

'Ha ha ha ha!' 

The ominous, gravely, laugh of the raging, murderous psycho of a man behind her echoed throughout the hazy fogged woods. 

"Leave me alone!" 

Seraphina called out towards the tops of the trees as she ran blindly between the multitude of thick moss covered trunks of the pine and mountain maple trees. 

'You can't escape from me and you know it.' 

His disgustingly playful tone seemed to echo throughout the forest, slicing through the air. closing her eyes for a second, she felt her foot catch on something and send her tumbling to the ground. Attempting to pick herself up off the ground, sharp pain shot up through her right leg and the taste of blood was mixed with a mouthful of dirt and pine needles.

'How's the dirt taste down there bitch? Ha ha ha!' 

The condescending attitude and venomous laugh sent shudders down her spine. Whipping her head around to look back at him, the blonde haired man was standing roughly 2 feet away. The bloody knife gripped tightly in his left hand was shaking with either excitement or anger, however, neither options were appealing. The knuckles on his hand had turned white as he took a couple steps closer. 

'That worthless, blubbering, blond idiot was such an easy kill. She kept pleading with me to spare her life and let her go, but you were actually entertaining. I haven't had a hunt that was as much of a pain in the ass as this one in a while! Too bad the fun's over. Now I can kill you and take my prize back.' 

His psychotic face was twisted upwards into a horrifying, murderous smile. His eyes were wide and bloodshot as he stopped a mere couple inches from her. Looking down at her sweaty, dirt covered face and disheveled hair with pure joy. 

'Any last words?'