

*Six years ago*

"I don't get it." A young boy with dirty blonde hair said as he looked at the wooden sword in his hand.

"What don't you get?" A brown haired boy asked, stretching out his hand to the other boy who he had knocked down in their training battle.

"Well how you're so much more stronger than me, I already awakened my sacred gear…so how am I still loosing to you?" The boy gave a downward gaze to the ground ignoring the hand offered to him. 

"Heh…" The brown haired boy gave a complicated sigh and sat next to his friend. The two of them stared at the sky in silence, it's blue color beginning to fade and be replaced by a beautiful orange. 

"…Hey Basara," the dirty blonde haired boy asked 

"What's up Takashi?" Basara replied with the same caring tone in his voice.

"Weird question, but...do you like, like Sagiri?" He blushed a bit as he asked while Basara clueless to his friends hidden meaning said,

"Of course I do." With a stupid smile only protagonists could give.

"...I see, but Basara I-" Takashi was cut off by a loud groan coming from the town square. 

"GRRRrRRrrrRRR…" The noise was loud, it echoed through the halls of the town and could be heard all the way out in the training fields. The voice carried with it a dark and depressed tone. No one in the town knew what that noise was, but soon they found out as a dragon's body emerged from the science wing of the town. It crashed through the roof of the building and with the crash of the roof came a roar,

"ROOOOOAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!" A roar so powerful that the ground began to quake like a tectonic plate had shifted. The townspeople looked at the dragon's black scaly body that towered over them and they knew in that instance despite all their power they would still lose against it.

"Fafnir." Basara said, looking at the dragon from the entrance of town that he and Takashi had run to.

"You know what that is?" Takashi questioned, his legs shaking as he looked at it.

"Fafnir, one of the three heavenly dragons, but he shouldn't be here, he shouldn't be alive. My father killed him."

"J-Jin's not here…Ahhhh!" One of the townsfolk muttered before running out of town past the two children.

"B-Basara wh-what d-do we do?" Takashi asked but when he turned to look at him, but he was already gone running toward the dragon that his father had struggled to kill. Running toward the dragon, Basara took the practice sword and threw it fast and strong at Fafnir. The sword spun in the air and hit him but left no mark, what did you expect? It's not even a real sword. Fafnir slowly turned toward Basara and stared at him with his half open eyes. 

'I'm scared! I'm scared! I-I don't wanna die.' Basara thought but those thoughts left as he heard the sound of crying child. 'What are you doing Basara!? You're a hero aren't you! Then…' "FIGHT!!" His thoughts left his mind and traveled past his tongue as he got ready to fight a dragon at ten years old. Fafnir looked at him for a second and then returned his eyes to the sky and attempted to open his wings, which is when he realized something, his wings were gone. Fafnir looked at his back to see the place his wings should be but they weren't there.

"Where are my wings?" His voice was raspy yet filled with rage. "WHERE-ARE-MY-WINGS!!?" He yelled to the heavens that adorned him his title but got nothing in response. "DAMNIT!! YOU SO CALLED HEROES TOOK MY WINGS!!" His scream echoed through the town breaking glass and the building that it had emerged from. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!" He stepped out of the rubble from the building that he had destroyed and stomped his foot on a house, and then another and another. He got down on all fours and opened his mouth and a purplish green energy gathered in it and then out from it spewed out a green purplish beam of pure destruction. The surviving townspeople watched in horror as the people that were fine minutes ago screamed in pain and then vanished not even their ashes remained, it was like they ceased to exist. Fafnir stood back on his hind legs and walked toward a crater that had been created in his rampage and looked at the two young girls, Yuuki Nonaka and Sagiri Ameno who were about to die. Basara rushed toward them not thinking about his own life, he jumped in the hole and as he landed his blood boiled and a sword appeared in his hand, A silver curved blade with a large green gem by the handle. Fafnir looked at the sword and smiled, showing off his sharp and crooked teeth.

"You're Jin's son aren't you." Fafnir said as he brought his leg down towards Basara and the girls. Basara struck the sword through the foot and as it poked through the other side Fafnir noticed something strange, One he didn't kill the kids, two there was no blood coming out of his wound, in act Fafnir couldn't even feel the pain from being impaled by a heroes sacred gear. Yes, it was a child but he was still a member of the hero clan and he still powerful

He moved closer to his foot to observe but as he brought his face closer to the sword an odd event happened. The green gem on the sword Glowed bright and Fafnir suddenly disappeared. The people cheered prematurely and as curiosity got the better of them they approached Basara to ask him questions. This was the greatest mistake of their short lived life's.

Two days later Jin would return from his mission to discover that 130 heroes were killed that day Fafnir attacked, thirty of them were killed by Fafnir, the other a hundred were killed by his son.

*Sagiri Ameno POV*

When it comes to my feelings for someone… I never really understood them. Growing up I always thought that my relationship with Basara was normal, but as I got older I realized that it wasn't. The first time I noticed this was when we got lost in the woods for a while. I tried to act tough, but I was scared, he helped me stay calm, giving me that same stupid smile he always gave. After that whenever I saw him my heart beat a hundred times faster and I couldn't help but want to hold his hand–The most romantic thing a child can think of– and he occupied my thoughts all the time. Seeing hm made my day better and when I didn't it was worse. He was always there for me, but when it mattered the most I wasn't there for him. I wonder sometimes, if I had spoken up back then would I hate myself less?

More of a short chapter sorry for that, Finals are coming up so Ive been studying for that...Okay I haven't. I didn't really know what to write for this chapter so I decided to clarify some things mentioned in the previous chapter . If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask. and as always powerstone bonus chapter, if we can get 15 power stones I will give you guys a chapter early. Hope you enjoyed this one

-Kira Vallery

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