Michael went back to the kitchen. He finished the rest of the biscuits and emptied the cup of his almost cold coffee. He turned on the radio and tuned into his favorite station. He didn’t mind the macabre, sacrilegious act of violence and media he was hearing about.
The world is beautiful even with all the omnipresent evil, rascals, tragedies, wars and death. Life is wonderful as long as we can see it's good sides, not just the negative. ‘I live! I woke up! A new day is ahead of me! This is the most important thing!’
He got into the car in a good mood. He drove calmly, like he wasn’t bothered by the traffic jam, the rain or the driver who stopped at the orange light just in front of him, instead of stepping on the gas pedal and crossing the intersection as fast as possible.
Yes, he felt like sounding the horn, but stopped himself. Anyway, he arrived at work much earlier than usual. He parked the car in the empty parking lot at this time.