
Ancestors: Starting with Gwen Spider-Man . Volume :2

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123 Chs


Chapter 160 Don't Even Think About It!

The looming threat was becoming palpable, and Diana's presence had been fully exposed to the gods. It was inevitable that Hermes would come knocking on her door.

Hera, instead of stopping this sequence of events, subtly pushed it forward. She harbored a deep dislike for Diana, especially those who bore the blood of her husband without any connection to her.

Whenever she saw such individuals, she felt the weight of her crown intensify. Yet, there were more pressing matters at hand.

If only Diana hadn't arrived so boldly. Would Hera confront her directly, or manipulate her into submission? The lives of Paradise Island's inhabitants now rested in Hera's hands.

She smirked inwardly, knowing the imminent threat was near, but doubting Diana's ability to resolve it. This prophecy was merely a distraction for Hera, who had experienced betrayal and heartache at Zeus's hands countless times.

Manipulating Diana while simultaneously pitting her against the threat seemed an optimal strategy. The mere thought of it brought a twisted satisfaction to Hera's heart.

Meanwhile, Diana and her companions swiftly arrived in the God's Domain, catching Hera somewhat off guard. She hadn't expected Diana's companion to be so formidable.

Seeing Diana dressed in her striking black and white attire, hastily adorned with a maid's uniform, Hera couldn't help but acknowledge her beauty. She sneered inwardly, seeing the resemblance to her mother, yet dismissing Diana as another seductress.

As for Black Superman's strength, Hera felt no concern. She was, after all, the Queen of Olympus, immune to Zeus's feeble attempts to undermine her authority.

Her complacency was shattered when Peter and Diana crashed through the temple's roof above her head, disrupting the sanctity of her realm and its divine surveillance mirror.

The mirror shattered into fragments upon impact, leaving Hera momentarily bewildered. She was about to confront the intruders when Peter's actions further escalated the situation.

Diana, feeling the weight of Hera's rage, braced herself. She couldn't help but fear the repercussions of their intrusion, especially with Hera's vindictive nature.

Peter, however, remained indifferent to Hera's outrage. "Oh?" he responded lightly to Hera's furious outburst.

As Diana watched, Peter deftly shattered the remnants of the divine mirror, sending shards of it scattering across the temple floor. Hera's scream echoed through Olympus, a mix of anger and despair at the desecration of her heavenly domain.


Ares, in the midst of a pool party with Aphrodite, frowned at Hera's outburst. He sensed something amiss, prompting him to abandon his leisurely pursuits and investigate.

In the temple, Hera's visage contorted into a demonic expression as she confronted the intruders. "My heaven! What have you done!" she accused, her voice dripping with fury.

Diana was taken aback by Black Superman's swift actions. While London had seen similar chaos, facing Hera added a new level of gravity to their confrontation.

Hera's once regal demeanor now oozed malice and scorn. She fixated on Diana and Peter with clawed hands and a venomous glare. The peacock-feathered coat she wore slipped slightly, revealing her naked form—a stark reminder of Olympus's unconventional norms.

Despite her disdain for Diana, Hera couldn't deny her respect for the Amazon's lineage. Yet, Diana's presence now only fueled Hera's hatred, driving her desire to inflict pain and suffering.

"This is a token of my displeasure, Hera," Peter remarked casually.

"A token?!" Hera seethed, grasping the severity of their intrusion. "Do you have any idea the cost of repairing my realm?"

Diana, sensing Hera's wrath, whispered to Peter, "I think we've angered her beyond measure..."

Peter shrugged nonchalantly. "She'll live," he retorted, unfazed by Hera's distress.

Hera, however, was livid. "You dare retaliate against me?" she spat, her fury boiling over. "I will make you both suffer for this insolence!"

As other gods began arriving, drawn by Hera's cries, the tension in the temple escalated.