
Chapter One

First Meeting

'Outch! Aunty, be careful! It hurts,' Rose is yelling to her aunt. Her middle aged aunty was brushing her hair. But it did not feel like brushing, it felt more like torture.

'If you don't move it will be less painful.' The blind girl's aunt was a calm and caring person but right now that side of her did not show up.

With no further complains the girl waited until her aunt was done doing her hair. Than she grabbed her purse and stick, ready to go to the pottery.

'Be careful Rose.'

'Yes I will be fine Aunty, don't worry.' She was going to take the same way as always...

The young lady headed to the subway. The usual route and the same noices.

Beeb. She checked in. As she walked she could feel all the people getting out of her way, and she hated it. She was used to it but that did not made any differences.

When the subway arrived she got in and went to the usual seat where she sat next to Mrs. Field. When she sat down she expected that the old lady would greet her, but it did not happen. Therefore she could not recognize her scent. Normally it would smell to soap, but what she smelled right now was definitely not soap.

The blind girl could already feel the absence of the old lady. If she was here right now they would be already chatting, Her old friend was also a loyal customer of her potteries that she made.

Rose didn't have many friends, most people around her treated her always differently. She felt it. Only a couple of peolpe in her life were unlike the rest by not treating her like she had a restriction.

When Rose was in her thoughts she felt a leg against hers. This made her feel pretty uncomfortable. So she put her own legs away. Her action did not help a tiny bit because this man, it was absolutely a leg of a man leaned it more to her's. As if this was not enough the man grabbed Rose's leg. The girl couldn't give a reaction from terror and disgust, she froze. Her eyes started to burn, but she had to hold them in.

'Be calm be calm' she whispered to herself. She wanted to stand up and sit some where far away. But she got interrupted by someone

'Sir what are you doing right now?' It was not her voice. This voice sounded like from a young man.

It was so quiet in the subway that you could hear a pin drop. Rose couldn't see but she could feel all the people staring at her. Everyone saw what happend and now there were whispering about her

'How horrible. Imangine being in her place. Poor little girl.' Those words were the worst. There was pity in it. They pitied her. She hated this feeling. She looked pathetic in their eyes.

'I-I did not anything.' This was that horrible man.

'I saw it with my own eyes sir, do not lie. How could you even think of doing something like this. You should be ashamed of yourself!' This person's voice was full with anger.

' I have never seen someone as pathertic as you! You're not a human you fithy pig! Should I touch your leg! I can't and you know why? Because you're so disgusting that I do not want to stand even 1 meter next to you!' She was so angry and disgusted by him that she yelled what came up to her mind.

Meanwhile the subway stopped for the next stop. She saw this as a chance to escape from this moment. Rose did not care if this was the right stop for her or not. The only thing she cared about now was getting away from that disgusting man and from all the the eyes with pity. The moment she was in right now was too much to handle.

She opened her stick and walked out as fast as she could. But what she did not expect was a voice shouting for her to stop.

'Miss please wait!'

She was already out of the subway, when she turned her back she was face to face with the same man from before.

Why did he follow me? Is there something he want?

Like he could read her mind he said,'I wanted to ask you if you were okay.'

Even when the blind girl didn't like attention she was happy that he followed her. So there were people who actullay cared about her. Unlike like the others.

'Yes, I am fine thank you for asking,' Rose lied. But her face was telling the truth. Until now she was holding it all in. But now someone asked if she really was doing fine she could not hold them in anymore. Tears started to drop.

'Sorry, sorry for wasting your time. You should go, you also stopped for me.'

'No, it's okay. How could I leave you here after what happend to you.' The boy sounded so trusting that the girl didn't had worry about crying in front of him.

'Thank you for standing up for me out there. You did when nobody didn't.' Rose said to him. While wiping off her tears.

'How could I possibily not? No need to thank me.' He was talking very politely, something Rose loved.

'I look pathetic don't I, crying in front of a stranger.' She laughed with sarcasm.

'No, you looked really cool out there. I couldn't believe my eyes!' He sounded so exited and innocent, which Rose couldn't help but find i cute.

By the way I am John, I should bring you to the place where you were heading.'

'Thank you Mr. John for you offer, but I do not want to be a burden to you what you have done until now is more than enough. I can go by myself' She really did not want to burden him.

John knew that she could go alone. He saw her every day when he went to his classes. The blind girl looked beautiful to him. Her lang raven hair was always loose and had big dark eyes. Sadly she couldn't use them. He did not know where she was going every day but she always looked so elegant.

The boy remarked that she always sat next to an old lady. But he never dared to talk to her himself, it would have been weird. What could he possibly say to her. Today he had a chance even if the reason why they were talking now was sad.

'I insist, Miss.'

'Rose, my name is Rose.' The female reached her hand out to shake it. Wich John saw immidiately and took action.

His hands were warm she could feel that. When the girl's were the opposite. When the young man backed off, Rose recognized a delicious smell. The aroma of fresh lemons, she liked it a lot more than she should have.

'Nice to meet you Miss Rose.'

'Nice to meet you to Mr. John.'

'So where were you going Miss Rose?' John asked her.

'Actually, I was going to the pottery not too far away from here.'

'Were you going to buy something from there or-

'I make them.'

'That is really cool, I wish I could do that.' He suddenly was exited and happy, there was nothing left from the angry man she heard from back there. The blind one also recognized that he was young, until now she did not pay much attention.

They took the cap together, and John brought the young lady to her destination. They were standing in front of the building.

'I hope that something like today never happens again Miss Rose, and I recommand you to not to take the subway anymore. Take good care of yourself.'

'Yes, I am not thinking about to take the subway anymore. And I am very thankfull for what you have done for me today.' She smiled at him.

'I am happy if I could help you.'

After those words they seperated their ways. Rose was actually a little dissapointed to be saying goodbye to eachother. She secretely hoped to get to know this person better. But since she was not going to take the subway anymore, such a chance would never happen.

He walked away from the building and went back to the cap. But his phone interrupted by ringing. His heart skipped a beat when he saw the number who called. It was about the job he applied to.

'Yes, Miss Woodsen?'

'Congratulations John Keizer, you are my employer from now on.'

Where is he going to work?

Hi guys, hope you liked the first chaper. I did my best. :)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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