
Chapter4:The First Summon

Soichiro had been training hard, honing his skills as a summoner and learning how to control the ancient beasts. He had spent many years in his pocket dimension, cultivating and summoning the ancient beasts through the gate that connected to the divine realm. He had also nurtured the extraordinary resources that let his beasts level up.

One day, Soichiro decided that it was time to test his skills in the real world. He set out on a journey to the Claw Dynasty, a land known for its fierce ancient beasts.

As he traveled, he came across a beautiful mermaid, who was being held captive by a group of bandits. The mermaid pleaded with Soichiro to save her.

"Please, summoner, I beg of you. Save me from these bandits," the mermaid said.

Soichiro knew that this was his chance to test his skills. He focused his energy and summoned the ancient beast, a powerful water dragon.

The bandits were no match for the dragon, and they quickly retreated. The mermaid was grateful and thanked Soichiro for saving her.

"Thank you, summoner. I am forever in your debt," the mermaid said.

"No need to thank me, it's my duty as a summoner." replied Soichiro.

"I would like to make a contract with you, if you would have me."

"Of course, I would be honored to have you as my first ancient beast contract." said Soichiro.

Soichiro and the mermaid formed a contract, and from that day on, the mermaid fought by Soichiro's side as a powerful ancient beast.

With his first ancient beast contract, Soichiro's journey as a summoner had truly begun. He would go on to make many more contracts with ancient beasts, each one stronger and more powerful than the last. But he would never forget the mermaid, his first ancient beast contract and the one who helped him to prove his power as a summoner.