
Analyze, Create, Control In Another World

Ryo a third-year high school student dies in a fire trying to save his friend to find himself reincarnated in another world and watch his new parents die in front of his eyes protecting him from a greedy noble after his skils Analyze, Create, Control. After getting adopted by a blacksmith in a small unique village he decides to protect the village using his skills.

Kurokaze_Ryo · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Chapter 3: Picking a Fight And The Foolish Nobles

Lyara's POV…

I'm right now riding my summoned beast {Eagle} on my way to the holy city Tris the capital city of the holy theocracy Trista to visit my daughter and to start working on my greatest plan ever, I only hope that Ryo-kun doesn't get mad at me fufufufufufu…

Right now I'm using a concealment spell to prevent anyone from noticing me but my friend will notice me when I get close to the city like always and prepare a landing place for me, my friend the head of the Rosewald household and the headmaster of the royal magic academy Rose aka Ro-chan, she is taking care of my daughter in her house and is teaching her about magic and alchemy as the humans strongest mage.

After two days in the sky, I arrived at the holy city Tris and landed on the place prepared for my landing and she came to greet me.

"Good to see you again La-chan!"

"me too I have missed you very much Ro-chan!"

"Good to see you two get along very well as always"

"Good to see you too o-kun"

"you never change, do you?"

After that, we entered the mansion and sat down in the living room and since it was still very early in the morning everyone else hadn't woken up yet including Lira my daughter.

"you are one year early this time, did something happen to the village?"

"no nothing bad happened to the village, actually the village will never be in danger ever again fufufufuffufufu"

"what do you mean by that?... just one year ago we told you that the kingdom and this country had already set their eyes on you and the village and have been preparing a large scale military power in case they have to fight you directly and kill everyone in the village"

"you don't have to worry about that anymore since I have the strongest card ever!"

"stronger than you?"

"stronger than me and you and sensei together"

"o.oi what do you mean by that?"

"I'll explain everything when Li-chan wake up"

"Are you up to a new prank?"

"you know me very well fufufufufufu"

"I have a bad feeling about this"

After that, we continued to talk about the past for nearly one hour before the people in the mansion started waking up and then..

"Master, did something happen? You woke up early today"

"hello there Li-chan! How have you been?"

"eh!?.. mom what are you doing here?"

"I came to see you because I missed you so much"

"m.mom you are suffocating me!!"

"you have grown up since I saw you last time"

"now since you two finished your touching reunion I want you to explain what you said earlier"

"since mom is here did something happen to the village?!"

"like I said before the village is safe and will not be in danger ever again"

"but the holy theocracy and the kingdom found out about the village how can you say that it'll never be in danger again?"

"The reason is that I found the perfect husband for Li-chan!!"

"wh-?!!.....w.what are talking about at a time like this, mom??!"

"here she goes again, can you please explain everything from the start and don't go to the conclusion like that!?"

"Before that, I have a question for Li-chan, do you still have the same dream as before or did you change it?"

"it's the same as before, I'll create a place where all races can live in peace starting from the village and turn it into a big country where everyone can live happily and for that, I need strength that's why I'm training to become strong enough to achieve that"

"Ro-chan what do you think?"

"she is a stronger mage than most of the teachers I have in the school and better than even me at alchemy and can already use chant less magic up to intermediate magic and her mana pool is 10 times bigger than that of normal people"

"that's awesome Li-chan!! … you worked really hard I'm very proud of you!"

"thank you, mom, but I still need to get stronger"

"Now I'll tell you my side of the story but before that Ro-chan can you make it so no one can hear us"

"done no one can hear us and I made it so no one can understand what we are saying by reading our lips"

"Everything started 15 years ago, one year before Li-chan was born Urak and Ann-chan went hunting for giant scorpions for the poison to make medicine and for the materials of the scorpion to use them on blacksmithing and as a building material, they came across a man and woman and a baby being attacked by a scorpion and tried to help them but the man has died and the women had lost some of her limps protecting the baby by the time Urak killed the scorpion, they brought the woman to the village but she died because of blood loss"

"I didn't know such a tragedy happened at that time but isn't it strange?"

"yes, why did they enter the death desert with their baby, to begin with?"

"before the woman died she told us the reason, the reason was to protect their baby from the church and the lord of the town they lived in"

"what do you mean?"

"a couple of days after the baby was born the baby's temperature started to increase because of fever and took him to the church for treatment but the priest who cured the baby used {Check} on the baby in secret and found that the baby had three skills and informed the higher-ups and they tried to take him by force from his parents but they took their son and escaped from the town to protect him but were ambushed by the lord's elite guards and were forced to escape into the death desert"

"Those guys keep hurting other people and call themselves holy and pure even after all their actions!"

"Ro-chan calm down your mana is leaking out!"

"Sorry I lost my head"

"But mom what happened to the baby?"

"I adopted him alongside Urak and Ann-chan and raised him into a splendid young man, Urak trained him on swordsmanship and blacksmithing an Ann-chan trained him on magic and alchemy and I taught him arithmetic and politics and gave him free access to my library, but we ignored the fact that he had three skills since it's related to his parents death but one day he asked us to use {Check Skill} on him and when I did I almost lost my mind because of what I saw"

"what did you see?"


I handed them a paper I prepared before departing from the village and the three's reaction was as expected.

{Analyze: enables you to analyze anything you see or feel or imagine and understand it completely}

{Create: enables you to create anything if you have a good image and understanding of the thing you want to create if you have the material needed}

{Control: enables you to completely control anything and everything that's not human}

"what the hell is this?!!"

"This is crazy"

"I'm dreaming right now right?"

"We were surprised when we saw this for the first time, so what do you think you can use these skills for?"

"With these skills,, he can create any type of weapons he wants and he can use them to figure out his opponent's strength and weakness"

"When we gave him similar answers he asked us a shocking question, …. (what if I use these skills to create new skills and magic?) was what he said"


"We had the same reaction, and he asked us to check his skills again and this was what we saw"

{Analyze: enables you to analyze anything you see or feel or imagine and understand it completely}

{Create: enables you to create anything if you have a good image and understanding of the thing you want to create if you have the material needed}

{Control: enables you to completely control anything and everything that's not human}

{Hide Skills: enables you to hide any skill you want from the magic {Check Skill}}

{Absorb: enables you to absorb the mana in the atmosphere to replenish yours}

{Efficiency: enables you to be extremely efficient with magic}

{Outer Mana Use: enables you to use the mana in the surrounding air instead of your mana for any spell that uses more than 5% of your mana pool}

{Auto Heal: enables you to heal any and all wounds you have on your body automatically and quickly}

{No Chant: enables you to use any magic without chanting}

{Status Immunity: prevents all status effects}

{All Attributes Affinity: enables you to use all magic affinities without any exemption}

{Kenjutsu Arts: gives you complete over katanas}

{Mana Manipulation: enables you to control mana directly}

{Regeneration: enables you to regenerate any lost part of yourself}

{Storage: enables you to store an infinite amount of stuff inside interdimensional space}

{Telekinesis: enables you to move objects without touching them}

{Flash Step: enables your body and mind at a speed faster than the speed of sound}

{Teleport: enables to teleport to any place you have been to before}

{Intake: enables you to take in the cores of monsters and take their abilities for yourself}

{Transform: enables you to transform yourself or part of your body into a monster you have used intake on}

{Shadow Manipulation: enables you to control the shadows and hide inside them and move from shadow to another}

{Aura: enables you to release an aura with an effect you choose}

{Fear: enables you to release intimidation pressure with images to specified targets}

{Gift: enables you to give skills to other people or objects}

{Presence Detection: enables you to detect the presence of living creature or objects}

{Enchant: enables you to attach skills and magic to an object}

{Status Infliction: enables you to inflict any status effect to your targets}

{Soul Techniques: enables you to attach an object to the soul of the target}

{Telepathy: enables you to talk to the mind of a target over infinite distance}

{Hide Presence: enables you to completely hide your presence and appearance and sound}


"and after that, he talked to us about his dream and to my surprise, it was the same as Li-chan and to achieve that he left the village a few days ago to make himself known in the world as the first human to reach (SS) rank"

"Now I understand why you said that the village will be alright"

"but will he be alright to travel alone?"

"that's why I want Li-chan to go with him after she graduates from your school and go around the world and make friends from the other races and make their dream come true"

"so that's why he is the perfect husband"

"don't go deciding that on your own!!"

"did you talk to him about this matter La-chan?"

"When I tried to he scolded me for deciding such things on my own,…. See? They are that perfect for each other"


"Alright, alright I'll stop so stop pinching my cheeks!!"

After that, we continued to tease the blushing Lira and after some time I got an idea and took out the call crystal that he made.

"La-chan, what is that?"

"it's a call crystal that he made and it has the ability to talk to him over great distance"

"that's interesting but why did you take it out now?"

"because it's time to start my next prank!"


"don't worry, the victims this time is the enemy"

"what do you mean?"

"wait and see ….are you awake Ryo-kun?!"

{yes I'm, you don't have to into the crystal I can hear you if you talk normally, auntie Lya}

"it's just I missed you Ryo-kun"

{don't lie to me!!, from your tone I know that you want to cause trouble for someone}

"ooh, this boy is sharp"

"Ryo-kun don't be mean, it's bad to treat your mother like that you know!"

{because you are like a mother to me I wish you'd act like one}

"that doesn't matter right now, I want to ask something from you is that possible?"

{don't ignore me like that!! *sigh* ok what do you want}

"I want you to pick a fight with the nobles and the lord at Donatis, will you do that for me?"

{I was planning to do that without you telling me I'm also planning to save all the captured elfs and beastmen in this city and prevent the lord and the nobles from kidnapping more of them}

"do you have a plan?"

{yes I have, I'll use my storage as a bait to attract the attention of the lord and humiliate him in public}

"that's a good plan but what about the elfs?"

{I'll take a quest from the guild master in the elf's forest to rescue them}

"that's good thinking, but be careful"

{don't worry I'll make it happen without failure, bye}

"bye-bye Ryo-kun!"

"will he be alright?"

"don't worry about him he is strong enough to make it happen"

"so you are finally going to take action, if there is anything we can help you with just tell us and don't hold back, we are here to help you after all"

"Your turn will come when he arrives at the holy theocracy sometime later"

"see you, mom, I'll be going now"

"Li-chan where are you going?.... you can stay with me a little you know"

"no I have to train harder, it's not fair if Ryo-san is the only one working hard"



Ryo's POV…

By the time the sky became yellow and the sunset was about to start I had already killed at least 100 goblins so I took my guild card out to check the exact number I was surprised to see that the card had changed colour to green.

At first, I was surprised but I decided to not think about it too much and stored all the materials and weapons I took from the goblins inside {Storage} and started walking toward the town and teleported to a close distance without anyone noticing that I appeared out of nowhere and entered the town without any troubles when I showed the guard my guild card.

Then I started walking toward the guild but I noticed that a group of soldiers were harassing a teenage girl.

"oi, leave me alone you bastards I have work to do!!"

"you mean working at that lowly inn? Coming with us earn you more money you know gehehehe"

"Leave me alone!!"

"oi, the three idiots over there leave her alone"

"what do ya want commoner, ya better leave us alone or we'll kill ya!!"

"a lowly commoner dare to talk to me don't you know who I'm?"

"let's teach him a lesson and an example for anyone who dare to go against us ghehehehehe"

"get lost you three idiots {Fear}"


"wha!! Why did they just run away suddenly?"

"they run away because I released my bloodlust on the three of them"

"from just that?!"

"yes because they were weak and have never fought outside the town"

"How did you know that, onii-san?"

"the way run was so bad, it was obvious that they have never fought a monster before because if they ran like that in front of a monster they will be killed immediately"

"is that how it is?"

"yes it is"

"never mind that, thank you for saving me"

"don't mind it"

"is there anything I can do to return the favor?"

"From what they said you work in an inn right? I was searching for one, so if you can show me the way that will be enough for me"

"you want to stay at our inn?!! Come follow me I'll take you there!"

I followed her as she pulled on my arm toward the inn, so I decided to go to the guild tomorrow morning.

We arrived at a medium-sized building that has three floors, and had a sign with crescent moon drawn on it, the girl opened the door and entered the inn and started calling her mother from inside.

"mom! I had brought a customer with me!!"

"dear me this girl, you don't have to raise your voice, I can hear you"

The woman that came from inside the kitchen was a brown-haired woman with a calm expression on her face, the girl then explained to her mother what happened earlier, the women were surprised at first but was relieved at the end because her daughter was safe.

"thank you very much for saving my daughter"

"don't worry about it, I just did what I wanted to do so you don't have to thank me"

"Okay, let us introduce ourselves first, my name is Maya and this is my daughter…"

"my name is Martha nice to meet you"

"and there is my husband Barid but he is injured and is sleeping in the bed right now"

"nice to meet you my name is Ryo and I'm an adventurer"

"Okay, Ryo-san are planning to stay here in this inn?"


"then are you alone or do you have friends with you?"

"I'm alone"

"okay that will be 10 copper or 50 copper a night if you want to have your meals in the inn"

"then meals included please"

"thank you very much, here is your room key your room will be number 305 the best room we have"

"thank you, I'll go take a look"

"when your dinner is ready we'll call for you"

I went to my room to check it out and once I opened the door and entered the room I was surprised because the room was so clean, with a single bed in the centre and a table and chair in the right side and a closet in the left side, I tried setting in the bed and it was comfortable.

"Ryo-san dinner is ready so please come down to the hall!!"

"Okay, I'm coming!!"

After Martha called my I went down to the hall and sat in an empty table at the corner and started watching the customers and listening to their conversation.

"did you hear about the horde of undead that appeared in the south blains"

"yes I heard that they are moving toward the town"

"it seems that the guild will send the best fighters available at the moment to subjugate the horde in three days"

"I heard that the lord's son is going to participate as well to gain credit"

"that's really bad…"

"yeah, since he will use the adventurers as a shield and will only give the finishing blow to the weakened undead and take credit for the whole thing"

"I just hope no one dies…"

After listening to them for a bit, Martha came and placed my food on the table.

"here you go Ryo-san"

"Oou, this looks so good"

I started eating my food while thinking about what the adventurers were talking about.

When I woke up in the morning I got a call from Lyara.

{are you awake Ryo-kun?!}

"yes I'm, you don't have to into the crystal I can hear you if you talk normally, auntie Lya"

{it's just I missed you Ryo-kun}

"don't lie to me!!, from your tone I know that you want to cause trouble for someone"

{Ryo-kun don't be mean, it's bad to treat your mother like that you know!}

"because you are like a mother to me I wish you'd act like one"

{that doesn't matter right now, I want to ask something from you is that possible?}

"don't ignore me like that!! *sigh* ok what do you want"

{I want you to pick a fight with the nobles and the lord at Donatis, will you do that for me?}

"I was planning to do that without you telling me I'm also planning to save all the captured elfs and beastmen in this city and prevent the lord and the nobles from kidnaping more of them"

{do you have a plan?}

"yes I have, I'll use my storage as a bait to attract the attention of the lord and humiliate him in public"

{that's a good plan but what about the elfs?}

"I'll take a quest from the guild master in the elf's forest to rescue them"

{that's a good thinking, but be careful}

"don't worry I'll make it happen without failure, bye"

{bye bye Ryo-kun!}

After that, I went to the hall to eat breakfast but I noticed that Maya and Martha's complexion was bad.

"Are you two alright?.. you don't look well"

"We are alright, you don't have to worry about us, but thank you for your concern"

After eating my food I went to the guild to report the completion of the quest and when I entered the guild there was a lot of people in the guild building, so I made my way to the exchange counter to sell the materials and weapons I got from the goblins, I took out a ring that had a white gem in the centre, this ring is enchanted with light magic to light up when mana is circulated through the ring like a flashlight.

"excuse, me I came to sell some goblin's materials and weapons"

"Okay I'll appraise the stuff you have and give you the suitable price"

After that, I wore the ring and circulated a little mana through the ring to make the ring shine to attract attention from the people in the building and then I used {Storage} and took out the huge leather bag that weighs a couple of hundreds of kilograms and placed it on the ground.


"O.oi, w-w-what was that??!"

"where did he take out that bag from?"

"umm, excuse me Mr Customer where did take that out from?"

"from this ring, the ring is enchanted with space-time magic and I can store an infinite amount of things and take them out any time I want"

"space-time magic!!?? Where did you find such a thing?"

"it's my clan's heirloom given to the clan head"

"and you are the clan head?"

"you could say that since I'm the last surviving member of the clan"

"did something happen to the other members of the clan?"

"We are a clan of nomads that hunt monsters for food and for their materials to make armour and weapons but you could say we reached our limit"

"thank for telling me, but was it alright to tell me this much?"

"no problem since it's in the past already"

"Okay but I'll need 1 hour at least to apprise this, will that be alright?"

"no problem, I'll go report the completion of my quest till you are done"

"thank you very much"

After that, I activated {Presence Detection} and detected one man running out of the guild and toward the castle, and my plan was a success with that.

"good morning Mari-san"

"good morning Ryo-sama, can you show me your guild card?"


"this many?!!.... sorry I raised my voice, it's just that the guild master told me yesterday that you ranked up by killing a lot of goblins so I wanted to see by myself how much you killed"

"don't worry about it, since killing goblins was a daily routine for me in the past, because of that killing the goblins yesterday wasn't that hard for me"

"but if that was the case why didn't you report back yesterday?"

"That was because I faced some trouble yesterday when I was in my way to the guild so I had to give up reporting back yesterday"

"what happened?"

So I explained yesterday events to the receptionist Mari.

"good thing that you was passing by when that happened or the girl might have lost her future or even her life"

"wait, what do you mean by that?"

"those guys would have placed a slave collar on the girl after being done with her and she would have been sold as a slave"

"This is really disturbing, just thinking about it makes my blood boil"

"yes I understand that very well, but let's forget about that for now"

"you are right"

"but, Ryo-sama aren't you afraid of the nobles? Going against them like that will make you their enemy you know"

"I hate those types of nobles and I'll never hold back against them even if that kills me, but never mind that I heard about a horde of undead yesterday"

"yes the guild master wanted to talk to you about that so can you go to his office please, and here is your card and I'll put your reward with your money from selling the materials and goblins weapons"

"Okay thank you"

I went straight to the guild master room and found Ani the secretary standing in front of the door.

"Ryo-sama the guild master is expecting you"

And opened the door for me, and when I entered the room she entered behind me and locked the door and went straight and stood beside the guild master.

"Welcome to my room again Ryo hahahahahahaha"

"Good to see you full of energy today as well, ....I was told that you wanted to talk to me"

"Yeah, couple of days ago we found a horde of one hundred undead heading to the town, the horde consists of one (S) rank skeleton general and 99 skeleton knights all of them (A) rank, so we needed at least the same number of adventurers with the same rank the monsters have but we don't have that number in this town so we had to ask the Lord to send his elite guards with our adventurers and he agreed on the condition we take his son with us and let him finish the general of"

"How old is he?"

"20 years old"

"What is his real fight experience?"


"you are kidding right?"

"I'm not, he is good at using magic up to advanced level but he has no experience in a real fight"

"so the guards will give their full attention to protecting the idiot son and will be sacrificing the adventurers to give him the credit he wants"


"and the guild has no choice but to agree?"


"so why do you need me?"

"I want you to come with us and help me reduce the damage to the adventurers as much as possible using your power skills and everything, and the reward for that will be 30 gold coins and all the materials and weapons that I yield, what do you think?"

"Okay you have a deal"

"good, it will be in two days from now so prepare yourself"

After that, we continued to talk about what types of magic I can use and about my soul weapon and skills, after some time Maria came and gave me a small bag full of coins and told me that the amount was 10 gold coins and 50 silver coins and 90 copper coins, I took the money and headed back to the inn but I found the mother and daughter having a conversation with a grave expressions on their faces.

"did something bad happen?"

"Ryo-san…. No, nothing for you to worry about, sorry about that"

"I didn't ask you to apologies, and I can see that you two have something on your minds since this morning so tell me what's wrong and I might be able to help"

"it's my father he is injured and his condition started to become worse since this morning"

"can you let me see him I might be able to help him because I can use healing magic"

"really!!...please come this way!"



When I saw the injured man I was surprised at how much injuries he had, to be specific most of his body was covered in burns even his face and I noticed that the shapes of burns were not natural because the burns were concentrated on his face and chest and limps.

"is he an adventurer and got these injuries fighting some kind of a monster that uses fire magic"

"no, he is the owner of this inn…"

"then how did he get these injuries?"


"oi, why are you two not talking?"

"….one week ago came a noble to the inn to eat and drink but he started harassing Martha so my husband came out to protect her but the noble got mad and used fire magic to punish my husband,….we took him to the church but they refused to treat him because it was his punishment for going against a noble…."

"I see, those guys are as rotten as ever"

"Please save my father Ryo-san"

"don't worry I was planning to do that even if you didn't ask"

"{Mega Heal}"

After I used my magic the burns on his body started disappearing from his body as if going back in time, he was healed completely without leaving any wounds on his body.

"he'll be alright with this all he has to do is sleep for the night and he'll wake up by tomorrow morning"

"thank you very much Ryo-san I don't know how to repay you for saving my husband"

"thank very much Ryo-san!!"

"don't worry about it, I did what I did because I hate the nobles and will help anyone who fell victim to them"

"Ryo-san, why do you hate the nobles? Are you not scared of them?"

"I'm not scared of them and I'll kill anyone of them if they tried to hurt me or my important people, and the reason I hate the nobles is that they hurt other people for fun and act as if what they are doing is justified because they are nobles"

"I kind of understand what you mean"

"Martha, do you remember what happened yesterday with the three idiots?"


"actually, I talked about that to the receptionist of the guild and she told me that they would have but a slave collar and sell you as a slave so try to be really careful when you go out"

"I didn't know that!? Thank you for saving me at that time"

"you don't have to thank me, just don't worry your parents"

"Okay, I understand"

"here take this medicine and give it to him when he wakes up"

"Ryo-san what about dinner? You haven't eaten yet!"

"don't worry about it, for today you have to stay with him and clean his body before he wakes up"

After that I went up to my room and sat on the chair and took some food from {Storage} and started eating, good thing that time stops for the stuff I put in {Storage}.

In the next morning when I woke up and went down to eat I was greeted by the husband who was smiling with his whole face.

"you seem to be alright, good thing you are full of energy after what happened to you"

"hahahahaha that's all thanks to you, really thank you for saving my life"

"don't worry about it"

"hahahahaha you are just as my wife and daughter told me"

After that, I started eating my breakfast and it was very delicious, it seems that after the husband been healed their cooking became better because they can concentrate on cooking properly.

After that, I spent two days walking around the town trying to memorize the town structure and all the roads.



On the day we had to go and subjugate the horde of undead I met with guild master at the guild and headed together to the town gate in the guild master's carriage and he planned for me and him to be alone on this carriage with the weapons and supplies and for the other adventurers each party will be on a carriage of their own and the idiot son will be on a carriage alone and his guards will be on a horse each.

After three hours we arrived at the ideal place for us to fight with the undead and the estimated time for the undead to reach this point is 30 minutes and all the adventurers were preparing for the fight with grave expressions on their faces.

"This is worse than I thought"

"yeah, and I can't blame them, to be honest"

"Oi Mark, who is this brat you brought with you? I have never seen him before"

Suddenly the idiot son started making a fuss.

"he is an adventurer that I personally requested him to come with me this time"

"Oi you what is your rank"

"it's ©"

"go back home!! We don't need a weakling such as yourself. Incompetent"

"the only Incompetent here is you, idiot son"


"How dare you talk like that to the next lord!!"

"kill him!!"

"I'll make of you a rust on my sword"

"get lost!!"

*Craaash* *Boooom*

"the next one who tries to attack me I'll kill him!!"

"How dare you?!!"



The idiot son ordered one of the guards to kill me so I slapped him with the back of my hand when he unsheathed his sword and sent him flying and his body crashed on the nearby trees and lost his conscious and breaking all of his bones, and when the next guard tried to attack me I used {Fear} and he screamed in fear and lost his conscious while pissing himself.

"stop it Ryo! Don't go reducing our fighting force"

"say that to them since they are the once who started it"

"How dare you commoner going ag...!"

"shut up!!"

I used {Aura} enchanted with intimidation to shut him up.

"stop it Ryo, *sigh*….. then how about you two solve this with a competition and see who kill more undead"

"fine with me"

"me too, and I'll show this commoner how supreme my magic to his puny existence"

After some time the horde became visible and when the distance between us was 100 meters I started walking towards the horde.

"sorry guild master but her will be no turn for you guys"

"Hey Ryo, what do you mean?"

"just watch…..are you ready Scarlet?"

{it seems it's time to show our power}

"Yeah but with just one attack"


"{Batto: Iai Homura}"

This attack uses a combination of {Kenjutsu Arts} and {Soul Techniques} and my original fire magic and unleash a white flying slash made out of white fire and since I poured a lot of mana in it this time the slash was so big and wide, so it swallowed the whole horde, but this attack only burns the souls of only undead monsters and leave the body as is, so after some time the fire went out revealing all of the skeletons dead so I went to the centre of the horde and poured some mana into the ring to make it shine and activated {Storage}.

"Since I'm the one who killed the monsters all of this is mine, right?"

And stored all of the materials and weapons and gems and the cores the monsters dropped, after that I took my guild card and noticed that the colour changed to red so it means I became (A) rank, and when I looked at the guild master he was looking at me with a huge smile on his face.

"Congratulations on ranking up hahahahahahaha"


And all of the adventurers started cheering and thanking me for preventing anyone from being sacrificed for the idiot son.


The idiot son took his guards and left the place in his carriage, and the adventurers started asking the guild master about me and my powers and thanking him for bringing me with him, and after the guild master answered their questions they came to me and started introducing themselves and some of them tried inviting me to join their party but I refused that and agreed to work with them sometimes.

"I really loved what you did there Ryo hahahaha"

"he just pissed me off talking like he owned the place even though he was in the way from the beginning"

"but be careful because his father will not stay silent about this"

"if he tried anything funny he'll be in for a world of pain"

"Just don't kill him or the whole country will be after you"

"I don't care about that, I'll kill anyone trying to kill me"

After that we continued to talk about a lot of things and when we reached the guild the people were surprised because we came back early but we started partying in the guild par and the adventurers started telling everyone about what happened and the rumours were spreading very fast and the whole town knew about what happened in a mere two hours, and I gained the titles White Blaze and Katana User.

"Ryo-san when they talk about the White Blaze and Katana User they mean you, right??"

"How did you know about that we just got back only a couple hours ago?"

"the whole town is talking about what happened today and a lot of adventurers were running around the town and telling everyone"

"hahahaha you are really strong to make the whole town talk about you hahahaha, but the rumours say that you might have a soul weapon, is it the truth?"

"yeah, I do have one…oi Scarlet introduce yourself"

{Umu, my name is Scarlet, this guy's soul weapon}

"it talks"x3

After eating my dinner I went to my room to check what I got from the horde of skeletons, there is a hundred core and three hundred enchanted gemstone that the skeletons were wearing and the hundred bodies and weapons and armours.

I have got a new idea about how to use the cores and bodies and the weapons and armours, I'll create a new summoning spell by referencing Lyara's summoning spells and make a spell to summon a horde of skeletons that are not affected by physical attacks, but when I used {Analyze} I found out that I'm still missing some pieces of information so I'll need to do some experiments but the problem right now is that I don't have a place where I can do my experiments in peace.

I decided to build a big house and enchant it with {Storage} and space magic to make it so I can enter the house from anywhere I want using a special key while the house itself is kept inside an interdimensional space that is attached to the key itself, using {Analyze} I found out that I need to create more skills to make the house, and the results are…

{Hijack: enables you to modify the effects of any artifacts and magic spells}

{Copy: enables you to copy the effects of any artifact you Analyze to a different medium}



In the next morning I went to the adventurer's guild to sell some of the enchanted gemstones, and when I entered the guild everyone's a attention was focused on me but I ignored it and went directly to the exchange counter.

"good morning Ryo-sama, how can I help you today?"

"I want to sell those enchanted gemstones I got yesterday"

"you want to sell them? Why don't use them for yourself?"

"because there are too many of them and I don't need all of them so I decided to sell 50 of them"

"I understand,...…. Here I'll give you 20 gold coins and 50 silver for them, how about that?"

"no problem"

After I finished selling the gems I noticed a commotion from outside the guild so I decided to head out to see what happened, when I exited from the guild I saw a big carriage surrounded by a lot of guards and suddenly the door opened and a pig of a man appeared from inside the carriage and started talking to me.

"I am Boris Von Donatis the lord of this town"

"will, what do you want with me?"

"insolent commoner!! Did no one teach you how to talk respectfully and to introduce yourself when meeting someone for the first time!"

"I don't need to introduce myself to you since you already know who I am"

"you little!!..... never mind that, I came here to order you to become my servant, commoner"

"I refuse"

"no you don't have any right to refuse, you guys deal with him!"

And at his orders two tall guards started walking toward me holding a sword and a shield in their hands while releasing bloodlust at me, so I used {Shadow Manipulation} to seal their movements and {Flash Step} to appear between the two and then used iron claw on both of their faces using {Strength Enhancement} squeezing their helmets on their heads and they started screaming because the helmets started to dig into their heads but I stopped when they lost conscious, Boris was staring at me with a face full of surprise but he regained his sense and ordered the other guards to attack me but at the same time I used {Aura} and infused Scarlet's intimidation as a dragon on the lord and all of his guards making them feel like they were in the presence of the real thing making stop moving and stare at me with eyes full of fear, I walked toward the lord and stopped in front of him and placed my hand on his face preparing to use iron claw.


"Since you are the one who attacked me first without any reason I'll need to punish you a little, right?"

"re.re.remove your hand from my face, you insolent commoner!!"

"It seems that you don't know your place yet, so let me apply more pressure and see"

"It hurts!!....stop it….stoop iiiiiiiittt!!!"

"what does one say after making a mistake?"


"let me apply more pressure and see if you will talk then"

"stooopp!!....my head will exploooode!! Stoop it!!"

"so? Don't you have something to say?"


"for what?"

"for attacking you!!"

"so you say that you attacked me with no reason, right?"


"Should I increase the pressure?"

"no please I beg you, stop!! I'll die!!...yes I attacked you with no reason it was my mistake so please forgive meee!!"

"if you go back o.."

"I'll not!! I swear I'll not go back on my word and I'll never cause you troubles again!!"



When I released his head I noticed that my fingers have dug into his head and blood was flowing from there.

"go back to your castle, for now, I'll visit you in three days to take a written apology from you, do you understand?"


"and if you try to stab me in the back don't blame me if I cut off all of your limps and hang the rest of your body in the middle of the town's plaza"

"I promise I'll not stab you in the back so please don't hurt me anymore!!"

"fair enough, now go!!"

After that he started running towards his castle ignoring the carriage hi came in, right after his guards saw that they started running after him in fear leaving the carriage and the horses.

To be honest I used him in an experiment for a new spell created by combining mind magic and dark magic and {Soul Techniques} called {Nightmare}.

This spell works by engraving the feeling of absolute fear of a certain entity into the soul of the target, but it has the drawback of me having to touch the target to activate the spell.

For now, I'll go to the guild master's room to ask him a couple of questions.