
Anime is an Outer God's Playground

CURRENT WORLD: Danmachi (Part 2) *Warning: Is wish fulfillment with a huge pokemon harem, there will be slow pace and development at need and MC bangs every girl in harem* Want a break from the ads— I mean... Want a description of this fic ? Fine. Akira, a normal human gets reincarnated into an Anime World with three wishes, thanks to the ROB. "If I can't wish for Omnipotence, then I'll create a scenario where I become absurdly OP in day one !" He said. And that's what happened, "I got you homie!" The ROB laughed. Day 1- "It's only being one day— It feels like a thousand centuries... The power of [Boundless Records] is forcefully changing my personality..." Corrupted by the power of infinite knowledge, Akira becomes an Outer God with the ability to travel worlds and seduce any women he wants throughout the vast multiverse! "This is the birth of a new Outer God!" A####### shouted. ―――――― [ Three/ Fours Chapters a week in WN. 20 Daily Chapters Ahead in my Patreon: Patreon.com/skyfall12 ] NO NTR OR FORCED IN ANY KIND! This is a wish fulfillment fic with cruel characters and twisted beings that don't flinch at death or torture. MC is an anti-hero (Not too evil, reasonable, generous but not a nice person) You can expect: • ABSURDLY OVERPOWERED MC ! • POKEMON MULTIVERSAL HAREM ! • REGULAR R18 AND AROUSING CONTENT ! • SLOW-PACED ROMANCE AT NEED ! And most importantly... CONSTANT UPLOAD!! ――Worlds―― Tensura/ DxD/ Overlord/ HOTD/ Akame Ga Kill/ Overgeared/ Chainsaw Man/ Outer Realm/ Danmachi... ――Additional Tags―― Evil mc, cruel characters, antihero mc, cruel mc, wish fulfillment, Isekai, outer god, multiverse, Omniverse, harem, pokemon harem, big harem, Tensura, slime anime, highschool dxd, DxD, anime, animeverse, nsfw, R18 story, Dragonball, Danmachi, helltaker, fate, fate grand order, yandere, invincible, overpowered, Multiverse fanfiction, Crossover, Multiverse fic, multiverse-travelling, multiverse traveling with wish fulfillment, multiverse-travelling, anime worlds, sandbox, playground, evil mc, devil mc, demon mc, killer mc, serial killer mc, wicked mc, psychopathic mc, evil characters, slavery

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175 Chs

CH. 126: Be Applaused, For Master Akira hath Returned

Th—The beast mouth is about to swallow me whole... Just when I thought it was gonna devour me it stopped for s-some reason.

I can't move. I'm paralyzed from fear. Everything is red. Everyone is dead. The monster's nasty saliva is dripping on my face, it was death tainting me with its marks as if demanding permission from its master to take me. It's then when I used my remaining willpower to shift my gaze to the god standing beside my mistress...

"Jeeez why did you stop the creature I wanted to see it devouring this girl's brains out!!" The sadistic but always gentle Ultima complained.

Akira slightly giggled then looked at the confused blood thirsty women behind him demanding the death of that nasty human who's guilty of following a nasty mistress.

"I hope you all understand that I can't take this trash of a woman with me *looks at Freya*. So in my immense claimance and mercy, I'm going to leave her one single parting gift, that is this maid." Akira stated as he looked directly into the maid's eyes.

The latter was shocked beyond words, she couldn't believe that she was going to be spared from the atrocious death her comrades went through. Normally she'd be devastated by the demise of her friends, but now she's truly happy to be spared and given another chance at life. It felt mesmerizing, a dream of the moment come true, a feeling of completeness and joy.

She looked at Akira with worshipping eyes and a smile founded by the death of a million lives. She looked at him with determination, a sad yet happy expression, tears of loss dripping her eyes but an expression of utter happiness.

"I... I'm f-f-forever grateful for y-y-your mercy... Lord Akira..." She pleaded.

When the beast decides in your favor, it is most certainly better to call it Master...


Later, the private apartments of Freya were thoroughly cleaned by hygienic magic spells, now those chambers were fully operational and ready to be inhabited once again.

At the lower base of Babel, could be seen the sunset like every other end of the day.

"Wh—WHAT DO YOU MEAN I GET TO KEEP FREYA'S HEADQUARTERS?! THAT'S CRAZY!!" Hestia shouts in amazement, her working territory was going to be expenses once again and she didn't even finish exploring the first one.

Akira comes near Hestia and hugs her tightly, she was a lot smaller than him so he needed to bend over in order to reach her small yet curved body. The other girls standing behind Akira like bodyguards looked at Hestia with comically piercing gazes that made Hestia sweat.

"it's so cute seeing you all this flustered little Hestia. That's why I love you~" Akira said, which made the girl blush.

Hestia hugs him back even tighter with a clear smile on her face and a happy expression, "I love you toooo I love you so much~!!" She says while looking at the other girls with a smug and arrogant expression.

'Nah I'd win.' Hestia said in her mind pridefully. She could swear she saw souls inside Testarossa's eyes as if threatening her to know her place.

Akira lets go of Hestia then turns to face his women again, "I think it's safe to say that we successfully cleared out this new adventure in Danmachi. I say we go back at once." Akira stated. All the girls nodded in affirmation, after all it's been 20 chapters since we're in this world.

"Akira wait!!" Someone shouts.

Akira looks around and sees Nyx coming towards him at hight speed trying to pick up his attention, "If it isn't Nyx, you don't need to express your demands I already know what you're gonna as— ignored and interrupted "I WANT TO GO WITH YOU, TO YOUR WORLD." She quickly asked in a single sentence so he hears everything she wants.

Akira sighs, "I told you that I already knew what you're gonna ask. I thought you would be more interested in staying in this world. After all, the higher gods are no more so It's only logical that you would play to role of dictator in this world." He explained.


"S-Sure but know that there will be competition." He replied.

"DEAL." She affirmed.

Then without further ado, I say we go back.

"Umm... Akira... Before you go..." Hestia said with a soft voice. "Yes? What is it?" The boy replied.

The next second, the girl jumped on him and kissed him on the lips, she locked her feet around him and gripped his body firmly to stay glued to him. She kissed him lustfully and made sure to show every single one her affection towards Akira to confirm her relationship with him. After all, being confronted with so many adversaries only made normal for them to refresh their bond contract with their common love of their life.

Akira kisses Hestia back and gives her what she wants before putting back on the ground, her expression was defenceless completely submissive and demanding more. He gives her a kiss on the forehead and promises her an imminent return very very soon.

He confirmed that there was still some stuff he needed to take care of in this world.






Akira suddenly appears inside Alice's office. The first thing he saw was Alice kneeling in front of him, worshipping his figure and and smiling like a devoted undying and eternal slave.

"Welcome back my dear Lord, these past weeks without being in your presence have been extremely challenging for this poor and loyal servant of yours." Alice says, her head to the floor unwanting to express the slightest sign of disrespect towards her master.

Akira looks at Alice for a few seconds before grabbing her shoulders and forcing her to stand up, the poor girl was confused by this sudden interaction but she liked where this was going. He suddenly kissed her on the mouth and made sure to make it the most enjoyably possible. They kissed for many many minutes until the heat died down in the kiss, he let go of her then looked at her straight in the eyes, "Alice. Please do not kneel before me, remember that you are my first and that I see you as my equal." Akira reminded her.

Alice was left trumbling in joy, even after so many years, Akira still remembered their promise. "I promise to marry you as soon as possible. Then, we can have our baby together." He said.

Alice's heart skipped a beat after hearing those words, she almost fainted. Her legs shook with excitement and collapsed in the next second. "A-Alice are you okay?!" He asked in concern.

Suddenly he saw that the girl got a little too excited and had a little accident in a particular place.

His jaw fell to the ground and he immediately turned back to act like had not seeing what happened just now. 'I can't believe how instinctive and primal my women tend to get in moments like these....' He expressed in his mind with reddish embarrassed cheeks.

"I— As your servant I would have ended my life as punishment for the filthy spectacle I made you witness my Lord... But as your wife, I think this shows just how much your words affect my body milord~" She said, all wet and blushing while looking at him.

"C-Clean yourself up so we continue this conversation... And please never do that again or else I will fall to the ground and start tweaking." He said, still looking the other way.

Alice gets up and snaps her fingers which causes the little accident to be erased as if nothing had happened. "If I may ask milord, for when is the marriage supposed to take place?" Alice asked impatiently.

Akira turns and responds, "Not longer than 10 chapters." He said.

Alice tilts her head, "Wh—What do you mean by chapters...?" She asked.

"Nevermind. So, did anything important happen while I was away?" He asked as he sat on the couch.

Alice sat on chair to the desk and opened a folder to show him some new stuff. "Apart from thirst trap letters from the Outer Gods nothing major has occured during your absence milord. Apart from this..." She gave him a letter with a formal seal on its surface.

Akira glanced at the letter then opened it, after reading the contents it seemed to be an invitation.

"The first lady of the Sorcerer Dynasty Sarion is coming to visit our lands and meet with us it seems." Akira says.

"Exactly. So before taking action I've been meaning to ask you about your opinion. Not only is she completely irrelevant and useless but this also seems like good opportunity to add her lands to ours. I could just, merge her soul with this bishop right here." Alice says while taking out a bishop piece.

Akira looks at Alice for a few seconds then sighs. He throws the letter away then speaks his mind, "Who cares we've already dominated this world so it doesn't mind who comes and leaves. Though I would say that I kinda want to make her people suffer and destroy her territory just for fun..." He says.

"Meh, who cares. Invite her we'll organize a festival just for the fun. I wanna rest a bit before going somewhere else... And to start planning the wedding~" He says with a twink at the end. Alice puts her hand on her cheek and smiles in happiness.

"Then it's decided. Invite Elemesia, Rimuru, the demon lords and dragons to come here for the week for we're having a festival!" Akira exclaimed cheerfully.

"It'll be like a celebration for your return among us milord." Alice said.

"Exactly, after all. It's been two full months since you've all last seen me isn't it." He says.

"I'm sure you've all missed me. Akira is back more powerful then ever!!" He exclaims with flaring eyes of excitement, but Alice wasn't the person he was looking at this time.
