
Smoke and dust

Grey clouds covered the once-blue sky. The date was September 23rd, 2021.

Felix wandered aimlessly throughout the loud city, eventually taking him to a dusty alleyway. His usual chocolate cigar was drooping outside of his mouth, his eyebrows lowered and furrowed. Felix's hands roamed his pockets, looking for a lighter inside of his shorts, barely covering his inner thighs. Was this really his normal 'life' now?

No. Nothing is normal anymore. Ever since year 2020, nothing can be considered 'normal'. He could not forget the look of the humans faces as Androids began busting the windows of small businesses, how their rubber-covered metal hands clamped around peoples throats. Felix shook his head, his eyes low to the ground as he eventually managed to pull out his pink lighter, old and rusted. He used his thumb to flick it on, carefully bringing it up to the cigars butt. Felix made sure to eye the lighter, to not burn his fingers. Again.

As the cigar slowly lit, smoke escaping from it's end, he flicked the lighter off and shoved it into his narrow pocket once again. A sigh escaped him as he looked up into the night sky, barely visible through the dark clouds.

Thank you for checking out my book.

This is my first, and believe me, there will be many more chapters/books in the future. So, stay tuned!

M_A_Tcreators' thoughts