
Ancient world biochip

hundred years ago, humans discovered the ancient world. it is the origin of all species, humans included, it is also the origin of the supernatural. A young man discovered a strange black bead in the ancient world. he will gradually unravel the mystery of this world and possibly change the fate of his kinds.

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17 Chs


Analyze the host's Physical parameters...

Host ?#?#??###??

Status: healthy

Fitness: 14

Dexterity: 14

Resistance: 14'

Hunger points: 5,9'

You have acquired new Traits...

- Green Mamba snake

Basic poison resistance, Basic smell detection,

DNA assimilation is on cooldown

Time remaining: 100 days

Teitei let out a sigh of relief as the calamity had finally passed. Thanks to the interface of the biochip he had received an influx of information.

But it is only when he felt his mind stabilize that he started to feel the change in his body.

He still remembers how he had killed the green mamba earlier. That strange sensation, that state where everything seemed to move in slow motion had ended.

The biochip had analyzed the data of his body, and as if the Ai could read his thought a comprehensive diagramme was shown, alighting the physiological change in his body during the last few hours, internal stress, and adrenaline rush.

" So, this is as if I unleashed my potential  while I was in a state of near death

" Teitei could only summarise it like that as he did not experiment enough to analyze these data precisely.

That state was somewhat uncomfortable as Teitei remembered that while he could see things moving around him, his body could not keep up with his perception.

It was like seeing your favorite character n a movie about to die but you are unable to save him because he is on the other side of the screen.

' I wonder if I can enter that state again' Teitei mumbled to himself.

Teitei suddenly launched his hands forward, his fist moved forward at high speed and he was almost sure that he could hear the sound due to the resistance of the air against his fist.

Perhaps it was because of his dexterity and his fitness that had increased. Even the fact that could hear that sound seemed to prove that even his hearing sense had a, it was the same for his vision. He had never felt like that in his whole life.

His biochip, while peculiar had some functions of the ordinary biochip. Thanks to the user's friendly interface, he could see his attributes in real-time.

He had 14 points in attributes now. Its attributes had increased almost twice in a time frame shorter than two weeks. These results were normally only possible after one had taken a special elixir or after training for a month using Ancient arts.

Teitei almost felt that it was worth it.

His grievances seemed to disappear as he examined his other gains.

At this moment Teitei was somewhat clean. During this period the other the years, the environment in this part of the ancient world was somewhat humid. Thanks to the knowledge that he had gathered during the compulsory training, Teitei knew a species of tree Wich roots could to o to be used to obtain water. It is only thanks to this knowledge that Teitei had managed to wash. He still looked miserable, with his combat uniform that had tears in some place and his dissolved hairs.

At least, he had gotten rid of the pungent brown substance on his skin that seemed to be made of his sweat, dried blood, and other impurities that had been purged out of his body.

All this time Teitei had not stopped punching the air. It was a strange feeling in his heart, telling him that he needed a Target to test the strength of his punch.

Slowly, Teitei approached a tree not far away with a trunk of medium thickness.

For a time Teitei felt like moving his fist had become natural, it felt like he had practiced his fist technics times and had built a muscle memory deeply embedded in his body.

He could not help but imagine a mantis, using its bladed arm to strike forward.

He was so immersed that he forgot about himself reminiscing these memories where he fought different beasts with these green-bladed hands in the middle of the wildness. For a moment, he had a strange feeling that he was built to fight like that to a fundamental level.

" Memories, bladed hands..." Teitei shook his head and finally woke up from that muddleheaded state, he was still somewhat confused.

The next moment, he was shocked silly by what he saw. He had unknowingly moved in front of a tree and as he had punched many times he had left a deep fist imprint on it.

" These are not my memories. Perhaps they are flashes of memories of the host that was a mantis?" Teitei tried to analyze the situation.

Teitei once more looked as he fist, while they were a little dirty, the whereas no injuries on them even though he had punched the tree with his bare knuckle.

" So this is the effects of 14 points in resistance, Huh" Teitei smiled, feeling somewhat satisfied.

For a moment he almost wanted to use all his remaining hunger points to increase his resistance once more, the increase of resistance could make him feel safer.

But in the end, it was just an impulse and Teitei did not act on it. He had just experienced how magical Hunger points were, and knew that he needed to save some for the rainy days.

Teitei was still punching when he suddenly felt something wrong. Without thinking it took out the Green devil mantis Dagger and started to swing it around, expertly.

It felt somewhat awkward at first, but perhaps thanks to his increased dexterity and his muscle memories, he quickly started to move fluidly.

The Dagger seemed to dance inside his hands.

It was at that time that he received a new notification.

" Detected that host had acquired a new fighting skill

New file created

Please name the file...."

Teitei stopped for a while, as he had not expected this.

This Martial art had made his arm able to move quite nimbly. After practicing for more than 10 minutes he discovered that he could exert a great amount of strength on any parts of his arms, be it his shoulder, his fingers joints, his knuckles of his wrist they appeared more nimble, seemingly able to exert an explosive amount of strength without being damaged.

" This fighting skill seems to be a boxing skill and a dagger skill at the same time.

How should I call it?" Teitei mused for a while.

Teitei discovered just following the memories that seemed to be imprinted in his muscle, be it with his palms, with his fist, or with a dagger his hands could move comfortably.

"This technique was derivated using the physiological parameters of an Ancient mantis.

So, I will simply call it the Mantis Hand fighting technic.

Even better, Ancient Mantis Hand fighting technic" Teitei nodded as he felt pleased with the name that he had chosen.

He had long discovered that even the silliest name will sound pleasing to the eyes when the prefix 'ancient' was added to it.

He was just following the path of his predecessor.

At that moment Teitei did not know but he looked somewhat silly.

It was also at that time that he received a notification.

' file Ancient Mantis Hand...,


Do you want to use the combat assistance system?

Hunger points required: 1 per day

Do you want to launch the training system?

Hunger points required: 1 per day"

Teitei had not even explored all his earnings that other gifts were already given.