
Not whole

In my eyes, I see the same ceiling have been seen for the past 10 years, hi my name is Shaze, a pretty weird name don't you think? now about me, you can probably tell but I am not an original from this world, it's very complicated it's more like the voice in my head is not an original from this world, that doesn't sound any better, does it? makes me sound crazy if you ask me, damn so where do I start from how about we start from the beginning.

On a cold starry night, the cold wind blew the trees as they howled against the moon, the beautiful circular moon was full of radiating lights for the world to see. At a doorstep of a church-like building was a basket, and in the basket was a child, that child was me, now you're probably wondering I mean isn't it obvious right? we know you are the child so cliché, what else well I will answer you by telling you I don't care what you think now this is my story and I suggest you listen and shut up if you don't like it you're free to leave. Now, where was I, oh right, when I was in a basket at the front of a church step and I still don't understand why I was dropped at a location where someone can easily step on me and I would be dead but I am not to complain, because here I am telling my story so being a child like any other child, who was cold even though I was wrapped in a thick furry blanket I was still cold, so I cried like a baby.

Hearing my cry footsteps were heard rushing towards the door of the building *BAM* the door opened, a man who looked about 30 years old with light brown hair and brown eyes dressed in robes as if he was a priest stood at the door, he looked left and right trying to find where the baby cry was coming from obviously because no one with common sense would put a baby on a doorstep, but I guess that is how humans think because he looked down at a doorstep first and found me the crying baby.

"Why do people always do this? leaving babies out as if it's the normal thing to do, can't ya just knock on the door it ain't hard and maybe speak to us as well and fill some paperwork for the orphanage that you're putting your child into...sigh there is nothing I can do about it, oh well I guess welcome to the family."

After his mini-speech he picked me up obviously I was still in the basket, so he picked up the basket with me in it and then we went inside, closing the door behind him he walked through a large hallway moving to pass many doors and after a couple of minutes he went into another hall and open one of the many doors in the hall, behind the door was a room there was a crib or should I say cribs, but they were empty so there was just a crib, he then picked me up and placed me in one of those cribs but he was ready to leave the room so he went to check the basket once more in case he could find any notes or names for the child and for whatever reason he did there was a note that spoke my name and who I was, do you want to know what the note read?

Well since I'm such a nice guy I will tell you what it read.

[My faithful mortals I have blessed thee with a child thus I command thee to treat this child as you would any other do not threat for, he has a name it shall be Shaze now off with your duty's mortals.]

I mean seriously he just didn't say anything, I mean was he crazy or something he just read it and just went with it like it's OK so you're Shaze, I mean it's crazy right? the text spoke as if some sort of being you don't know gave you a child and you just read it as if it was nothing, anyways, I had a home so why should I complain right? and that's how I came to this world.


so, Remember Me Shaze yeah, it's been a pretty rough ride how many years has it been Oh yes, it's been three years now Yep, I finally learned how to speak fluently of course I have learnt the art of reading and my drawing still sucks and that's when I met the voice in my head yes, I'm crazy I know but hear me out.

So, there I was in the play hole where all the children of all ages chill or relax I was different from other children, I was of course smarter more mature and was socially awkward, so I was in the corner practising my beautiful artistic skills, you know being a weird kid with, you know? silver hair and purple eyes both aspects seem to glow so discrimination like the usual obviously led to isolation, let's not mention the worst part of it all, after all, I wasn't the typical white of course if anything I'll place myself more as an African American, how can I tell well, first of all, I am not white, I am not yellow-orange and unsurprisingly I'm not blue either, I am chocolate brown so you know I'm smooth, so at times like these where discrimination still exists it is not a surprise that I am an outcast, of course, nothing bad has been done to me, after all, I'm just a 3-year-old child, of course, isolation for a child is not a good thing but it isn't worse right?

So yes, I was practising my beautiful artistic skills and then I heard it.

He-Hello ca-can you hear me?

I am being a child who was surprised that someone spoke to me and immediately responded hello who is that.

Please respond if you can hear me kid

"Yes, I can hear you but where are you" you know I'm an intelligent child not trying to brag here but you know intelligence is a beautiful thing.

Oh, thank goodness you can hear me, hello my name is Alex.

Oh, hello Alex how come I can hear you but can't see you.

Well, that's because I'm in your head

How did you get in my head, how come I never saw you getting in my head." alright what do you expect I was three years old I better not catch you guys saying anything about me being "intelligent".

Ha ha ha worry not, Shaze I've always been here the moment you were born I just couldn't communicate with you I mean talk with you but now I can.

Oh, is that so okay do you want to see my drawing?

Oh, you're drawing. I've already seen it remember; I have always been in your head I see everything you see; I know everything you think in fact I know what you're going to think before you even think it.

Whoa, how do you know that?

Well, it's simple Shaze the reason why I know everything about you and everything you might think of is because I am you.

Come on don't be silly you can't be me; I am me, I am right here, and you are you...how are you me?

Come now Shaze you must use your head, I am you but not of this universe, I am another you well I am essentially the real you and you are a part of me, you're a fresh me, a fresh me yeah.

Okay since you say you're me then tell me what am I thinking right now?

You are thinking I am weird right?

Wow, so you're telling the truth that's pretty cool.

Haha yeah, I am pretty cool but Shaze I need you to do something for me do you think you can do it.

Yeah, what do you need?

I need you to listen to me from now, on every word I say I want you to trust me to remember I am you and I will never do anything to hurt you every time you are hurt, I am hurt.

Uh-huh okay, I will listen to you what do I do?

Let's do something fun first, can you show me around the orphanage that you're staying in at this moment?

Alright, I'll show you around.


And just like that, I showed the voice in my head around the orphanage, Alex is a pretty cool dude well he's me so since I'm cool so it's cool, anyways after I finish showing him around the orphanage where I'm staying he then told me to head to the library, which I did because I promised I will listen to everything he says so I went to the library he told me to pick out some books basic maths basic English basic anything he was planning to teach me everything, he possibly could, and he did of course. I sucked at first but as an intelligent child I caught up pretty easily after all I'm intelligent.


And just like that, years upon years passed I was now seven years old.

That was when Alex told me to go on the Internet and search full of these listed martial arts, he told me to search on multiple tabs boxing, Muy Tai, Taekwondo and mixed martial arts there was also kung-fu as well.

After 30 minutes of browsing and reading and watching videos he told me to pick one, one that I liked the most and I will practise that, I would train for it, so he gave me 20 minutes to make my final decision.

After contemplating the choices, I have I picked the coolest one like a child would Taekwondo I always thought it was awesome I mean imagine putting your hands in your pocket and beating someone with just your legs. So, I made my final decision Taekwondo and Alex was pleased I thought it was a very versatile art and it was cool.

And so the years of sneaking out onto the garden and in the middle of the night to train. I would train in my room when it comes to building up muscle one endurance, I will do push-ups squats setups crunches I will do many exercises and I will be monitored by Alex I would eat a hearty breakfast and healthy lunch And a fulfilling dinner.

Sneaking out at night I would practise the art of kicking and flipping flex abilities and stuff like those I would hit I would strike I want aim for perfect accuracy and perfect balance but what electronics told me was that never let one muscle all parts of the muscles to be higher than the others they should always be equal so even though I am doing Taekwondo does not mean my legs are stronger than my upper body boards, for that would be wrong according to Alex we must train our body to his best optimise state everything must be equal, he gave me an example he said if I only trained my legs and someone managed to hit my head my shoulders my stomach all that happened to me I of course realise what he meant after all if I don't train my top half of my body I will not have high endurance I will not be able to defend against attack on my top off so I trained I obviously learned the basics of fist fights but where my main attack and offensive strikes were was my feet for that was Taekwondo I have trained so much that my balance is now impeccable I dare say it is almost impossible to make me fall.


And so here I am 10 years old I have a toned body somehow I have abs my muscles are compressed but fine-tuned dare I say I look handsome what do you want me to lie so I can make you feel better just cause you are ugly well sadly I am not that kind, listen here I am handsome I can say it all I want and there's nothing you can do about it you're just jealous.


So, Alex, I've been meaning to ask why have I been training so much and studying to the point where I can compete with university students?

Well don't get complacent Shaze, you have to understand that the world you're currently in is an extremely dangerous world and if you're not powerful if you're not strong if you cannot protect yourself from little homies such as a Street thug, then you will never survive in this world trust me Shaze, this world will become extremely dangerous and if you're normal without more power you will just become collateral damage cannon fodder and I don't want that for yourself I don't want that for us I'm sorry I took away your childhood I am sorry I forced you to study I'm sorry I did not explain much of the story still, I cannot explain much I am limited for the amount of information I can give just know that I truly care for you I want the best for us so please trust me Shaze, I am always here for you.

what can be more dangerous than a gun and a knife I mean I can probably kick a gun before he can pull the trigger with my sweet kicks and with the guy who owns the knife that comes at me, I can probably kick him in the balls before he can even get close to me if anything I think I'm invincible ha ha ha I am number one.

Don't be an idiot why do you think I told you to train why do you think I have taught you as many things as I have, you think I stressed your childhood just to avoid guns and play nice? those are child's play in the world you're currently in, things are about to get messed up be honest I don't think I can predict the future as I used to because this is a different universe from the one I remember it is an alternate universe an alternate reality I have no idea what is going to happen next and listen here there was one enemy that is more dangerous than anything else it is the same enemy we have in every universe although you're very young but since you're smart I will tell you about it women, girls, ladies those are the dangerous things you must keep from, I am not saying to stray from whatever path you want to follow, if you are into boys I support you, if you're into girls just be careful, I know you are reading a lot of novels and books and every time you see where the heroes are marrying 3 wives or 10 wives, even a 100 wives, but I don't want that for you, you must understand that all great things come to an end, you read history books heck I was there with you I taught you, obviously you remember all the kings the great ones and the bad ones and how do they all died.

Yeah, I remember the way either poisoned or killed by their wives but also some of them are due to manipulation but yeah, you're right.

Listen Shaze I have not said their all bad heck there are some good ones out there, but stay true to 1 love only one and make sure you can leave your back to that one person it is all about bonds and you must treasure them don't trust people so easily for it can lead to your demise, you don't need friends, friends will only let you down and when the time comes they will betray you when you're better than them it will lead them to jealousy, humans are all creatures who are led by their greed and pride it is not something they can control and sometimes it gets the better of us if you truly need a friend, I am here I am your friend your older brother and I am you so you know I could never betray you.

Yeah, Alex, I know.

Good I'm glad you know but for now, I'll have to go I have taught you everything I know well not everything, but I told you the most I can, for now, I will be here when you most need me, so let me give you a piece of advice before I fully go.

Wait where are you going, you just told me that you will be my friend you will never betray me how can you just leave like that.

Stop panicking Shaze I'm not gone forever I need to preserve my energy so I can help you when the time comes just listen to me there will be a time when you become super special you are really special to me at this moment, but you become more special and a lot of people will not accept your gifts your speciality, in fact, some will try to capture you and experiment on you some would discriminate because of your skin colour plus the speciality that you gain but just know that you will always be on top never let them trample on you for they can never win the world is full of danger never stop practising even with the new special gift and that is all from me I will see you later goodbye Shaze.

You can't just leave me like that I have grown to rely on you, what am I supposed to do without you? aren't you meant to be my older brother aren't you to stay and protect me forever.

Come on now you are just being childish well it's understandable cause you are a child after all Haha but listen to me I can't pamper you forever you need to learn how to experience and develop yourself I'm not gone forever, plus you will meet another part of us soon so chill out I am just around the corner, so come on can't you just say goodbye, you know...I hope to see you next time.

What do you mean I hope to see you next time I'm saying goodbye to a family member for what? how long am I supposed to wait for you? you don't even tell me when you will be returning and you just want me to say goodbye have a safe trip and blah blah blah I do not unroll like that but I suppose you're right... I can't have you pamper me forever can I, you're lucky I matured more than the other children who would through a tantrum in this situation.

Yeah, right what are you doing right now then? what did that poor pillow ever do to you? punching it like that.

I wish you luck Shaze you're about to start school soon, right? the middle school I see... well, have fun don't get in too much trouble and I will see you soon...goodbye Shaze.

Yeah, see you Alex bye, bye come back soon I will keep missing you!

Tears streamed down Shaze's face as he has lost his older brother well not lost his older brother but separated from his older brother that day and the day after and the week after he spent it all inside his room.


Father when is my decent, I felt something like I am being called to that world, It feels like a part of me is calling out, I'm I not whole father?

Worry not child, soon you will understand, now eat is this not a Celebration!! MY SON DOMIEL HAS JUST BECOME AN ADULT!! HAHAHA

[The paradox has finally begone]

-> Yup

[T_T Please leave]

-> Nope, *Snatch* Thanks for the popcorn though.

[*Sigh* why is my job so harddd!! Waaahaaa!!!]

*pat *pat*

-> There, there buddy, what is troubling you

[*Stare* YOU I AM GONNA-]

#Standby we are experiencing some technical difficulties.#

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