
Angel Down, Deception

Angel Kael refuses to believe that his brother has fallen. Logan was a great guardian angel; he would never become a fallen angel. Another question that baffles Kael is who murdered Prophet Joshua of earth and why? These questions drive Kael to break one of heaven's rules - that of going down to earth to investigate. On earth he quickly discovers that nothing is as it seems and before long, he finds himself breaking a few more rules as he unravels numerous secrets and mysteries, and the most important rule that he ends up breaking is that of falling in love with a human. Angel Down, Deception is a supernatural, romance thriller.

Ursula_Graetz · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs


Back at her apartment Julia fumbled around in her oversized and quite well-used, handbag for her keys. She glanced over her shoulder to steal a quick peek at Kael, who was on his haunches lifting the pot plant to retrieve Logan's keys. Her heart leapt into her throat and her blood pulsated vigorously through her veins – again. He was so dangerously handsome, that she couldn't help but gawk at him, like a thirsty animal standing near an oasis. Then she scolded herself. She had made a vow to herself years ago that she would never ever have anything to do with a man. Not after what she'd been through. No matter how gorgeous he was, she would not break that rule. It had kept her safe over the years.

Kael found the keys and with relief, he smiled up at Julia. The joy in his smile made his eyes shine so brightly that it stole her breath away – or what little breath she still held in her lungs. She wanted to melt at the mere sight of his gorgeous smile. It was the first time she had seen him smile, and although he was drop-dead gorgeous even without it – Kael with a smile was ten times more appealing than Kael without one. With savage hunger in her eyes that would not be appeased, she stood there helplessly gaping at him. Her vow faded into the foggy distance like the sun chasing away a lingering gloomy cloud.

Their eyes locked but this time Kael held onto their gaze a while longer before he broke the contact again, but not before an angry frown replaced his dazzling smile.

Julia was taken aback. It was almost as if something inside of him had snapped and hurled him right back into his previous dark mood. When he looked at her now, his face was filled with rage. It shocked her to the brim.

Had she done something wrong to offend him? She clumsily fumbled with the lock and key, trying desperately to hurry into her apartment to escape the devasting effects his lethal glare and associated mood had on her before it consumed her.

Once she had unlocked the door she rushed inside and almost slammed it shut behind her. Breathless, she leaned heavily against the door. She tried desperately to recover from the lethal chemical reaction that their eye contact had evoked in her belly, which had then immediately been frozen by his unexpected scowl. What on earth was going on? She felt as though she had been impregnated with twins – fear and desire. Despite his sudden dark mood, for some unfathomable reason, she wanted more – more of him, more of those strange but wonderful feelings that he aroused within her, more of those gorgeous blue eyes staring at her. What excuse could she come up with to bother him?

Kael cursed himself. Why had he ogled her like that? What was wrong with him? He scolded himself repeatedly as he unlocked the door leading into his brother's apartment. Once he was inside, he hurriedly closed the door behind him and felt immensely relieved that she was no longer in his sight.

He scanned the area. Logan's apartment was neat and tidy, and a tad too luxurious for an angel, he thought grimly. A dark brown leather sofa adorned the living room. It was facing a large flat-screen television which was mounted onto the rich cream-coloured painted walls. A large dark wood coffee table hugged the centre of the lounge. The cream walls blended in well with the brown furnishings and dark horizontal wooden blinds. And the open plan kitchen decked with speckled beige and pink granite tops gave the apartment an open and free flow to it. This was far too elegant and luxurious for an angel undercover. Kael shook his head worriedly. Had earth's temptations and luxuries turned his brother? No, I will not doubt you, little brother.

As he made his way into the kitchen, he immediately noticed two wine glasses lying in the washbasin, unwashed. Everything else was clean and in its place. With growing dread, Kael approached the basin. Angels were not allowed to drink alcohol. Surely that was a rule his brother would not have broken. He was certain Logan was over that allure since becoming an angel. Actually, Logan had never liked alcohol, to begin with. Well before he had become an angel, so why start now?

His heart was pounding agonizingly in his throat as he picked up one of the glasses. Perhaps it was an alcohol-free drink. He breathed in the odour of the alcohol. Rising anger boiled his insides. How could his brother betray his calling like this? Kael squeezed the glass with such force that it shattered in his hand. Blood flowed from his palm where a piece of glass had slashed into his flesh, and it poured into the washbasin.

A knock at the door drew Kael out of his fury.

"Hi Kael, it's Julia. May I come in?"

Should he ignore her? That probably wouldn't stop her incessant knocking, and she knew he was there.

"The door's unlocked," he growled and quickly slipped his bleeding hand behind his back.

"I just wanted to return Logan's bible. He was adamant that I read it, but now..."

"It's fine, just leave it on the table." Kael cut her short. He was anxious for her to leave.

She glanced over at him. His voice was so harsh she almost cringed. Had something else occurred in the past ten minutes since she had last seen him? For his dark mood seemed to have sullied even further, if that was possible. "Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine," he scowled under his breath.

Okay, something was definitely off. In the hour she had known Kael, his mood had been broody and obtrusive, but that mood had lifted like the sun taking a glimpse behind dark clouds, before being shrouded again. Yet the raging anger that tore through him now seemed almost destructive. Surely that was not his way of coping with the death of his brother. There had to be more to it. Maybe she could help him get through it. That thought excited her. Spending more time with this gorgeous male specimen was extremely tempting. Then again, she had vowed never to be involved with a man, nor did she want to appear meddlesome in his business, so instead she decided against interrogating him. Besides, that would probably just add fuel to his unpredictable mood swings, and who knew what would rise from that? Him spewing fire or producing horns perhaps – or both.

Just as she placed the bible on the coffee table, she noticed Kael standing in a pool of blood. She gasped and rushed over to him. "Oh my gosh, what happened?" She searched for his injury and noticed that he tried to hide his hand behind his back. Anxiously, she grabbed his arm. When she saw the deep gash in his hand, she squealed out loud.

"It's nothing!" he bit, darts of pure anger radiating from his eyes and which were directed at her, much to her surprise.

"Just friends hey?" he spat.

"What?" Confused, Julia just glared at him open-mouthed. What was he implying? She looked at the broken glass and the wine bottle and then understanding dawned on her. Oh my gosh. He still insisted there was a thing between her and his brother.

"Whoever Logan was seeing, it wasn't me. I told you, we were just friends," she defended herself. Not that she should need to. Besides, so what if she was seeing Logan?

"Logan wasn't supposed to be seeing anyone," Kael accused.

"Why on earth not?" she prodded, eyeing him suspiciously before grabbing a dishtowel from the kitchen drawer. She wrapped it tightly around his hand, covering the deep wound to stop the bleeding.

Once again Kael cursed himself for not guarding his tongue. "It's just that – um – we have this agreement that we won't – date anyone."

This statement piqued Julia's curiosity. "So, you're single then?"

Their eyes locked and Julia blushed profusely.

A few seconds later Kael impatiently pulled his hand out of hers. Is that what she took out of this conversation? That he's single? Hadn't she had enough fun with his brother? "I'll be fine. Thanks. You can go."

She ignored his dismissal, which sounded very much like an order. Tough.

"That's a deep cut. Let me at least take you to the hospital to have it stitched up."


"But Kael…"

"I said I'll be fine."

She glared at him defiantly. She wanted to argue with him. He was so pig-headed. But finally, she yielded. "Fine. But if you change your mind, or need anything, just let me know. You know where to find me."

She slowly made her way to the front door, reluctant to leave him like that. When she reached the door, she turned around to study him, hoping he would change his mind, but his face still painted the picture of inner rage. With an exasperated sigh, she left without saying another word, closing the door lightly behind her.

No sooner had she closed the door, than Kael snatched away the dish towel and began to hover his right hand over the injury. It hurt like hell but soon the wound began to heal. It did not take before the wound completely disappeared.

For a while he just stood there in the kitchen, staring thoughtfully at the bible that Julia had placed on the table. His unstable emotions had calmed. Why had Logan been appointed as Julia's guardian angel? Maybe he shouldn't jump to conclusions. His brother was not fickle, even if Julia was beautiful. He should not allow doubt to get the better of him. There could be a good explanation for the wine as well.

While lost in endless scenarios, a sudden fluttering of wings brought him out of his thoughts and within seconds an angel materialized before him.

"Overseer, thank goodness I found you."

"Tego, what are you doing here?" Kael felt a tinge of fear. Would he lose his position for breaking the rule and coming to earth? If so, how would he free his brother?

"I'm afraid I have dire news. The Great Prophet Joshua has been murdered," Tego replied, distressed, and breathless from his urgent trip down to earth.

"What? How's that even possible, he's the Great Prophet. Shouldn't he have seen it coming?" Kael was in shock.

"I don't know, Overseer; they're still looking into the matter. But Acting Overseer Custo said to tell you to return to HQ immediately. Your presence is needed."

Distraught and numb with disbelief, Kael nodded slowly. "Tell Custo, I'm on my way."

After the angel had left, Kael quickly cleaned up the blood on the kitchen floor tiles and, in the basin, all the while trying to process the devastating news.

Perhaps his brooding feelings of doom he had been experiencing lately, were not instilled by his brother's falling, but due to a lethal mixture of events, including the Great Prophet's death. What would be next? No, he had to remain stoic and level-headed, for the Kingdom's sake as well as for the sake of the earth and all mankind.