
Ancient Demon King Instructor

Walter is a orphan living a miserable life from childhood he became mature faster than other kids. Having no friends , no family he spent his time mostly alone. If that wasn't enough even gods didn't give him blessing , being unawakened in this cruel world was like a curse to him . Everyone start treating him like trash. Being bullied by his own classmate ,even then while saving them he fell of the cliff he thought that finally he can find happiness at least in afterlife . Everything started to turn dark around himand he felt his consciousness fading until... [System integrating...] ____________ please support this is my first time writing a novel i am not that good in English so try to ignore mistake please

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4 Chs

1. Start of Doomsday

In 2040 AD , human technology reached a new hight, all fantasies about future become true flying vehicles, tall buildings which seems to be touching sky , AI...etc

Because of rapid development pollution and global warming was on its peak making earth inhabitable .

To survive humans build big barrier around cities inside the barrier life return to normal but dah by day earth ks turning into living hell.

When it seems like the earth is going to end , suddenly crack started to form in sky , barrier around the cities break like a paper people started to worship god which they have long forgotten, from this cracks monster started to emerge and attack everything in sight billions of people died , modern weapons can't even leave a scratch on this animals.

But this course come with a blessing, from the cracks a strange energy entered earth's atmosphere and earth entered in a evolution phase it become almost double of its orginal size new continent formed, earth become habitable again .

Due to beast and monsters humans was suffering a great crisis if it wasn't enough something happens which surprised them even more .

Those mythological creatures which they have heard or seen in books and fantasy came to life . Vampire, Werewolf,Demons , fairies, demi humans...etc. who were in hiding before evolve and start dominating human race . They treat humans as fodder and prey. They hunt human for revenge, food and fun.

When humanity almost lost his hope they appeared : awakenrs - this are the people who got the blessings from gods yes actual gods .

They use the power of blessing to became strong, humanity again began to rise , thay form group start building cities.

Because of constant power struggle a war started between all species a never ending war. Even after a decade war continued, billions of people died until a comman enemy appeared .

The syker is a ruthless species aiming to dominate the universe, they massacred many species, planet,no leaving a single living creature behind.

To fight with a comman enemy all species on eath sign a peace treaty and combine their military power against sykers , after a long lasting war earth temporary get rid of sykers.To avoid such situations in future everyone decide to continue the peace treaty but it was all on official level . They hate each other and wanted them to dominate other species.

To stop conflicts International Organisations of Security and Co- operation (IOSC) is formed which resolve the issue between different species.

In present ;

" it's been 300 year since the war with sykers . We are going to reach dungeon soon get ready students " female teacher said to students .

After war with sykers everyone understand that the war will happen again so they start teaching their young generation about fighting which lead to establishment of academy.

It was an dungeon tour for students of Starfall academy .Soon the bus reached near the teleporter.

" hey trash even if can't fight you can be a porter at least pick my luggage" Roy Xander sout towards a boy .

Walter is a average looking boy 17 year old boy with dark black hairs and weak body . The reason why Roy calling him trash his because he do not have any blessing being an unawaked in this cruel world is like a curse . Mostly everyone got awakned till age of 16 but their are some people remain who doesn't have any blessing called Cursed people.

Walter just nod and picked up Roy's luggage and started walking behind him because he knew that no one is going to stand for a cursed like him , even teacher will not say anything because Roy is son of City Mayor.

Soon they reached the teleporter it was like a big platform that can teleport a even a bus . The teleporter started to glow with blue light and all student disappeared. Walter feels like his head is spinning because it was his first time using teleporter . In just few seconds they reached their destination " The First dungeon"