulness thrown away for the anxiousness of her new room.

Kanae seeing her already so cheerful shook his head. Teen's swing moods were scary.

"Sure, I want one with a good light"

Seeing that the girl was being cheerful again makes Hachi go to her bubbly ways, and while walking cheerfully to the rooms, she keeps talking about everything, "Hey, Kanae-Kun. Do you also play the guitar? And what was that heavy wooden case? Ha! Don't worry we didn't open your guitar…"

Kanae looked at her and thought that Hachi was a really good name for her. She indeed had the personality of a happy dog...

Still, he decided to respond to only one of the shotgun of questions. "Is my sewing machine…sorry I left all the luggage to you guys"

"Haha don't worry! Yasu and Ren are strong guys! Anyway, do you make clothes? That's so cool!

"What about you Azusa-chan?"


I decided to choose one of the Breathing Style. I don't know what style yet. Probable one for defence. Plus I like the idea of using those effects in reality with the Visual Aura of the world. I think it could go really well with the mc. I didn't see the anime, not the manga though. So I need to research a little.

I want to tell you something about the novel. This is a music and fashion novel. Meaning that things like sexuality are going to be a thing here. The mc is NOT homosexual. But the fashion industry is full of workers that are happy and outspoken about their sexuality so there are going to be characters of the LGBT community. I mean this is an Anime mashup novel and anime has a lot of trans, gender bender, cross-dress characters that are amazing.

I understand that Web Novel has a really worldwide community where they are countries with high religious and conservative views. That's why I'm putting the warning here. Violent comments are going to be deleted. My mc is comfortable with his sexuality. I doubt that someone who was seen touched, pinched and seen shit itself by doctors male and woman equally, would have any problem with homosexual jokes, being hugged by the same gender, etc.

Another thing is that I am from a country where we give a lot of fiscal affection. Kisses and hugs are given to everyone no matter their gender or age. Is how we greet each other, how we show happiness, how we congrats, cheer, etc.

Anyway, you have been warned. And, again, I will delete violent comments. You literally have thousands of fanfics in this app with abusive, violent macho-man mc. This is not one of those.